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Romanticism Notes Before the Age of Romanticism (Before 1800)

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism Notes Before the Age of Romanticism (Before 1800)"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Romanticism 1800-1860

2 Romanticism Notes Before the Age of Romanticism (Before 1800)
American writers not widely read Puritans and Revolutionary Period writers not very interested in fiction No fiction!?! Put me to sleep!!!

3 Literary Romanticism Movement
Population became bored with logic and reason Romanticism sought to elevate imagination over reason and intuition over fact

4 Romanticism Time Frame
Romanticism was a literary and artistic movement of the 19th century It was a response to 18th century Revolutionary writing, which relied on exposition and persuasion versus narration

5 Unlike classicism Romanticism focused on the following:
Traits of Romanticism Unlike classicism Romanticism focused on the following: Imagination Emotion Nature Individuality A shift took place from personal and political documents to entertaining ones

6 Romantics felt that civilization often corrupted man.
God can be found in nature Characters quest for a higher truth, that can’t be taught in formal settings Individual truth is more important than institutional laws Settings often exotic or supernatural Characteristics of Romanticism

7 Romantic Hero Lives in harmony in nature and prefers nature over civilization. Uncorrupted by civilization and has high moral character Hawkeye from Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper (1826)

8 Romantic Writers Romantic elements can be found in the works of the following well known authors: Edgar Allan Poe Henry David Thoreau Ralph Waldo Emerson Nathaniel Hawthorne Washington Irving Herman Melville James Fenimore Cooper Hawthorne Poe

9 Anti-Transcendentalism
Romanticism Anti-Transcendentalism Transcendentalism

10 Transcendentalism Origin of Transcendentalism Core Belief
A Change in Focus Based on a philsophy of Emanual Kant ( ) as expressed in The Critique of Practical Reason Knowledge came not from experience or reason, but through intuition and self-revelation Nature was their church where they went for inspiration

11 Most Noteworthy Transcendentalists
Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Emerson Thoreau

12 Anti-Transcendentalists
Famous Anti-Transcendentalists Also known as Works showed the evil of mankind Nathaniel Hawthorne Washington Irving Herman Melville Edgar Allan Poe Gothicism Dark Romanticism

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