Managing Transitions: Working Together L Barr, Depute Head Teacher February 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Transitions: Working Together L Barr, Depute Head Teacher February 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Transitions: Working Together L Barr, Depute Head Teacher February 2015

2  The Aim of the Options Process  Process Overview  Qualifications Structure  SQA Structure  NQ Structure  Which subjects, which level?  Factors that Limit Choice  Finish this session successfully!

3  To ensure that all pupils embark on appropriate programmes of study in S5/6:  in order to gain qualifications that: ▪ Reflect their academic potential, ▪ Provide for progression within and beyond school.

4  Options Process: January / February 2015  Initial course/level selections  Options Review: August 2015  Impact of SQA results  Progress Review: October 2015  Early indications of progress  Prelims: February 2016  ‘Plan B’ if needed

5 Navigating the maze...

6 SCQF Previous generation of qualifications New generation of qualifications 12Doctorate 11Masters 10Honours Degree 9Ordinary Degree 8Higher National Diploma 7Advanced Higher 6Higher 5 Credit bands 1 and 2 Intermediate 2 National 5 4 General bands 3 and 4 Intermediate 1 National 4 3 Foundation bands 5 and 6 Access 3 National 3 2Access 2National 2 1Access 1National 1

7  Structure:  3 UNITS: testing coverage ▪ Minimum competence – below the course level ▪ Internally assessed ▪ Pass/Fail/Re-sit  Externally assessed exam / coursework: testing depth and skills  Award Bands:  1:A upper  2:A lower  3:B upper  4:B lower  5:C upper  6:C lower  7:D  8:Fail  9:Fail

8 The hard choices...

9  7 courses in S4 to 5 courses in S5 to 4 or 5 courses in S6  Pupils do best in subjects:  They are good at,  They enjoy,  That are relevant to their ‘next steps’.  But...  These 3 things do not always coincide.  There are limitations to the combinations available.

10  Progression  Nominally: ▪ National 4»National 5 ▪ National 5» Higher ▪ Higher » Advanced Higher  But we must consider: ▪ Overall award levels from S4 ▪ Individual subject performance in S4

11  Progression:  5 Highers => almost all Nat 5 at A/B (around 20% of S4 achieve 5 passes at Higher)  3+ Highers=> almost all Nat 5 passes, some at A/B (around 40% of S4 achieve 3+ passes at Higher)  1+ Highers => 1 or more Nat 5 passes (around 60% of S4 achieve 1+ passes at Higher)

12  Nationally:  SG 1 overall (Nat 5 A/B) approximately 90%  SG 2 overall (Nat 5 C) approximately 50%

13  Key Resources  Staffing  Accommodation  Uptake  Timetabling Constraints  Option Column Structure  Number of permutations  Success in S4 =  Increased range of options  Increased chances of success

14  Work Experience  Progress Reports  Consultation Evening  Careers Evening  Careers advice  College/University advice  Interview with Guidance Teacher

15  Support for the Options Process  Support for Senior Pupils

16  Decision Time - stay or leave  National Qualifications in school  Higher/Further Education  Specific Training/Employment  Making an informed decision  Advice/information  Future plans and needs  Personality  Aptitudes/ skills  Previous success

17  Two Year Plan  S5 – 5 subjects of 6 periods (plus 2 periods of PE, 5 half days of PSHE)  S6 – 4 or 5 subjects, 1 period of PSHE (plus partnership activities)

18  Photography  Leadership in Sport  Practical Metalwork  Hospitality  Scottish Studies  Financial Education  Literacy and Scots Language  Spanish

19  Prefects  School Captains  House Captains  Buddies  Peer Support/Paired Reading  Committees/Working Groups  Primary Activities  Community Activities

20  Return of Option Choice forms 12 February for S4 and 18 February for S5.  New Timetable: Tuesday 5 May for S1-3 Monday 1 June for S4-S5.

21  Clear targets in each subject.  Identify and address areas of weakness.  Have a ‘distraction free’ study environment.  Develop good study techniques and habits.  Establish a study timetable.  Specimen Papers / past papers/ revision materials  Make use of supports  Websites: SQA, BBC Bitesize  Friends, siblings, parents,  Teachers.  BE POSITIVE!


23 Managing Transitions: Working Together L Barr, Depute Head Teacher January 2015

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