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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO HIAWATHA ALL SPORTS PARENT / ATHLETE MEETING 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Philosophy The mission of Hiawatha C.U.S.D. #426 is to empower all students to become productive, responsible, caring citizens and life long learners through a quality education within a safe and respectful environment.

3 Requirements for Participation Student Must Be Registered for 2014-15 School Year Fee Paid or Proper Waiver on File Have a Current Physical Signed Code of Conduct (Registration Packet) Concussion Information Form Steroid Testing Policy Abide by Code of Conduct (All the above items need to be on file in the appropriate school office before any student-athlete is allowed to participate in practice and/or games.)

4 Student Accident Insurance Hiawatha School District has purchased Student Accident Insurance. Every student is covered under this plan for injuries sustained while involved with any school sponsored activity. The insurance is secondary to any health or accident insurance the parent or guardian might have that covers the student. This coverage is for accidents only. There is no coverage under this plan for sickness. Claim forms are available from the school secretary. The school insurance will cover only medical expenses if the company is notified of the accident within 90 days.

5 Code of Conduct  An extra-curricular code for all extra- curricular activities and clubs  Student participation is a privilege  Be respectful of our school and other schools  Subject to IHSA, conference and district requirements

6 When is the Code in Effect? Upon enrollment with the intention of being involved in Hiawatha’s extra-curricular programs, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the handbook and code. Students are held to highest standards and expectations as they represent Hiawatha throughout their school career.

7 When is the Code in Effect? The student-athlete represents Hiawatha…  12 months of the year  7 days a week  24 hours a day  in and out of season  on and off school grounds

8 Attendance Requirements Student-Athlete must be current with all disciplinary consequences. Student-Athlete must be in school prior to the start of 3 rd hour (9:50 a.m.) to participate in practices, games or activities. (Students must be in attendance the remainder of the day to participate.)

9 Transportation Promotes team spirit & student safety…  Ride to and from away games  Prior written notification (parent/guardian arrangements) to principal/athletic director  Prompt pick-up of students (parent/guardian)

10 Eligibility Requirements Passing All Classes Weekly Eligibility (list updated weekly) Friday Report (covers the following Monday through Sunday) Ineligible 3 Times During 1 season (ineligible for remainder of season) No More Than 1 Failure Previous Semester

11 Equipment Requirements Responsible for care or replace at cost. Uniforms and equipment must be returned to the coach within one week (7 calendar days) of the last contest. Failure to return uniform and/or equipment results in loss of awards until the equipment is returned.

12 Awards Student-Athlete needs to be in good standing at the end of the season. Student-Athlete needs to successfully complete the season.

13 Scheduling Conflicts Notify sponsor/coach of each activity to discuss resolution of conflicts. Goal is to find balance for conflicts. (missing multiple events of the same activity is discouraged)

14 Successful Parent Involvement  Support the Athletic Program  Communicate Fairly and Openly with Coaches  Demonstrate Good Sportsmanship at All Contests  Strongly Encourage Participation  Attend Athletic Events  Participate in Sports Booster Club  Understand the Commitment and Sacrifice Involved in Athletics  Follow The Chain of Command

15 Chain of Commands 1 st Student-Athlete and Coach Meeting 2 nd Student-Athlete, Parent and Coach Meeting 3 rd Student-Athlete, Parent, Coach and Athletic Director Meeting

16 2014-15 Coaching Staff o JHS Boys Football (Coach Butler) o JHS Assistant Boys Football (Coach Thompson) o HS Varsity Boys Football (Coach Donnelly) o HS JV Boys Football (Coach Heinsohn) o HS Varsity Coed Soccer (Coach Bartman) o JHS 6 th /7 th Grade Girls Volleyball (TBA) o JHS 8 th Grade Girls Volleyball (TBA) o HS F/S Girls Volleyball (Coach Araujo) o HS Varsity Girls Volleyball (Coach Kolakowski)

17 2014-15 Coaching Staff o JHS Coed Cheerleading (Coach Corn/Coach Giebel) o HS Varsity Coed Cheerleading (Coach Blum) o HS Varsity Coed Dance (Coach Blum/Coach Irick) o JHS 6 th /7 th Grade Boys Basketball (Coach Moderhack) o JHS 8 th Grade Boys Basketball (Coach French) o HS F/S Boys Basketball (Coach Heinsohn) o HS Varsity Boys Basketball (Coach Schumacher) o JHS 6 th /7 th Grade Girls Basketball (Coach Mitchell) o JHS 8 th Grade Girls Basketball (Coach Moderhack)

18 2014-15 Coaching Staff o HS F/S Girls Basketball (Coach Kolakowski) o HS Varsity Girls Basketball (Coach Araujo) o HS F/S Boys Baseball (Coach Corn) o HS Varsity Boys Baseball (Coach Donnelly) o HS F/S Girls Softball (Coach Tamraz) o HS Varsity Girls Softball (Coach Tamraz) o Mrs. Sterling (Administrative Assistant)

19 Constructive Topics to Discuss  treatment of your student-athlete, mentally and physically  ways to help your student-athlete improve  concerns about your student-athlete’s behavior and attitude

20 Topics to Avoid  team strategy  play calling  other student-athletes  playing time

21 Communication From Coach  student-athlete expectations  practice and/or game times and locations  team requirements  procedure to follow if injured during participation

22 WARNING of RISK Participation has inherent dangers and risks. Athletes may suffer a serious injury. (Despite Reasonable Precautions Injuries Occur) Athletes should follow the coaches’ instructions regarding techniques, training and team rules at all times and participate within the rules of the sport.

23 Questions Be respectful of your teammates, opponents, officials, other parents and the game. Extra-curricular activities are meant to be an extension of the classroom and in support of student learning.

24 THANK YOU …for working together to make this the best year ever at Hiawatha.


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