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Rat Dissection Review.

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1 Rat Dissection Review

2 Rat Dissection THORACIC CAVITY Trachea Heart Lung Diaphragm Source #2

3 Rat Dissection Right Atrium Right Ventricle Left Atrium Left Ventricle
HEART Right Atrium Right Ventricle Left Atrium Left Ventricle Source #2

4 Jugular Vein Carotid Artery Superior Vena Cava Ascending Aorta
THORACIC CIRCULATION Jugular Vein Carotid Artery Superior Vena Cava Ascending Aorta Atrium (right) Ventricles Source #2

5 1. Liver 2. Stomach 3. Pancreas 4. Duodenum 5. Small Intestines
ABDOMINAL CAVITY 1. Liver 2. Stomach 3. Pancreas 4. Duodenum 5. Small Intestines 6. Cecum 7. Urinary Bladder Source #2

1. Abdominal Aorta 2. Renal Artery (left) 3. Renal Vein (left) 4. Inferior Vena Cava 5. Hepatic Portal Vein Source #2

2. Urinary Bladder 5. Small Intestines 8. Penis 9. Testis 10.Scrotum Source #2

Stomach Kidney Ovary Oviduct Uterine Horn Large Intestine Urinary Bladder Source #2

9 TAGGED ORGANS 5. 9. 22. 27. Esophagus Lung Trachea Heart Source #7

10 3. 7. 8. 11. 17. 18. Diaphragm Cecum Liver Ovary Small Intestine
TAGGED ORGANS 3. 7. 8. 11. 17. 18. Diaphragm Cecum Liver Ovary Small Intestine Spleen Source #7

11 Rat Dissection 24. 26. Urinary Bladder Uterine Horn TAGGED ORGANS
Source #7

12 Rat Dissection 1. 6. 20. 23. 25. Adrenal Gland Kidney Stomach Ureter
TAGGED ORGANS 20 25 1. 6. 20. 23. 25. Adrenal Gland Kidney Stomach Ureter Rectum Source #7

13 Toward the back (upper surface of body) Toward the tail
Here’s a word bank to help you out: Caudal Cranial Distal Dorsal Lateral Medial Proximal Ventral ANATOMICAL TERMS NAME THAT FUNCTION: Toward the midline Toward the back (upper surface of body) Toward the tail Toward the side Farthest from the point of attachment Toward the belly (underside of body) Closest to the point of attachment Toward the head Medial Dorsal Caudal Lateral Distal Ventral Proximal Cranial

14 Produces insulin for glucose metabolism
Cecum Spleen Small Intestine Esophagus Large Intestine Liver Pancreas Stomach Rectum Rugae ORGAN FUNCTION Produces insulin for glucose metabolism Food tube from pharynx to stomach Digests and absorbs nutrients Folds in stomach that help mix food Secretes bile, cleans blood, stores glycogen Cleans blood, removes old RBC’s Reabsorption of water Blind pouch where ileum joins colon End of intestines, compaction of feces Pancreas Esophagus Small Intestines Rugae Liver Spleen Large Intestine Cecum Rectum

15 Takes blood from heart to lungs Large veins take blood to right atrium
ORGAN FUNCTION Takes blood from heart to lungs Large veins take blood to right atrium Top chambers, receive blood Membrane around heart Artery taking blood to head Bottom chambers that pump blood out Largest artery taking blood from left ventricle Lower descending aorta takes blood to lower trunk and legs Takes blood to kidneys Pulmonary Artery Vena Cava Atria Pericardial Sac Common Carotid Ventricles Abdominal Aorta Aorta Atria Common Carotid Pericardial Sac Pulmonary Artery Renal Artery Vena Cava Ventricles Aorta Abdominal Aorta Renal Artery

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