How to Survive Trying Times (James 1:1-2-4). A New Series Today we are embarking on a series of lessons taken from the book of James. The book of James.

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1 How to Survive Trying Times (James 1:1-2-4)

2 A New Series Today we are embarking on a series of lessons taken from the book of James. The book of James has been called by some the “Proverbs” of the New Testament because of the extremely practical content in its five chapters. Because the teachings in the book of James are so practical, this series will be dealing with the theme, “‘How To’ Christianity.”

3 Background Information Of the four men named James listed in the New Testament, scholars believe that James the brother of Jesus is the author of this letter. In addition, this letter was probably one of the earliest written in the New Testament (around 49 or 50 AD) and was addressed to Jewish Christians throughout the Roman Empire.

4 James’ Intent in His Writing In writing this letter, James’ intention was to promote the idea of becoming a mature Christian. The following represents an overall view of this intent. –A mature Christian is patient in testing. (1) –A mature Christian practices the truth. (2) –A mature Christian has power over the tongue. (3) –A mature Christian is a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. (4) –A mature Christian is prayerful in troubles. (5)

5 How To Survive Trying Times Accept the Reality of Trying Times (1:2) Advance the Right Attitude in Trying Times (1:2) Adopt the Purpose of Trying Times (1:3) Anticipate the Outcome of Trying Times (1:4)

6 Accept the Reality of Trying Times The writer James does not use the word “if” in describing our falling into various trials. Rather, he uses the word “when.” The word “when” speaks to the idea of certainty! Jesus used the same certainty concerning trials and tribulations in John (16:33). So did the apostle Paul in Acts (14:22). And so did the apostle Peter in (I Peter 4:12).

7 Accept the Reality of Trying Times What, though, is James referring to when he talks about trials? Simply put, trials are all of the trying times that occur in life that serve as potential obstacles to our joy. They include life’s disappointments, disasters, discouragements, distresses, disturbances, disadvantages, disagreements, disaffections, discomforts, discontentments, disheartenments, discriminations, disparagements, and displeasures.

8 Advance the Right Attitude in Trying Times In life, outlook determines outcome, and attitude determines action. The right attitude to have as we face our trials is that of joy because joy leads to victory whereas despair leads to defeat! How, though, can we develop an attitude of joy? We can develop the proper attitude by means of developing the right mindset.

9 Adopt the Purpose of Trying Times Trials can seem completely arbitrary, but they are not. Trials occur for a purpose and that purpose is to provide us an opportunity to grow and mature in our faith! This truth is also addressed by Paul in Romans (5:3-5). When we learn to adopt the purpose of trying times for our lives, we will learn to endure them better!

10 Anticipate the Outcome of Trying Times Learning to anticipate the end result of joyfully enduring the trials of life will indeed help us to survive them. As we read earlier in Romans (5), glorying in tribulations leads to hope and hope does not disappoint! Other scriptures point to this truth: (II Cor. 4:17; Hebrews 10:35,36; I Peter 1:6-9).

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