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CORE An Online Job Bank and Labour Market Information Tool for the Canadian Mining Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "CORE An Online Job Bank and Labour Market Information Tool for the Canadian Mining Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORE An Online Job Bank and Labour Market Information Tool for the Canadian Mining Industry

2 Overview What is CORE? Project History Tour of CORE Price Structure Sponsorship Opportunities

3 What is CORE? CORE is an online job bank and labour market information tool CORE is being developed by the Mining Industry Training and Adjustment Council – Canada MITAC

4 Vision CORE will be the definitive, integrated source of employment information for job seekers, and an essential tool for recruitment and adjustment that is responsive to current and emerging needs of the mining industry CORE will operate on a self-sufficiency basis where clients have a sense of ownership in its operation

5 Mission Statement The mission of CORE is to effectively address the employment needs of the mining industry employers and workers by connecting candidates with mining industry opportunities

6 Project History A needs assessment was conducted targeting the following audiences: –Human resource (HR) professionals –Adjustment committees –Laid off employees –New recruits

7 Project History Cont. Strong support for a ‘one-stop-shop’ responsive to current and emerging needs of the the Canadian mining industry including: –Employment information for job seekers –Tool for HR recruitment –Information source for adjustment committees

8 Project History Cont. Stakeholder consultations were conducted to further refine the tool design

9 CORE Launch Launch is September 2003 Complete with jobs and job seeker resumes

10 One-stop-shop for HR, job seekers and adjustment committees Bilingual Developed in response to identified Canadian industry needs The CORE Advantage

11 Match resumes to job opportunities facilitated by a skills list Sort and store resumes in your own portal that is kept current Access an electronic HR network The CORE Advantage for HR

12 The CORE Advantage for Job Seekers Job seekers can search/find jobs that match their skill set Includes comprehensive labour market information for the mining industry

13 Tour of CORE There are three major sections in the tool: –HR section –Job seeker section (includes students) –Adjustment committee member section All users can also access general tools and resources, such as company profiles and a glossary

14 HR Section Available to all companies who purchase job postings HR features: –Post job opportunities –Sort, store and export resumes received through online applications –Access electronic human resource network –Create company profile

15 Available to companies who purchase a 5 pack or more Features information about the company Create Company Profile

16 Post Job Opportunities HR staff can enter standard job posting information and additional information including: –Skills list, based on NOC codes –Links to community web sites –English and French versions

17 Online Applications Candidates can apply online Only those that meet electronic screening criteria will be passed through for HR to review Options to: –Be alerted to the application via a notice on the portal page –Export resume for jobs –Send out a generic email to unsuccessful applicants

18 Search Resumes Search resumes stored in the database at any time using a multiple search criteria Search applicant resumes only

19 A database of HR professionals and adjustment committee members To facilitate acquisition of employees and/or placement through enhanced communication within the industry Searchable by company and location Electronic Human Resources Network

20 Job Seeker Section No cost to job seekers Job Seeker features: –Search jobs and receive job alerts –Create resumes and cover letters –Apply online –Email a job to a friend –Information on work search assistance, skills assessment, aptitude testing, learning and training opportunities and industry information and trends

21 Job Seeker Section The online resume tool features: –Easy-to–use wizard style resume builder –Inclusion of the same skills list that will be included in posted jobs –Opportunity to enter additional training information –Receive confirmation that resumes have been received when applying online –Automated mechanisms to ensure data is current

22 Adjustment Committee Members Section No cost to adjustment committees Adjustment Committee features: –Interactive best practices too –Interactive library of documents –Electronic human resources network –Training material –Industry information and trends –Additional tools and services will be added as developed by MITAC

23 Operations An industry driven, not-for-profit initiative MITAC will operate CORE A Job Bank Administrator will assume day-to- day responsibility for the tool Individuals in target audiences will have responsibility for their own data

24 Price Structure Package DetailsCost Single Job Posting$450 5-Pack/1 Year$2000 10-Pack/1 Year$3800 20-Pack/1 Year$7500 Unlimited Package/1 Year$10,000 Corporate Sponsorship Package/1 Year$17,500

25 Premium Packages Available to all clients who purchase 5 pack to unlimited includes: –Volume discounts –12 month window to fill postings –Unlimited access to resumes –Search screening capabilities –Company profile

26 Corporate Sponsorship Show your support and become one of the five corporate sponsors of the project Sponsorship includes: –Unlimited job postings –Company logo throughout the web site –Company logo on communication and promotional pieces

27 Contact Us MITAC Paul Hebert 470 Somerset Street West Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5J8 Telephone: 613-230-1413 ext. 25 Fax: 613-230-0603 Email: Innovative Management Solutions, Inc. 350 Sparks Street, Suite 309 Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7S8 Telephone: 613-567-1877 Fax: 613-567-0577 Email:

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