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Preview3-3-15 Complete the 2 nd Optic From Yesterday:

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1 Preview3-3-15 Complete the 2 nd Optic From Yesterday:

2 Today 3/3 TARGET: We will learn to explain the significant events of the Civil War SUCCESS: I will explain the significance Battle of Gettysburg and Vicksburg by completing a reading and TPSW.

3 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : When fighting an enemy during war, what advantage would there be to split them into 2 parts? Explain. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

4 Assaults on Vicksburg After the Battle of the Big Black on May 17, General Pemberton (CSA) retreats into Vicksburg and begins establishing his defense Grant (North) is anxious to finish the job and orders two assaults on May 19 and 22 – The first is relatively hasty, the second more deliberate – Both fail THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG-- APPROACH OF McPHERSON'S SAPS TO THE REBEL WORKS Harper’s Weekly

5 The Siege of Vicksburg May 18-July 4, 1863 in Vicksburg, Mississippi After 3 straight losses, Grant was convinced he could take Vicksburg from the Confederates 70,000 Union soldiers versus 40,000 Confederates

6 The Siege of Vicksburg Major turning point in the war, as the Union gained a large portion of the South May 18-July 4, 1863 in Vicksburg, Mississippi After 3 straight losses, Grant was convinced he could take Vicksburg from the Confederates 70,000 Union soldiers versus 40,000 Confederates Also cut lines of communication for Confederates in Trans- Mississippi Department for rest of Split the Confederate army into two halves Union casualties: 4,835; Confederate casualties: 32,697 (29,495 surrendered)


8 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : Have you ever tried really hard at something and given you best effort only to fail and not accomplish your goals? How would you feel after? Explain. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

9 The Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863 General Lee attempted another invasion of the North with hopes that a victory would have the North seeking peace Low on supplies, Lee and the Confederacy stop in Gettysburg, PA Lee’s plan was for a 3 day battle – Day 1 and 2: Flank from all sides and weaken the Union side – Day 3: Attack the center of the Union lines

10 Pickett’s Charge! On the 3rd day of battle, Lee orders an all-out attack on the center of the Union line. George Pickett leads 15,000 Confederate soldiers in a charge across the low ground separating the two forces “High Tide of the Confederacy” – Northern-most point reached by Confederate army – Closest and the last chance for Confederacy to win the War

11 Pickett’s Charge! As the division marched towards the ridge, half were killed by cannon fire, canister or bullets from the dug-in Union troops Of the men that reached the ridge, most were killed or captured Union victory

12 The Results of Gettysburg Casualties: – Union: 23,000 deaths – Confederates: 28,000 Major turning point of the war On same day the Confederates retreat in Vicksburg, they do the same in Gettysburg South can no longer go on the attack

13 Gettysburg Address Dew. Dew

14 READ Purpose: To understand Lincoln’s belief and ideas Strategy: Write in your notes 2 beliefs Lincoln has

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