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English I Week 3, 1 st semester 2015 Lecture 2. Aims: Discuss / revise the English alphabet Discuss /revise the use of articles, nouns and adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "English I Week 3, 1 st semester 2015 Lecture 2. Aims: Discuss / revise the English alphabet Discuss /revise the use of articles, nouns and adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Week 3, 1 st semester 2015 Lecture 2

2 Aims: Discuss / revise the English alphabet Discuss /revise the use of articles, nouns and adjectives

3 Lecturer: Dr. Dinis da Costa Dr. Dinis da Costa Email: Email:

4 The English Alphabet

5 Vocabulary with imitated pronunciation (a) spoon [spu:n] (b) child [tcháild] (c) umbrella [ambréla] (d) comb [co:m b ] (e) tie [tái] (f) orange [órendj] (g) shirt [che: r t] (h) glass [gláss]

6 English vocabulary with Portuguese translation spoon = colher child = criança umbrella = guarda-chuva comb= pente tie = gravata orange= laranja shirt = camisa glass= copo / vidro

7 Vocabulary with imitated pronunciation (i) brush [bra-ch] (j) slipper [slípa: r ] (k) arm [a r m] (l) bag [beg] (m) chair [tchér] (n) arrow [érou] (o) man [mé:n] (p) woman [úma:n] (q) apple [épol]

8 English vocabulary with Portuguese translation (i) brush = escova (j) slipper =chinelo (k) arm =braço (l) bag= pasta (m) chair= cadeira (n) arrow= flecha /seta (o) man = homem (p) woman = mulher (q) apple = maçã

9 Exercise Translate the following words to English (a) um olho (b) um nariz (c) o dente (d) uma mão (e) a boca (f) a perna (g) o dedo (h) um braço

10 Answers (a) um olho = an eye (b) um nariz = a nose (c) o dente= the tooth (d) uma mão= a hand (e) a boca = the mouth (f) a perna= the leg (g) o dedo= the finger (h) um braço = an arm

11 Translate the following words to Portuguese (i) an eagle (ii) an orange (iii) a door (iv) an ant (v) small (vi) large (vii) kind (viii) honest

12 Answers (i) an eagle = uma águia (ii) an orange = uma laranja (iii) a door= uma porta (iv) an ant= uma formiga (v) small= pequeno (vi) large= grande / largo (vii) kind= bondoso (viii) honest= honesto

13 Note that: When a noun starts with a vowel (example: a, e, i, o or u) an /the is placed before a noun. When a noun starts with a consonant (example: b, c, d, etc.) a / the is placed before a noun. an = indefinite article / singular a = indefinite article / singular the = definite article

14 Identify the nouns in the following phrases beautiful cat famous ant unknown man honest girl sharp knife blue coin Ugly boy kind teacher

15 ANSWERS cat, ant, man, girl, knife, coin, boy teache r

16 Translate the following phrases beautiful cat famous ant unknown man honest girl sharp knife blue coin ugly boy kind teacher

17 Answers Beautiful cat = gato bonito famous ant =formiga famosa unknown man = homem desconhecido honest girl=rapariga honesta sharp knife = faca afiada blue coin = moeda azul ugly boy =rapaz feio kind teacher = professor(a) bondoso(a)

18 Note that: Adjectives appear BEFORE nouns Adjectives DO NOT change (plural or gender) like in Portuguese Examples: Plural ugly boys =rapazes feios ugly girls = raparigas feias The word Ugly DOES NOT change to plural only the Noun BOYS / GIRLS

19 Note that: Gender ugly boy =rapaz feio ugly girl = rapariga feia The word Ugly DOES NOT change to MALE or FEMALE, gender stays the same

20 House Rules Be punctual Turn off cellphones Be respectful of fellow students, examples no disruptions or private conversations Participate Come to class prepared THANK YOU!!!

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