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NEES Research Demonstration PI: S. Wood UT Austin Purdue University Experimental Program Co-PI: J. Ramirez Collaborators: M. Eberhard and T. Ranf UW Purdue.

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Presentation on theme: "NEES Research Demonstration PI: S. Wood UT Austin Purdue University Experimental Program Co-PI: J. Ramirez Collaborators: M. Eberhard and T. Ranf UW Purdue."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEES Research Demonstration PI: S. Wood UT Austin Purdue University Experimental Program Co-PI: J. Ramirez Collaborators: M. Eberhard and T. Ranf UW Purdue Graduate Research Assistant: A. Makido

2 Purdue Experimental Program Specimen # (Bent 3 UNR) Column Height (in) Shear span to depth ratio a/d Spiral hoops Bent model D=12”(1/4 scale) 1-1 602.5 W2.9 @1.25” 1-2 W2.9 @2.25” Single column model D=24”(1/2 scale) 2-11202.5 #3 @2.5 2-2 721.5 2-3 #3 @3.5 f’ c = 5000 psi N = 0.08f’ c Ag (180 kips for Specimen 2 and 45 kips for Specimen 1 )

3 Test Set-Up

4 Specimen 1- Bent Column 16-#3 Bars 0.75 in. Cover 12 in. Ag= 113 in 2 ρg= 1.6 % ρs= 0.9 % (Specimen 1-1) = 0.6 % (Specimen 1-2) ρg : reinforcement ratio ρs : volume ratio of spiral hoop to the core volume Spirals W2.9@ 1.25 in. (Specimen 1-1) W2.9@ 2.25 in. (Specimen 1-2)

5 Specimen 2- Single Column 16-#6 Bars 1.5 in. Cover 24 in. Spirals #3@2.5 in. (Specimen 2-1 and 2-2) #3@3.5 in. (Specimen 2-3) Ag= 452 in 2 ρg= 1.6 % ρs= 0.9 % (Specimen 2-1,2-2) = 0.6 % (Specimen 2-3) ρg : reinforcement ratio ρs : volume ratio of spiral hoop to the core volume

6 6”6” 3”3” 2.5” d=24 ” d/2=12” 6”6” 3”3” 2.5” d/2=12” d=24 ” 120” Strain gage Instrumentation Plan Longitudinal strain gage Transverse strain gage Column Cross Section Loading direction

7 2.5” d=24” d/2=12” 2.5” d/2=12” d=24” 120” Potentiometer Instrumentation Plan Column Cross Section Loading direction Potentiometer Steel Angle Bar

8 Construction of Specimen 1-1 Spiral Hoop with InstrumentationCasting of column

9 Construction of Specimen 2-1 Assembling Spiral HoopCasting of column

10 Report on Concrete Strength for Specimen 1-1,2-1 14 day28 day56 day Specimen1-1 (Bent Column) 383142414281 Specimen 2-1 (Single Column) 493153985495 (psi)

11 Proposed Displacement History 1Δ’y1Δ’y 1.6Δ’ y 3.2Δ’ y 4.8Δ’ y 6.4Δ’ y 8Δ’y8Δ’y Pre-yielding Pre-cracking Δ’ y : average measured displacement corresponding to longitudinal reinforcement strain gauges first yield : Test Stage at Reno 13 14 15 16

12 Test Set-up of Specimen 2-1

13 Test Schedule SpecimenConstructionTest 2-1 (Single column) September 2004 August 2005 1-1 (Bent column) September 2005 2-2 (Single column) October- November 2005 December 2005 2-3 (Single column) 1-2 (Bent column) January 2006

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