Using ProjectWise to support Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) Harold L. Smith Chief, CADD/GIS Technology Center Retired.

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Presentation on theme: "Using ProjectWise to support Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) Harold L. Smith Chief, CADD/GIS Technology Center Retired."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using ProjectWise to support Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET) Harold L. Smith Chief, CADD/GIS Technology Center Retired

2 CADD/GIS Technology Center IPET Mission …“to provide credible and objective scientific and engineering answers to fundamental questions about the performance of the hurricane protection and flood damage reduction system in the New Orleans metropolitan area.” - From IPET Report 1 Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce (IPET)

3 CADD/GIS Technology Center IPET 10 Interrelated Tasks Task #Task Name 1aPerishable Data 1bSystem Data 2Baseline Numerical Model Storm Surge 3Actual Numerical Drainage Model 4Numerical Model Storm Surge 5a Hydrodynamic forces physical model 5b Breaching Physical Model 6 Geodetic datum assessment 7 Analysis of floodwall and levee performance 8 Pumping station performance assessment 9 Consequence analysis 10 Risk and Reliability

4 CADD/GIS Technology Center IPET Task 1 Scope Assemble a comprehensive set of data and information about the conditions before and after Hurricane Katrina as well as a complete history of the hurricane protection projects’ construction and maintenance. This collection of data will serve as the repository for information and analytic results developed throughout the Performance Evaluation.

5 CADD/GIS Technology Center Data Collection Performance Evaluation requires  Pre-Katrina conditions of the Hurricane Protection System  Events that occurred during Katrina  The effects of Katrina on the system. Data collected in these three areas forms the basis for the IPET performance evaluation  Perishable data  Background data  New data

6 CADD/GIS Technology Center Data Requirements Design Documents Construction and as-built records Profile, topographic, and section surveys Inspection Reports Field Investigations and Inspections Public interviews, forums or meetings Levee design heights Levee properties Aerial Photos, Videos Data and analyses by other agencies, private firms Time history of surge heights, wind speed/direction, waves Photos, videos, measurements of erosion near breaches Wall deflections Evidence of wall yielding Pump Station data (locations, elevations, discharge pool locations, optional discharge directions, performance, operators) Sheet-pile tip elevations (design, as-built, measured) for all I-walls Pool-to-pool heads during storm Any other data and observations relevant to IPET

7 CADD/GIS Technology Center Approach Task 1 Data Management is being executed by 3 coordinated teams:  Data Assembly and Coordination  Data Storage and Management  Data Synthesis

8 CADD/GIS Technology Center Team 1: Data Assembly and Coordination Objective: Identify and acquire the data required to support Tasks 2-10 of this study, as well as data that must be retained for future reference.  Identify data requirements and associated sources  Define metadata standards and naming conventions for all types of data  Acquire data – perishable, survey, elevation, historic, GIS, hydro, timeline, photos, etc.  Standard Process and Staging area for data upload

9 CADD/GIS Technology Center Team 2: Data Storage and Management Objective: Define and build the hardware and software framework required to store, organize, manage, and deliver the data associated with this study.  Design Hardware/Software Architecture  Develop architecture  Maintain architecture

10 CADD/GIS Technology Center Team 3: Data Synthesis Objective: Develop mechanisms for adapting data to meet the needs of specific applications  Develop pre-storm DEM  Develop post-storm DEM  Adjust vertical datum of pre-storm and post- storm DEMs  Develop surface models based on DEMs

11 CADD/GIS Technology Center Primary Products IPET Data Repository is a data management system for storing, delivering, maintaining the authoritative data sets associated with this study. IPET Public Website

12 CADD/GIS Technology Center IPET Data Repository  access controlled – all IPET members have access  >7,000 documents posted  3 primary components: GIS data – leverages the CorpsMap corporate database at USACE CPC Unstructured data – Microsoft SQL Server database managed by Bentley ProjectWise Large data sets – terabyte server connected to Oracle SDO database  Bentley ProjectWise – provides the overall metadata management for all 3 data components

13 CADD/GIS Technology Center Microstation HEC-RASXMSArcGISWeb ftp client Upload client Staging area Content Manager ArcSDE Search By location By project Oracle SDO Large Datasets Applications CorpsMap QA/QC by designated POCs & Office of Counsel API Unstructured Data DataNet GIS data ProjectWise CorpsMap DataEngine Data Repository Architecture

14 CADD/GIS Technology Center ERDC ProjectWise Technical Architecture ProjectWise Application Server ProjectWise Storage Area ProjectWise Web Server ProjectWise Database ProjectWise Explorer Client ProjectWise Web Explorer Lite Client ProjectWise Administrator Client ProjectWise Data Backup Server LTO Tape Drive

15 CADD/GIS Technology Center Why ProjectWise? Leverages existing ProjectWise software from Enterprise License Agreement ProjectWise was adopted by the USACE National Management Board as the Corps’ virtual engineering tool Coordination with Navigation and Environmental Sustainability Program (NESP) effort to stand up a standard ProjectWise implementation throughout MVD New Orleans District had adopted ProjectWise

16 CADD/GIS Technology Center Why CorpsMap? Leverages existing corporate GIS database residing on Central Processing server Configuration allows users to connect via SDE or directly to Oracle SDO Complies with the Corps Enterprise Architecture

17 CADD/GIS Technology Center IPET Data Repository

18 CADD/GIS Technology Center

19 CorpsMap Web Viewer

20 CADD/GIS Technology Center ProjectWise SDE Connector provides link to SDE layers from within PW PW administrator creates.dgn files or GIS project files (GeoGraphics) so users can view GIS layers within PW. Problem with SDE layers having custom MVD projection – SDE Connector couldn’t read it For IPET Data Repository, we created.shp files,.mxd files,.pdf files stored in PW Creating geopdf files – users can view GIS layers without GIS software

21 CADD/GIS Technology Center PW Geospatial tab Allows all documents to have a geospatial reference. Files can inherit spatial reference from folder or have an individual reference.

22 CADD/GIS Technology Center Public Web Site   Publicly released data  Approximately 5000 individual files  Interim and Final IPET Reports

23 CADD/GIS Technology Center 2006 BE Award of Excellence Geospatial Managed Environment

24 CADD/GIS Technology Center Related Projects South Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Mississippi Coastal Protection and Restoration National Levee Database and Re- certification.

25 CADD/GIS Technology Center Denise Martin (601) 634-4574 Voice Project Lead The CADD/GIS Technology Center

26 CADD/GIS Technology Center Questions ?

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