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Multiple Choice – What you should know… 1.There is no guessing “penalty”, but a guessing reward. (Lose ¼ point for each wrong answer BUT gain1 point for.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Choice – What you should know… 1.There is no guessing “penalty”, but a guessing reward. (Lose ¼ point for each wrong answer BUT gain1 point for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Choice – What you should know… 1.There is no guessing “penalty”, but a guessing reward. (Lose ¼ point for each wrong answer BUT gain1 point for each correct.) 2.Accuracy is paramount. It is better to focus on the questions where you are familiar with the material – skip difficult questions and only go back if you have time. 3.Four out of every five answer choices are wrong.

2 Eliminate Wrong Answers If you can eliminate ONE wrong answer, you will statistically ultimately GAIN points overall. If you can eliminate more than one….you gain even more points. You cannot gain ANY points unless you answer the question!

3 45 Seconds to answer each question! Guess and Go… Do not linger….once you have narrowed down your choices – pick the one you are most comfortable with and MOVE ON! You don’t want to miss the opportunity to answer a question later in the section that you are more confident about.

4 Fast, Efficient, but ACCURATE! You only earn points when you guess CORRECTLY! It is better to answer fewer questions accurately than more questions inaccurately.

5 4 out of 5 answers are wrong 1.Be sure you keep your focus ON THE QUESTION THEY ARE ASKING! 2.Beware of the DISTRACTOR (something that may be true or partically true about the topic BUT A.There is something INCORRECT B.It doesn’t relate to the question NOT ALL ANSWERS ARE PLAUSIBLE!! SOME ARE JUST OUTRIGHT INCORRECT – DELIBERATELY! DON’T OVERANALYZE!!!

6 STEP 1 Read the question and put it in your own words. Also take note of “who”, “what”, “where” and “when”. Rephrase the question if necessary

7 Step 2 Answer it in your own words. Try to PREDICT possible correct responses. This will help you better focus on incorrect choices.

8 Step 3 Process of elimination (POE). Leave yourself with fewer choices to consider, reread the question, make your best guess and….MOVE ON!

9 Practice 1 Hunting and gathering societies A) are not able to produce art. B) are always warlike and require little land. C) organize rather small groups into political units. D) could not survive after Middle Eastern people developed agriculture. E) generally produce a food surplus.

10 Practice 2 Jewish monotheism A) was spread actively by Jewish missionaries throughout the Middle East. B) emphasized the power and abstraction of God. C) included worship of various lesser gods. D) emerged at the high point of Sumerian civilization. E) influenced no other religions.

11 Practice 3 One difference between classical civilizations and river valley civilizations was that in classical civilizations A) most people farmed the land. B) political organizations were more elaborate. C) trade was introduced. D) writing was developed. E) religious beliefs were widely held.

12 Practice 5 The Aryan conquerors brought to India A) its first civilization. B) distinctive religious ideas. C) admiration for India’s earlier inhabitants. D) new agricultural techniques. E) political democracy.

13 Practice 6 Confucian and Hindu values both A) focused attention on the afterlife. B) helped justify and preserve social inequality. C) urged the importance of political activity. D) tried to outlaw war. E) resulted in the building of magnificent temples.

14 Practice 7 Buddhism differed from Hinduism by not believing A) in the caste system. B) in holy leaders. C) in nirvana. D) in the importance of moral obligations. E) in spreading the faith.

15 Practice 8 Greek politics resembled Indian politics in A) the wide interest in diverse political theory. B) the role of slave labor in providing revenues. C) the inclusion of women as political leaders. D) the tendency of regional fragmentation. E) the use of military rulers.

16 Practice 9 From a Confucian viewpoint, the Roman Empire might have been criticized for placing too much confidence in A) divine status of the emperor. B) public works functions. C) laws rather than trained officials. D) harsh punishments of criminals. E) religious conviction.

17 Practice 10 Hellenistic society was known for its advances in A) medicine and geometry. B) Latin literature. C) democracy. D) religious thought. E) warfare.

18 Student Question 1 Which island was the capital of the Mexica civilization? a) Teotihuacan b) Tenochtitlan c) Mexico d) Huitzilopochtli e) El Salvador

19 Student Question 2 What was true about the schism of 1054? A)Eastern Orthodox Christians could worship icons, while Roman Catholics could not B)It happened during the crusades C)The pope became the head of the western Roman Catholic Church and patriarchs were the head of the Eastern Orthodox church D)Pope Leo III ordered an excommunication with Justinian E)It was the split between Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholics

20 What was the name of Alexander the Great’s horse? – Student Q. 3 A. Persepolis B-Beaucophalus C-Angkor Wat D-Macedonia E-Sea Biscuit

21 Student Question 4 What was a direct consequence of the Bubonic Plague? A.China discourages interaction between other countries and itself B. Greater reliance on religions C. Feudalism rises in Japan and Europe D. Zheng He’s explorations and travels E. Overcrowding in China

22 Student Question 5 What was a major effect of the Bubonic Plague? A. Large populations in China allowed infectious diseases to spread rapidly. B. Thousands of people were killed in Europe, forcing Europe to form a centralized government. C. South American Indian populations significantly decreased. D. The European social structure was significantly altered. E. Buddhist beliefs spread more rapidly on the Silk Roads.

23 Student Question 6 What aspect of Chinese society did Japan absorb? 1.Observance of Shinto customs 2.Bureaucracy based on merit 3.Buddhism, following China’s conquering of Japan 4.Land distribution by the equal field system 5.Caste system of social organization

24 Student Question 7 What aspects of Chinese culture were diffused into Japan, Vietnam, and Korea through tributary relationships? I. Civil Service Exams II. Calligrpahy III. Feudalism A) I only B) II only C) I and II only D) I and III only E) I, II, and III

25 Student Question 8 What do these three societies have in common: Roman Empire, Han China, Incan Empire? A. centralized imperial government B. extensive road system C. civil service examination D. A and B E. Believed in the sun god

26 Answer Key Practice Questions: (from a test bank) 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A Student Questions: (from your classmates!) 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.3 7.C 8.D

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