OPEN ACCESS MANDATES Charles Darwin University Office of Library Services.

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Presentation on theme: "OPEN ACCESS MANDATES Charles Darwin University Office of Library Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPEN ACCESS MANDATES Charles Darwin University Office of Library Services

2 What is an open access mandate? A policy that requires researchers to make their published, peer-reviewed material, available open access

3 Source: Wikimedia Commons: Summary

4 NHMRC Mandate July 2012 Applies to any documents accepted for publication from 1 July 2012 Applies to peer reviewed journal articles Metadata deposited on acceptance Post print or published version to be deposited in IR within 12 months ARC Mandate January 2013 Applies to funding granted after 1 Jan 2013 Applies to peer reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters Metadata deposited on acceptance Post print or published version to be deposited in IR within 12 months


6 What are some implications of Open Access mandates for researchers? Self-archive publications in an institutional repository Deposit citation metadata in the institutional repository in the first instance And when available, deposit appropriate full-text version in institutional repository

7 Some questions that may arise 1: Where will I publish my research? There is no restriction on where you publish If I choose to publish in a gold OA journal how will I fund this? Neither mandate refers to payments for APCs, but some grant allocations may be used

8 Some questions that may arise 2: If I choose to publish in a journal that requires a subscription, what provisions does the publisher make in order for me to comply with my funders’ open access policy? Some journals allow gold open access or deposit of post print Where does my funder require that I deposit my publication? OA Institutional Repository

9 If you are not able to comply because: Publisher does not allow deposit of appropriate version (published or post-print) Copyright agreement doesn’t allow publication to be made available within 12 months Publisher never allows the publication to be made available Intellectual Property reasons Cultural sensitivities Give an explanation with the reason/s in the final report to the funding body.



12 So what do you need to do at CDU? Once article/book/book chapter accepted, submit your metadata with CDU eSpace Once article/book/book chapter is published, submit the Post Print / Published version with CDU eSpace All enquiries to:

13 References ARC Open Access Policy 2013, Australian Research Council, viewed 1 October 2013, < Comparison of ARC & NHMRC policies 2013, Australian Open Access Support Group, viewed 1 October 2013,. policies/ Open access and espace@Curtin 2013, Curtin University, viewed 27 September 2013,. Open access toolkit 2013, University of Western Australia, viewed 4 October 2013,.

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