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Week 5 Vocabulary Words Mrs. Blake 11 th Grade. Take out one sheet of paper and create the following chart below with 16 rows and 4 columns: WordDefinitionSentenceClue/

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Presentation on theme: "Week 5 Vocabulary Words Mrs. Blake 11 th Grade. Take out one sheet of paper and create the following chart below with 16 rows and 4 columns: WordDefinitionSentenceClue/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 5 Vocabulary Words Mrs. Blake 11 th Grade

2 Take out one sheet of paper and create the following chart below with 16 rows and 4 columns: WordDefinitionSentenceClue/ Synonym/Picture

3 Words at a Glance 1. abstinence; noun – the giving up of certain pleasures such as food or drink. Myra’s abstinence from cake, candy, and ice cream led to a dramatic weight loss. 2. bequeath; verb – to leave money or property by a will; to pass along. The austere, old tightwad would not bequeath even one penny to charity. 3. cacophony; noun- discord; harsh sound. While we sought harmony, our enemies were pleased with cacophony. 4. debilitate; verb – to weaken. The cruel jailer starved his prisoners in order to debilitate them. 5. eclectic; adjective – consisting of selections from various sources. With an eclectic interest in books, Sheila collected everything from Shakespeare to Superman

4 6. fallacy; noun – false idea; mistaken belief. The economist revealed the fallacy in the government’s proposal. 7. garbled; adjective – confused; mixed up. The garbled message failed to facilitate the ambulance’s arrival. 8. haphazard; adjective – not planned; random. Taking haphazard aim, the hunter committed a fatal error. 9. immaterial; adjective – insignificant; unimportant. The prosecutor objected to the attorney’s exhibit, disparaging it as amateurish and immaterial. 10. judicious; adjective – wise; careful; showing sound judgment; prudent. Gary thought it more judicious to speak to his mother rather than his father about extending his curfew.

5 11. lackluster; adjective – lacking brightness; dull; lacking liveliness, vitality, or enthusiasm. His lackluster response to our suggestions made us lose our initial enthusiasm. 12. marred; verb – injured; spoiled; damaged; disfigured. The fight in the corridor marred Lorna’s otherwise perfect record as a model student. 13. nonchalance; noun – carelessness; lack of interest or concern. Edward’s nonchalance about his studies made it difficult to lampoon him about his poor showing in the midterm exams. 14. obscure; adjective – not clear or distinct; hidden; remote; not well known. Far from the well-traveled highway was an obscure village that seemed to belong to another age. 15. painstaking; adjective – very careful, diligent. Researchers are engaged in a painstaking effort to find a vaccine against the AIDS virus.

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