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Technical Committee For Juice and Juice Products Meeting 2009 Presented by: Dr Kasi Sundaresan September 17 th 2009 iTi tropicals Inc Exotic Tropical Fruits.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Committee For Juice and Juice Products Meeting 2009 Presented by: Dr Kasi Sundaresan September 17 th 2009 iTi tropicals Inc Exotic Tropical Fruits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Committee For Juice and Juice Products Meeting 2009 Presented by: Dr Kasi Sundaresan September 17 th 2009 iTi tropicals Inc Exotic Tropical Fruits

2 Presentation Outline Innovation and tropical fruits Tropical Fruits Acai Mangosteen Camu Camu Cocoa fruit Gac fruit Acerola Coconut Soursop Baobob Other exotic fruits Product development Opportunities Challenges faced during formulation Conclusion

3 As “standard tropicals” become everyday fruits, Exotics will become more common in average households….

4 Exotic Tropical Fruits Tropical fruits stem from the tropical parts of the world, where the climate is warm. These types of fruits need a tropical or subtropical climate to grow. Well-known tropical fruits are bananas, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, coconut, guava etc Some of the recent exotic fruits are acai, pomegranate, mangosteen, passion fruit etc. Tropical fruits are particularly flavorful, sweet, juicy, and tender, making them appealing to people of all ages.

5 Innovation Trends Retail sales of health & wellness products in the United States reached more than $ 112 billion in 2008 This represents a growth of 9% over 2007 Functional foods and beverages are the largest sector with a sales of $ 40.5 billion in 2008 The growing importance of health and wellness has significantly altered consumption and buying behavior

6 Innovation trends and Tropical Fruits Health and Wellness SatietyHeart Health Antioxidant & Beauty Acai. Banana Banana, Coconut water Mangosteen, Acai, Guava, Acerola, Mango, Camu camu Mango,GAC Banana, Coconut water Banana, Coconut cream, Acai Energy/ Sports Brain foods

7 Acai Berry The species Euterpe oleracea is usually called Açaí Palm, '[fruit that cries or expels water‘] Acai is considered to be one of the top Super foods in the world It typically looks like a grape or blueberry but is slightly smaller and darker in color. There is a large seed inside the berry with a small amount of pulp. Tastes like a blend of chocolate and ber ries

8 Growth and Harvest of Acai Berry It is harvested in the rainforests of Brazil The season in Brazil for acai is from July to January The berries are unique because they grow in bunches like a banana A single palm tree can grow between three to eight bunches of Acai Berries at a time. It is hand picked by climbing the palm tree and removing the branches on which they grow

9 Health benefits of Acai Açaí pulp contains 10 times the anthocyanins of red wine per equal volume The primary anthocyanin in Açaí is cyanidin-3 glucoside Contains a synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols Contains an almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals

10 Health benefits of Acai Contains Fiber – to promote a healthy digestive system Contains valuable phytosterols Preliminary evidence suggests that beta-sitosterol (the predominant sterol in Acai) may help prevent immune weakness resulting from severe physical stres s

11 Health benefits of Acai Açaí is a good source of Essential Fatty acids The fatty acid ratio of açaí resembles that of olive oil Contains 60% Oleic (Omega 9) a monounsaturated, essential fatty acid, helps lower LDL (harmful cholesterol) while maintaining HDL (beneficial cholesterol) levels Contains 12% Linoleic (Omega 6) a polyunsaturated, essential fatty acid, has been found to lower both LDL and HDL levels

12 Mangosteen Scientific name :- Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen is commonly known as "The Queen of fruits" in parts of Southeast Asia. Mangosteen fruit consists of a deep purplish rind, a succulent white pulp (four to eight segments), and between one and five seeds. Mangosteen fruit rind, while typically bitter, contains xanthones and other compounds that demonstrate impressive health benefits. The pulp, on the other hand, is pure taste-bud bliss The number of stigmas on the bottom of a mangosteen fruit tells how many segments of edible flesh are present inside.

13 Mangosteen Mangosteen cultivation is currently limited to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India and the Philippines Young trees do not produce fruit generally until 10 years of age The trees need humid, tropical environments to thrive and produce fruit. The mature tree reaches a height anywhere between 10 and 25 metres The fruit gets harvested from a mature tree twice a year. Mature trees can yield anywhere from 400 – 900 fruits

14 Health benefits of mangosteen The mangosteen has a distinct flavor that many describe as a mixture of strawberry, peach and vanilla The outer shell contains insect-repelling substances which discourage insect infestation The plants have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal qualities to protect themselves 40 known xanthones Also contains polyphenols, potassium, calcium and complex B vitamins

15 Health benefits of mangosteen The mangosteen has a distinct flavor that many describe as a mixture of strawberry, peach and vanilla The outer shell contains insect-repelling substances which discourage insect infestation The plants have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal qualities to protect themselves 40 known xanthones Also contains polyphenols, potassium, calcium and complex B vitamins

16 Camu Scientific Name :- Myrciaria dubia Camu-camu fruit has the highest recorded amount of natural vitamin C known on the planet The fruit is approximately 2 centimeters in diameter and has a purplish red skin with a yellow-whitish pulp The nutritious pulp has a citrus taste

17 Growth conditions of camu camu Camu-camu tree will grow in tropical and subtropical climates. Camu-Camu grows mostly in flooded or swamped areas of the Amazon rainforest The plant requires lots of water, but will withstand flooding and fairly cold temperatures, though not frost. Camu-camu trees can continue to bear fruit for decades Trees begin to bear fruit after about 4 to 6 years

18 Camu Camu nutritional facts The extraordinarily high Vitamin C content (in the order of 2-3% of fresh weight) is the most important property of the Camu Camu-camu is superior in strengthening the immune system, energizing and mood-lifting effects. Camu-camu, can clear up most cases of bleeding gums and provide remarkable energy-boosting effects. It has the additional benefit of being non- irritating to sensitive stomachs and bladders In addition to the high Vitamin C content it contains the amino acids valine, leucine and serine, and is also rich in flavonoids.

19 Cocoa fruit Cocoa Fruit Pulp has been referred to as, “The Fruit of the Gods” It is made from sound, mature fruit from the cocoa tree Fruit comes from fleshy matrix surrounding the cocoa bean Pale pink, milky appearance, smooth consistency Clean and fresh flavor, with a hint of sweetness and acidity

20 Cocoa fruit After 2-3 years the tree produces many cauliflorous flowers After pollination of the flowers, the pods take 5 to 6 months to ripen Football-shaped pods hold the sweet fruit surrounding the bean The fruit pods grow directly on the trunk Can produce fruit for 75+ years or more Tree produces around 40 pods Research is underway to study the beneficial compounds

21 GAC Fruit Scientific Name :- Momordica cochinchinensis It is commonly known as Gac, meaning fruit It is native of Vietnam It is large, green, cantaloupe-like fruit that turns a vibrant, dark orange or red when ripe-grows and drops through the vines, scattered beneath a blanket of foliage. Gac is a seasonal fruit only available from September through December.

22 Nutritional facts of GAC fruit Gac contains up to 70 times the amount of lycopene found in tomatoes. It has also been found to contain up to 10 times the amount of beta-carotene of carrots or sweet potatoes. The carotenoids present in Gac are bound to long-chain fatty acids, resulting in what is claimed to be a more bioavailable form. There has also been recent research that suggests that Gac contains a protein that may inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells

23 Acerola Scientific Name :- Malpighia garba The fruit is bright red, 1.5-2 cm diameter, containing 2-3 hard seeds. It is juicy, often as much sour as sweet in flavor The Acerola tree grows naturally in the West Indies, Central America and northern Latin America. Acerola Juice is common in Brazil and Suriname It's also called Barbados cherry, Puerto Rican cherry and West Indies cherry.

24 Growth and cultivation of acerola A bushy shrub up to 20ft. The bush often form small multi-trunked trees. Flowers usually appear after periods of rainfall or irrigation. Flowering may occur any time during the year (depending on local rainfall and climate patterns), and can last year-round. After flower set, fruit soon follows and will ripen in just 3-4 weeks The fruit prefers to grow in warm to hot climates, with temperatures reaching 85-90F. Trees grow well in slightly acidic soil

25 Health properties of Acerola Acerola is primarily an excellent source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Rich in carotenoids, It has substantial antioxidant properties. Like many plants, acerola has antibacterial and antifungal properties, Traditional healers in Suriname used the leaves to fight dysentery and diarrhea and liver issues, while the fruit was used for the treatment of colds and infections.

26 Coconuts Coconuts are called the “Tree of Life” At the time of harvest coconuts are oval and covered with a smooth skin. Underneath this skin is a thick fibrous layer. The next layer is the shell of the seed Adhering to the inside wall of the shell, is the coconut "meat“ Coconut cream is derived by pressing the meat. The fluid inside the seed cavity is known as coconut water

27 Growth and cultivation of coconuts Botanical Name : Cocos nucifera Coconut palm is a tall, slender and uniformly thick stem It has a massive crown with large numbers of leaves, bearing bunches of nuts in their axils The fruit is known as a fibrous drupe. It takes one year for the fruit to mature The coconut palm blooms 13 times a year yielding on an average 60 nuts per year. They require high humidity, regular rainfall, and warm temperatures to thrive.

28 Coconut cream Coconut cream is the emulsion extracted from mature endosperm (kernel) of the coconut fruit with or without any addition of coconut water/water Coconut cream is a special treat for those who love a smooth and fibrous mouthfeel. It can enhance the aroma and taste of the dishes.

29 Coconut cream It is a myth that fat is bad. It is the type of fat that is bad Saturated fats found in coconuts are composed predominantly of medium- chain fatty acids (MCFA). Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut are made up of lauric acid When lauric acid in coconut cream converts to monolaurin (an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-protozoal mono-glyceride), it boosts the immune system and defends the body against many viruses It promotes normal brain development and contributes to healthier and stronger bones

30 Coconut Water Coconut water is the clear, free flowing liquid obtained from the inside of a coconut. It is the purest liquid second only to water. It is naturally filtered for nine months through the dense fibers of the coconut. Coconut water is naturally sterile, has five essential electrolytes, no fat, no cholesterol and no added preservatives It is excellent for replacing lost electrolytes from exercise and illness

31 Coconut water For more than 4,000 years, coconut water has been revered as a natural source of nutrition, wellness, beauty and hydration. Coconut water is one of the highest sources of electrolytes known to man It is a natural isotonic beverage with identical levels of electrolytes that we carry in our blood. In times of famine and war, coconut water has been used as an intravenous fluid and saved many lives.

32 Labeling of Coconut water Coconut water can be safely labeled as 100% fruit juice. According to the Codex Alimentarius Commission 2004, coconut water can be included as a fruit juice. The brix for single strength coconut water is set at 5 by Codex regulations. The preparation of coconut juice that requires reconstitution of concentrated juices must be in accordance with the minimum Brix level established in the Annex. The FDA mandates that coconut be considered a tree nut for labeling purposes

33 Soursop Scientific name :- Annona muricata The soursop (Spanish guanábana), is native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America It is a large, dark-green fruit and the flesh of the fruit consists of an edible white pulp and a core of indigestible black seeds. The green leathery skin of the soursop is inedible and covered with pliable spines, protecting fibrous white segments of acidic fruit within Its flavor range from strawberry and pineapple mixed together to sour citrus flavor notes contrasting with an underlying creamy roundness of flavor reminiscent of coconut or banana.

34 Growing conditions of Soursop The soursop is adapted to areas of high humidity and relatively warm winters and temperatures below 3 °C can be fatal The beautiful, shiny-leaved Soursop can grow up to 12 m (39 ft) tall and reach 20 cm (0.65 ft) diameter trunk. The pyramid-shaped tree branches all the way from the beginning of the trunk. Soursop flourishes and bears fruit throughout the year. The flowers are waxy, thick and small with a resemblance to cabbage

35 Nutritional facts of Soursop Nutritionally, the fruit is high in carbohydrates, particularly fructose. The fruit contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B 1, and vitamin B 2. The fruit, seeds, and leaves have a number of herbal medicinal uses among indigenous peoples The diuretic effects of the ripe fruit are commonly used as a remedy for urethritis. Soursop is used in ice cream, sherbets and drinks

36 Baobob Fruit Baobab is a fruit that has recently been approved for use in the EU and UK. It grows on the African baobab tree, and is encased in a thick hard shell. The fruit pulp itself is white, and is clumped around seeds and red fibers inside the shell. The baobab super-fruit is naturally dehydrated. The fruit does not need to be processed, just mechanically separated and used.

37 Baobob fruit Baobab fruit pulp is the latest novel food. Baobab pulp is only about 10% water, naturally, and contains significantly more vitamin C than oranges. It has a very special flavor. The Baobab fruit pulp has been found to contain up to 56% water soluble pectins by weight. The pulp can be used in baking as alternative for cream of tartar The pulp is rich in calcium, iron and magnesium The use for Baobab fruit pulp will mainly be in bars and smoothies. Recent Self affirmed GRAS status in US

38 Umbu Umbu is native to northeast Brazil It is famous for its unique taste The round fruit is light yellow to red in color, around 2-4 cm in size. The flesh is soft and juicy, with a sweet taste and distinct aroma. When ripe, the flavor is juicy and suggestive of that of an orange; but, if eaten before it is fully ripe, it is slightly acidic. Umbu can be eaten fresh or made into jams or other sweetened preserves like fruit cheese. The fruit is ideal for mixing with gooseberries or plums and is used in fruit juices, jams and sorbets.

39 Lulo Lulo is an immensely popular fruit in Colombia and Ecuador, producing fruits all year-round. The fruits are similar to tomato, but have yellowish-orange skin and green flesh The fruit have a citrus flavor, sometimes described as a combination of rhubarb and lime. The juice of the naranjillas is green and is often used as a beverage. Lulo contains calcium, phosphorous and iron in addition to vitamins B and C. It has a great potential to become the newest taste sensation and is suitable for various food applications like yogurts, juices, jams, etc.

40 Product development Novel and exotic tropical fruits draw consumers looking for “something different.” Tropical Fruits possess a positive nutritional profile and a “good-for-you” image, the possibilities for product development are endless The beverage category—notably fruit smoothies, bubble teas, juices and nectars—presents numerous opportunities for use of tropical fruits. They can also be used in various food products like sorbet and ice cream, jams and jellies, chutney, breads and muffins, soups and marinades, pancakes and waffles, and fruit leathers.

41 Challenges of using these exotic fruits Cost Seasonal fluctuations Limited availability Processing and shelf stability Nutritional losses Allergen and labelling status

42 Conclusions “ Eat your fruits and vegetables” is a statement that has been heard in every household. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances that are important for good health. Tropical fruits are highly versatile and taste delicious in both sweet and savory dishes. The hunger for new and interesting foods has helped more tropical fruits find their way into mainstream American diets and the list of new fruits entering markets continues to grow.

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