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In new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people.

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Presentation on theme: "In new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people."— Presentation transcript:

1 in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches StrategyLab

2 in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places for new people new churches in new places Strategy Lab September 2014

3 Your Ministry Plan Envisioning a new church

4 Hidden Treasure The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field (Mt. 13:44) ?

5 3 views of the plant ① Narrative ② Illustration ③ Financial

6 30 day product

7 How much is your Ministry Plan worth? $ Quarter Million?

8 Ministry Plan Reflects: Your personality Region of the country Personality of the church

9 Cover Table of Contents Page numbers Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

10 Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Letters of support 1. Kairos 2. Elder or minister 3. Faculty

11 Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Letters of support 1. Kairos 2. Elder or minister 3. Faculty Strategic Summary

12 Strategic summary A concise, one-page document that defines the new church Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

13 Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

14 Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Why the branding? Credibility Movement ambassador

15 Your Plan Planter People Missional Map Seed Team Timeline Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

16 Your Plan Planter People Vision frame Seed Team Timeline Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

17 Your Plan Planter People Missional map Seed Team Timeline Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

18 Your Plan Planter People Missional Map Seed Team Timeline Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions

19 Your Plan Planter People Missional map Seed Team Timeline Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Critical dates Tasks

20 Your Financial Plan Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Group by: Salary Start-up Ministry

21 Then... Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Make your ASK!

22 And... Orientation Credibility Mission Capacity Directions Tell them how to GIVE!

23 Details matter Don’t use fancy fonts Don’t overcrowd the pages with text or details Have it spiral bound


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