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STEWARDSHIP AND MATERIAL WORLD Luke 12:13-21 Rev. Dr. Samuel P. Fernandez PREACHER James Obsequio LITURGIST.

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Presentation on theme: "STEWARDSHIP AND MATERIAL WORLD Luke 12:13-21 Rev. Dr. Samuel P. Fernandez PREACHER James Obsequio LITURGIST."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEWARDSHIP AND MATERIAL WORLD Luke 12:13-21 Rev. Dr. Samuel P. Fernandez PREACHER James Obsequio LITURGIST


3 for easy access and communication

4 As Lord Nuffield puts it: “To any man worth his salt, the desire for personal gain is not his chief reason for working. It is the desire to achieve, to be a success, to make his job something worthy of his mettle and his respect.

5 Money plays an important part in this – it is stupid to deny it – but it is not the most important part… It is no regret to me that I was not the son of a rich man. My father indeed had riches, but of the mind, not of the pocket. The least valuable thing a parent can endow a strong, healthy son with is money. Counsel, correction, and example should count far more in equipping him for the battle of life.”

6 “Not only rich of mind but of the heart.” “ Not only rich of mind but of the heart. ” “ Not only rich of mind but of the heart. ”



9 “Spend less than you earn and you will never be in debt.” --Yiddish Proverb

10 It can buy pleasure but it cannot buy real happiness.

11 St. John Chrysostom puts it: “Riches are not forbidden, but the pride of them is.”

12 “The most grievous destitution is to want money in the midst of wealth.” Philosopher Seneca

13 In the Old Testament, a steward is defined as one entrusted with caring for the superior goods.

14 it refers to a guardian. Meaning as a manager, he is supposed to be a superintendent of a household. it refers to a guardian. Meaning as a manager, he is supposed to be a superintendent of a household.




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