John “Juan Pablo” Hershey Planning & Community Partnerships Manager of Workforce Solutions Recruitment, Assessment, and Orientation Methods to Identify.

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Presentation on theme: "John “Juan Pablo” Hershey Planning & Community Partnerships Manager of Workforce Solutions Recruitment, Assessment, and Orientation Methods to Identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 John “Juan Pablo” Hershey Planning & Community Partnerships Manager of Workforce Solutions Recruitment, Assessment, and Orientation Methods to Identify Students Who Will Go the Distance October 2014

2 WHO WE ARE 1 of 28 Workforce Development Boards in Texas Report to the Texas Workforce Commission Service area includes Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy counties Community Partner

3 WHAT WE DO Assist the unemployed and underemployed Match qualified job seekers to job opening(s) Provide trainings, work experience and resources Analyze labor market information and industry sectors, and identify regional target occupations Seek and build community partnerships and leverage resources Support employers and local economies


5 THE PROJECT Texas Higher Education Board (THEB), Accelerate Texas, Dislocated Worker Training, National Emergency Grant (NEG) – South Texas College received $57.9K grant funds – Target population, Long-Term Unemployed/Dislocated Workers – 24 month project – Serve 30 participants > now 33 – Participant educational level criteria

6 PLANNING Convened partners – South Texas College, Workforce Board, Contractor Discussed project intent and contract deliverables Outlined/designated roles & responsibilities Data analysis of job seeker pool including a survey Made data driven decisions Reviewed target occupations and local business need Collectively agreed on project criteria

7 IMPLEMENTATION Workforce Solutions (WFS) and South Texas College (STC) agreed on the type of training and recruitment strategy CDL/Truck Driving training, combined with OSHA and CPR safety training – WFS & STC designated a single point of contact (SPOC) – WFS is responsible for outreach and co-enrollment into the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)/Dislocated Worker program(s) – WFS developed flyers and used social media to recruit – WFS created process forms specifically for this project Following eligibility verification, participants paid a fee to STC for required background/vehicle record check (participants were reimbursed within two weeks by STC for this fee)

8 Social Media and Flyer Facebook page Marketing Flyer

9 EXECUTION & OUTCOMES All interested participants spoke to the same WFS (SPOC) for intake, and eligibility screening GOAL - Train and Employ 30 participants – 1,518 interested participants called – 198 prescreened – 93 TABE tested (Must score below a 8.9 in at least one area to be eligible) – 59 referred to STC – 40 cleared by STC (Must check no debts are owed to the school) – 57 completed CAPS & COPS – 4 pending eligibility documentation – 24 eligible and have started or completed classes – 11 are employed in area of training – 1 has CDL no job, 7 completed training and are line to test, 2 completed eligibility but dropped out before starting

10 REVIEW 1.Convened partners 2.Understood contract deliverables 3.Conducted data analysis 4.Developed procedure(s) and processes 5.Planned, implemented and developed marketing strategies 6.Monitor progress

11 John Hershey Planning & Community Partnerships Manager Workforce Solutions (956) 928-5000 or Thank you October, 2014

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