REDEVELOPMENT Building Better Communities.. REDEVELOPMENT  Def. — publicly-financed rebuilding of an urban, residential or commercial area revitalization.

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Presentation on theme: "REDEVELOPMENT Building Better Communities.. REDEVELOPMENT  Def. — publicly-financed rebuilding of an urban, residential or commercial area revitalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 REDEVELOPMENT Building Better Communities.

2 REDEVELOPMENT  Def. — publicly-financed rebuilding of an urban, residential or commercial area revitalization preservation Our community Provided by the Hollywood Beach CRA Provided by the Volusia County CRA

3 REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVISTS  Improve the quality of life and economy for a community  Unite communities  Include: Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA) Downtown Development Authorities (DDA) Downtown Improvement Authorities (DIA) Main Street Programs Developers Etc.

4 REDEVELOPMENT HISTORY  Community Redevelopment Act Approved by the Florida Legislature in 1969 (Chapter 163, Part III) Assists local governments in eliminating and preventing slum and/or blighted conditions Allows local governments to create Community Redevelopment Areas and Community Redevelopment Agencies  Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA): public agency designed to foster redevelopment and reinvestment and concentrate on target areas

5  “Finding of Necessity” Required in order to create a CRA Must designate an area with slum or blighted conditions which call for rehabilitation, preservation or redevelopment of the area. IDENTIFYING A NEED

6  Slum Physical or economic conditions conducive to dangerous and unhealthy conditions Exhibiting a predominance of buildings or improvements which are impaired by reason of dilapidation, deterioration, age or obsolescence IDENTIFYING A NEED

7  Slum (cont.) Meeting one or more of the following factors:  Inadequate provision for ventilation  Over-crowding  Conditions which endanger life or property IDENTIFYING A NEED

8  Blight Area including a substantial number of deteriorated and deteriorating structures leading to economic distress or the endangerment of life or property Meeting two or more of the following factors:  No increase/decrease in property value  Faulty lot layout  Inadequate street layout IDENTIFYING A NEED

9  Blight Factors (cont.):  Unsanitary or unsafe conditions  Deterioration  Outdated density patterns  Tax or special assessment delinquency exceeding the fair value of the land  Higher vacancy, emergency and crime rates  Florida Building Code violations  Conditions impairing development  Government-owned property with adverse environmental conditions IDENTIFYING A NEED

10 EMINENT DOMAIN  HB #1567 “restricting certain transfers of property taken by eminent domain to certain natural persons or private entities”  Signed into law by Gov. Jeb Bush on May 11, 2006  Tool formerly used in redevelopment efforts  Redevelopment continues

11 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)  Funding mechanism used to provide financial means for redevelopment with a CRA  Redistribution of tax revenues generated from the target CRA  Redevelopment Trust Fund: “Frozen” property tax base Holds tax revenues due to an increase in value in excess of the base year  Goal: Increase property values

12 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) Property “A” 2000 Base Year $10,000 value City and County Receive $11.12 2005 $15,000 value City and County Receive $11.12 Redevelopment Trust Fund Receives $5.60

13 CREATING A PLAN  CRA responsible for creating and implementing Community Redevelopment Plan Addresses unique needs of area, based on the “Finding of Necessity” Blueprint for redevelopment and reinvestment within the CRA May be updated to meet changing needs Unlimited opportunities for improvement

14 [YOUR CRA/COUNTY] REDEVELOPMENT  Formed in [YEAR]  [Insert your CRA’s mission statement]  Goals for improvements: [1] [2] [ETC.]

15 [YOUR CRA/COUNTY] REDEVELOPMENT  From vision to reality

16 PROJECTS  [Success Story #1]  [Describe the project and identify why it was a success (e.g., created 130 affordable housing units).]

17 PROJECTS  [Success Story #2]  [Describe the project and identify why it was a success.]

18 PROJECTS  [Success Story #3]  [Describe the project and identify why it was a success.]

19 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT  [Special Event #1] [Describe the event your CRA hosted/sponsored and identify why it was a success (e.g., Food and Wine Tasting with Downtown businesses—300 attendees).]

20 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT  [Special Event #2] [Describe the event your CRA hosted/sponsored and identify why it was a success.]

21 OBSTACLES FOR REDEVELOPMENT  Important to local communities and economies, but benefits are not well understood. Local programs hindered in redevelopment efforts Lack of community support for local initiatives Difficulty in garnering local elected-official support

22 BENEFITS OF REDEVELOPMENT  Provides funding for revitalization of rundown urban areas  Encourages private-sector investment  Provides affordable housing  Provides incentives to revive downtown Provided by the Gainesville CRA

23 BENEFITS OF REDEVELOPMENT  Cleans-up contaminated properties and reduces crime  Brings culture and pride to the community Provided by the Hollywood Beach CRA Provided by Inverness CRA  Preserves identity of community  Brings people back to downtown

24 COMMUNITY SUPPORT  Community involvement and support are integral to the success of local redevelopment efforts.  Contact the [CRA Name] Visit: [Insert your address here] Call: [Insert your phone number here] Online: [Insert your website and/or e-mail address here]

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