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18 Chapter 18 Section 18.1 Successful Relationships Section 18.2

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1 18 Chapter 18 Section 18.1 Successful Relationships Section 18.2
Understanding Relationships Chapter 18 Section 18.1 Successful Relationships Section 18.2 Unhealthy Relationships 1

2 Section 18.1 Successful Relationships
Relationships are your connection to others. Learning how to make and maintain healthy relationships will enrich your life in many ways. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary relationship expectation
tolerance discrimination casual flavor

4 Kinds of Relationships
A relationship is the connection you have with another person. You will have contact with family members, classmates, teachers, friends, and others. Relationships vary in degree of closeness, purpose, and form. relationship The connection you have with other people.

5 Influences on Relationships
There are many factors that influence the way you relate to different people. Every role carries an expectation with it, that is a want or need that a person hopes will be met. expectation A want or need that each person hopes will be met in a relationship.  5

6 Influences on Relationships
Certain personal qualities play an important role in choosing relationships, such as values, needs, interests, and abilities. Your self-esteem influences your relationships because if you are confident, you will find it easier to meet new people and have new experiences.

7 Build Positive Relationships
Positive relationships are built on honesty, understanding, respect, and other important qualities. Some ways to maintain relationships include: paying attention, participating, planning ahead, and enjoying meals together. Strike a balance between asserting your independence and respecting those in authority.

8 Section 18.2 Unhealthy Relationships
Unhealthy relationships are characterized by the mistreatment from one of the participants and negative feelings resulting from the relationship. Ending relationships can be difficult, but sometimes it is necessary. 8

9 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary stereotype isolated inadequate
dependent vulnerable cue function

10 Harmful Relationships
It is important to recognize unhealthy relationships. Avoid making quick decisions about people before knowing all the facts. Unhealthy relationships can be characterized by emotional and physical abuse, irresponsible or controlling behavior, illegal actions, and dishonesty.

11 Harmful Relationships
Feelings that accompany unhealthy relationships include isolation, low self-esteem, and dependency. Isolation is the feeling of being separated and cut off from everyone. isolated Separated and cut off.

12 Harmful Relationships
Feeling vulnerable means being open to physical or emotional harm. Recognizing the signs of an unhealthy relationship is the first step toward dealing with it. vulnerable Especially open to physical or emotional harm or easily persuaded by pressure.

13 Ending a Relationship Relationships can end for many reasons.
Some end because they are unhealthy. Others end because the participants no longer have anything in common. If a relationship ends, try to think about your other valuable relationships and look forward to forming new relationships.

14 Chapter Summary Section 18.1
Successful Relationships Relationships are the connections you have with other people. They vary in three basic ways: their degree of closeness, their purpose, and their form.

15 Chapter Summary Section 18.1
Successful Relationships There are several influences on the ways in which you relate to different people, including expectations, personal qualities, self-esteem, and stereotyping. It is worth the risk to start new relationships. Maintaining relationships requires tolerance, respect for authority, and a willingness to give and receive.

16 Chapter Summary Section 18.2
Unhealthy Relationships Some relationships are unhealthy. Some of the characteristics of unhealthy behavior in a relationship are physical abuse, controlling behavior, bullying, irresponsible behavior, illegal activity, and dishonesty.

17 Chapter Summary Section 18.2
Unhealthy Relationships Unhealthy relationships can make you experience feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and dependence. Whether it is due to personal or practical reasons, it is never easy to end a relationship. It is best not to dwell on the loss.

18 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

19 relationship relación The connection you have with other people.
La conexión que tienes con otras personas. Show Definition

20 expectation expectativa
A want or need that each person hopes will be met in a relationship.  Deseo o necesidad que cada persona espera alcanzar en una relación.  Show Definition

21 tolerance tolerancia Respecting other people’s beliefs and customs.
Respetar las creencias y culturas de otras personas. Show Definition

22 discrimination discriminación
The unfair treatment of a person or group, usually because of prejudice about race, ethnicity, age, religion, or gender. Tratamiento injusto de una persona o grupo, normalmente por prejuicios raciales, étnicos, de edad, por religión o género. Show Definition

23 casual casual Informal. Informal. Show Definition

24 sabor flavor Interest and variety. Nivel de interés y variedad.
Show Definition

25 stereotype estereotipo
An expectation that all people in a particular group will have the same qualities or act in the same way. Expectativa de que todas las personas de un grupo particular tendrán las mismas cualidades o actuarán de la misma manera. Show Definition

26 aislado isolated Separated and cut off. Separado. Show Definition

27 inadequate inadecuado Failing to meet an expectation or not enough.
Que no cumple una expectativa o que no es suficiente. Show Definition

28 dependent depender de Relying too much on someone else for one’s own happiness. Necesitar demasiado de otra persona para ser feliz. Show Definition

29 vulnerable vulnerable
Especially open to physical or emotional harm or easily persuaded by pressure. Especialmente abierto al daño físico o emocional o que es fácilmente persuadido bajo presión. Show Definition

30 cue indicio Sign, signal, or hint. Signo, señal o pista.
Show Definition

31 function funciona Operate properly. Opera correctamente.
Show Definition

32 End of End Of Chapter 18 Chapter 1

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