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The Coolidge Administration: (1923-1929) * Republican Major Political and Economic Aspects Background & Personality: National recognition when he used.

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Presentation on theme: "The Coolidge Administration: (1923-1929) * Republican Major Political and Economic Aspects Background & Personality: National recognition when he used."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Coolidge Administration: (1923-1929) * Republican Major Political and Economic Aspects Background & Personality: National recognition when he used the National Guard against the Boston police strike Harding heart attack  Coolidge  Pres. “cleaned house” – prosecuted Harding appointees; Coolidge reps. “normalcy” and honesty

2 Harding & Coolidge (w/ wives)

3 “Silent Cal” Dorothy Parker (writer) & Calvin Coolidge Dorothy Parker (writer) & Calvin Coolidge

4 Election of 1924: Republicans: “keep cool w/ Coolidge” Credit for prosperity Democrats:  + 100 ballots Nominate: John W. Davis attacked Harding Scandals * both candidates disappoint reform groups

5 Election of 1924: Progressive Party:  Robert La Follette proposed reforms: – –(1) more aid to farm workers – –(2) curb injunctions in labor disputes – –(3) govt. ownership of RR’s and waterpower resources – –(4) higher income taxes Victory:  Coolidge +15 million votes

6 John W. Davis & Battlin’ Bob

7 Election of 1924

8 Coolidge & Business Administration: Government to encourage business; regulate little as possible favored: reduced govt. spending; low taxes vetoed: govt. aid to farm workers & govt. ownership of water works No effort was made to restrain stock market speculation Contributes to Great Depression

9 The Rise of Nativism 1924: President Coolidge declared, “America must be kept American.” 1924: President Coolidge declared, “America must be kept American.” Fear that foreign hordes would outbreed, outvote, & overwhelm the old “native” stock Fear that foreign hordes would outbreed, outvote, & overwhelm the old “native” stock Pushed for passage of  Pushed for passage of  The Immigration Act (1924): tightened restrictions

10 The Rise of Nativism Nativism - suspicion of foreigners Immigration restriction: Immigration restriction: Native-born white Protestants fear Jews and Catholics from southern or eastern Europe (peasant stock) Native-born white Protestants fear Jews and Catholics from southern or eastern Europe (peasant stock) 1) Emergency Quota Act of 1921 1) Emergency Quota Act of 1921 2) Immigration Act of 1924 2) Immigration Act of 1924 3) Japanese are “aliens ineligible for citizenship” 3) Japanese are “aliens ineligible for citizenship”

11 Other Important Domestic Legislation: Soldiers’ Bonus Act (1924): passed over Coolidge veto; provides WWI vets w/ paid up life insurance policies

12 Significant Foreign Affairs: War Debts: France and Britain owe $10 billion for WWI Can pay w/ exports to US or reparations from Germany Dawes Plan (1924): money to Germany  Britain & France  US Bad feelings Kellogg-Briand Pact (Pact of Paris) of 1928: “Outlawed” war; no provision for enforcement

13 Charles Gates Dawes

14 Frank B. Kellogg (US Sec. of State)

15 Aristide Briand Kellogg-Briand Pact (Pact of Paris)

16 Kellogg-Briand peace pact

17 Famous Quotes “I have no trouble with my enemies … But my damned friends … they’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights” – –President Harding After waking from one of his legendary naps, this president asked, “Is the country still there?” – –President Coolidge “The chief business of America is business” – –President Coolidge

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