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Fall of Rome. Economy Weakens Tribes/Pirates inhibit trade Inflation – value of $ decreases and prices increase Soil loses fertility and crops decrease.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall of Rome. Economy Weakens Tribes/Pirates inhibit trade Inflation – value of $ decreases and prices increase Soil loses fertility and crops decrease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall of Rome

2 Economy Weakens Tribes/Pirates inhibit trade Inflation – value of $ decreases and prices increase Soil loses fertility and crops decrease

3 Military/Political Turmoil Soldiers are less disciplined and loyal Gov’t hires mercenaries – paid soldiers for hire Patriotism decreases

4 Diocletian 284 A.D. Diocletian comes to power Doubles size of army and temporarily restores order “Empire is too large to be ruled by one person.” Divides Empire into East (rich) and West (poor) Retires due to sickness and Rome erupts in civil war

5 Constantine Rises to power from civil war Moves capital to Byzantium (modern Turkey) The city becomes Constantinople United eastern and western halves of Empire After his death the Empire splits again

6 Germanic Invasion Germanic tribes lived in the lands just outside Roman borders. Mongol called the Huns, from central Asia, invaded Germanic lands. Germanic tribes, fleeing the Huns, encroached on Roman land. Romans called them “barbarians,” meaning non-Romans

7 Attila the Hun A powerful chieftain that united the Huns Commanded an army of 100,00 that terrorized the Eastern and Western Roman Empire Never conquered the city of Rome but his damages severely weakened Roman Empire

8 Eventual Collapse Empire collapses as result of military, political, and economic factors, as well as outside invasions Germanic tribes fleeing the Huns weaken Roman lands Attila’s invasions weaken Roman lands The Western (poorer) Empire falls to these invasions The Eastern (wealthier) Empire survives and flourishes for another 1,000 years – We call this the Byzantine Empire

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