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GILL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION  Formed by Selectboard and Finance Committee  Began work January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "GILL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION  Formed by Selectboard and Finance Committee  Began work January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 GILL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION  Formed by Selectboard and Finance Committee  Began work January 2009

2 TASKS  Study public educational options for Gill  Directed not to make recommendations  Draft report for town meeting  Identify ramifications of options

3 DEMOGRAPHICS – COMMUNITY TRENDS  Town has seen growth since 1960  However, attendance in GMRSD has been declining since the late 1990’s

4 DEMOGRAPHICS – CHOICE PATTERNS  Almost 30% attend out-of-District schools  Only 56% of students at Gill Elementary are Gill residents  Choice rates  Where do they choice out to?

5 BACKDROP  Spiraling educational costs  Flat state aid  Loss of local control  Declining enrollment  Quality concerns  2007 State labeled GMRSD as underperforming  Troubling drop out rate  Concerning MCAS scores

6 STATE BACKDROP  Pressure to collaborate, economize, or regionalize  Too many school districts  FC school districts too small  Warning to FC school districts: change or state will mandate change

7 OPTIONS 1. Stay in GMRSD 2. Stay in GMRSD with changes 3. Join another district 4. Pull elementary school out of district 5. Tuition middle school/high school students to area high schools

8 OPTION 1: STAY WITH GMRSD  Will involve change  State mandate  Towns’ inability to continue to sustain rate of increase  Opportunity to make innovative changes improving education and addressing fiscal concerns

9 OPTION 2: POSSIBLE CHANGES WITHIN GMRSD  Collaboration  Transportation, SPED, bookkeeping  HEC, Greenfield  Superintendency union  Consolidate with another district or another system

10 OPTION 2: POSSIBLE CHANGES WITHIN GMRSD  Innovative approaches  Expand role of school community council  Readiness schools  Horace Mann/charter schools  Change current agreement

11 OPTION 3: GILL JOINS ANOTHER DISTRICT  Pioneer has capacity  Pioneer geographically closest to Gill  24 Gill students currently choicing into Pioneer

12 FINANCIAL RAMIFICATIONS OF LEAVING GMRSD  Debt  17 years remaining on high School/middle School debt  Gill’s share principal + interest = $350,315  Equity  May negotiate sale of Gill interest in buildings to offset debt  District Agreement silent on division of District’s assets

13 UNKNOWNS OF LEAVING GMRSD  Division of assets upon dissolution – books to buildings  Contractual obligations  Retirement/ health care obligations  Other contractual obligations

14 FURTHER STUDY ARTICLE 6  Form study group  Study and propose changes to District Agreement  Apportionment of capital costs  Alternative assessment methodology  Changes to school committee structure and function

15 FURTHER STUDY ARTICLE 7  Form regional school planning committee  Study options, join other towns to form planning board  Consider adding towns to GMRSD  Consider consolidating GMRSD with another district  Consider Gill withdrawal GMRSD and Gill join Pioneer

16 FURTHER STUDY ARTICLE 8  Town Meeting request school committee study and draft withdrawal amendment  Only way to quantify costs to withdraw  Not a vote to withdraw – a vote to find out costs associated with withdrawal  If approved, both towns (Gill and Montague) would need to vote to approve proposed amendments and state would have to approve reorganization

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