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A proposal for the interoperability of distributed and heterogeneous PACS in a Grid Environment Ramon Gomes Costa Alvaro C. P. Barbosa Saulo Bortolon.

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Presentation on theme: "A proposal for the interoperability of distributed and heterogeneous PACS in a Grid Environment Ramon Gomes Costa Alvaro C. P. Barbosa Saulo Bortolon."— Presentation transcript:

1 A proposal for the interoperability of distributed and heterogeneous PACS in a Grid Environment Ramon Gomes Costa Alvaro C. P. Barbosa Saulo Bortolon

2 2 Agenda Introduction; Data Integration Middleware Systems; PACS; Proposal; Conclusions.

3 3 Introduction Increase of heterogeneous and distributed data and PACS; Demand: necessity of integrated PACS, HIS and RIS; Solution: PACS and Data Integration Middleware Systems;

4 4 Data Integration Middleware Provide from distributed and heterogeneous data sources a single, uniform and homogeneous vision. Developing data integration middleware systems is not a simple task, due to the complexity of: Supporting multiple data models; Data semantic integration ; Query processing strategies; Transaction control techniques;

5 5 Data Integration Middleware Systems Data Layer Integration Layer (Middleware) Application Layer

6 6 e-Health Domain PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) DICOM and HL7 (Health Level 7) HIS (Hospital Information System) and RIS (Radiology Information System) O3-DPACS and DCM4CHE

7 7 Can benefits of a Grid environment for the better performance. For the wrappers alocation in Grid nodes. For the independent execution For the distributed execution of the QEP (Query Execution Plan) PACS/Data Integration Systems

8 8 Proposal

9 9 Access Grid Component

10 10 Grid/PACS interface

11 11 Conclusions Despite the existence of a data integration middleware, it’s need adapt some layers in order to integrate other existing projects; Need greater knowledge in the field of medicine; Improving the use of hospital information systems in HUCAM and the others hospital; Special Thanks Fapes – Fundação de Apoio a Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Espírito Santo. Finep – Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos. Capes – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior.

12 12 Questions e-mail: Página:

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