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A Journey through Romanticism

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1 A Journey through Romanticism
1800 – 1870

2 Authors and Poets Romanticism Pioneers – Washington Irving and William C. Bryant Fireside Poets – Henry W. Longfellow, Oliver W. Holmes, John G. Whittier, and James R. Lowell Transcendentalists – Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau Dark Romantics – Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe New Poetic Forms – Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

3 Historical Context 1800-1870 = time of growth and westward expansion
The move west brought new technologies in transportation, industry, and communication: Canals and railroads Factories and advanced farming equipment Telegraph and Morse code

4 Historical Context The move west and new technology also spurred troublesome changes: Factories brought fierce competition = child labor and unsafe working conditions Women’s rights were severely hampered and efforts to change this came to the forefront Opposition to slavery began to grow and gain a voice in abolitionists, eventually dividing the nation in two

5 What is Romanticism? A literary and artistic movement that placed an emphasis on imagination, emotion, nature, and individuality. Elevated the imagination over reason and intuition over facts. Intense interest and reverence in nature.

6 Who are the Romantics? Before 1800 American writers were not widely-read, and the Romantics changed this. These writers define the American voice – personal and bold. These writers define the primary theme of American writing: the quest of the individual to define himself.

7 Who are the Romantics? Washington Irving
“Fireside Poets” Washington Irving William Cullen Bryant “The Pioneers’ Henry W. Longfellow Oliver W. Holmes James R. Lowell John G. Whittier

8 Who are the Romantics? Washington Irving
1st American writer to achieve international reputation Travel through Europe and a fascination with its folklore lead Irving to create his two most famous stories: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” “Rip Van Winkle” Wrote “The Devil and Tom Walker” at the same time Puritan beliefs were being replaced by materialism and the desire for personal gain.

9 Who are the Romantics? William C. Bryant Wrote “Thanatopsis”
Helped establish Romantic Movement in America Known as Father of American poetry

10 Who are the Fireside Poets?
Henry W. Longfellow First American poet to reach a wide audience and create a national interest in poetry – most popular Wrote “Paul Revere’s Ride” James R. Lowell Remembered for nature poetry Wrote “The First Snowfall” Oliver W. Holmes Wrote “Old Ironsides” Physician John G. Whittier Wrote “Snowbound”

11 Fireside Poets Lasting Impact
Longfellow remained the most popular American poet for decades. They took on causes in their poetry, such as the abolition of slavery, which brought the issues to the forefront in an agreeable way. Through their scholarship and editorial efforts, they paved the way for later Romantic writers like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman.

12 What is Dark Romanticism?
Same attributes of Romanticism, but tends to accent the fantastic aspects of human experience more. Characterized as part of the literary genre known as: Gothic Literature

13 Gothic Style Characteristics
Setting is in bleak or remote places. Plot involves morbid or violent incidents. Characters are in psychological and/or physical torment. A supernatural or otherworldly element is often present.

14 Who are the Dark Romantics?
Edgar Allan Poe Wrote “The Raven” Widely accepted as the inventor of the detective story. Known as an eccentric writer – his dark and dismal life probably had something to do with it. Herman Melville Wrote Moby-Dick which is widely regarded as one of the finest novels in all of American Literature. Nathaniel Hawthorne Believed evil was a dominant force in the world. Wrote The Scarlet Letter and “The Minister’s Black Veil”

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