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1 Ancient Near East Sumerian Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Persian.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ancient Near East Sumerian Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Persian."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ancient Near East Sumerian Akkadian Babylonian Assyrian Persian

2 2 Ancient Egypt Pre-dynastic Period Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom Amarna Period New Kingdom cont. Late Period

3 3 Proto-Greek Cycladic Minoan Fresco Secco Mycenaean Corbeling

4 4 Ancient Greek Archaic Greek —6 th century Persian Wars [Darius the Great & Xerxes] Classical Greek —5 th century [idealized naturalism] Contrapposto Polykleitos’s Cannon of Proportions y = 2x + 1 Pericles Late Classical—4 th century [humanized naturalism] Peloponnesian War (Sparta vs. Athens) death of Alexander the Great (323 BCE) Hellenistic Greek —3 rd – 1 st century BCE [dramatized naturalism]

5 5 Ancient Rome Republican Period [ 509 BCE – 27 BCE ] Imperial Period [ 27 BCE – 410 CE ] Early / High Empire Late Empire / Late Antiquity Concrete Rounded arch Second Style (illusionism) Linear perspective Atmospheric perspective

6 6 Early Christian / Late Antiquity [ ca. 200 – 500 CE ] Greco-Roman influence Mosaic Central plan Longitudinal plan

7 7 Byzantine [ 527 – 1453 ] Flat Fromal Frontal Floating Justinian & Theodora Pendentives & Squinches Iconocalsm

8 8 Early Medieval [400 – 1000] Hiberno-Saxon [600s – 700s] Carolingian [800s] Viking [800s] Ottonian [900s]

9 9 Romanesque [ 1050 – 1200 CE ] Pilgrimage Church Increased size of nave and side aisles Added transepts Reliquaries / Relics Radiating chapels Rounded arches Barrel vault / Groin vault Masonry vaults Buttressing Tympanum Cloister Stone sculpture revived Christ as last judge (pantokrator) Regional Styles (cf. France, Italy, & England)

10 10 Gothic [ 1140 – 1500 CE ] Pointed arch Stained Glass [Lux nova] Clerestory / Triforium Lancets Rose windows Flying buttressing Rib vaulting Tracery Jamb sculpture S-curve Abbot Suger Pilgrimage cont. venerate relics Cathedral High elevation Regional Styles (cf. France, Italy, & England) “Court style” of Louis IX Flamboyant Perpendicular

11 11 Proto-Renaissance 1300s [14 th century] Italio-Byzantine Proto-Renaissance Modeling International Gothic Style

12 12 15 th century Northern Europe [1400s] Late Medieval Oil paints Increased naturalism Private devotional imagery Symbols Portraiture

13 13 Early Renaissance [ 1400’s / 15 th century ] Greco-Roman influence Humanism Linear perspective Chiaroscuro

14 14 Renaissance [ 1500’s / 16 th century ] High Renaissance humanism Sfumato Venetian Renaissance Oil on canvas Arcadian / Pastoral Landscape Protestant Reformation / Catholic Counter-Reformation Mannerism [1420s]

15 15 Northern Renaissance [ 1500’s / 16 th century ] Protestant Reformation Woodcut print Italian Renaissance influence (Durer)

16 16 Baroque Art [ 1600 – 1750 / 17 th century ] Protestant Reformation Dutch Baroque Catholic Counter Reformation Dynamic Baroque (Italy/Spain, Flanders) Tenebrism Classical Baroque (France) “”

17 17 Rococo [ 1700– 1750 / 18 th century ] “Rubeniste”

18 18 The Enlightenment [ 18 th century taste for the “natural” ] Industrial Revolution Grand Manor Portraiture The Grand Tour

19 19 Neoclassicism [ 1750 – 1850 ] The Grand Tour Excavation of Pompeii & Herculaneum “Poussinistes”

20 20 Romanticism [ 1750 – 1850 ] “Age of Revolutions” The Sublime Rousseau—”Natural Man” Hudson River School [1820s]

21 21 Beginnings of Photography [ Mid-19 th century ] Daguerreotype—1839 Calotype—1939

22 22 Impressionism [ 1870’s – 1880’s ] En plain air Salon des Refuses cont. 1874, 1875, & 1886 Industrialization & Urbanization Bourgeois

23 23 Post-Impressionism [ 1880’s ] Avant-Garde Expressionism (color) Formal Analysis Pointillism (aka Divisionism) Japonism

24 24 Symbolism [ Late-19 th century ] Primitive artist “Art for art’s sake” Fin de Siecle

25 25 Arts & Crafts Movement [ Late-1800s ] Art based on natural forms Elevation of craftsmanship William Morris

26 26 Arts Nouveau [ 1890s ] Art based on natural forms Synthesized media Mass-produced

27 27 Early Modern Architecture “Form follows function” – Louis Sullivan Cast iron Steel (1860) Glass

28 28 Fauvism [ 1905 ] Arbitrary color

29 29 German Expressionism [ 1905 – 1914 ] Die Brucke—1905 Der Blaue Reiter—1911 non-objective / pure abstraction

30 30 Cubism [ 1907 ] Analytical Cubism—1907 Fractured space / Breaking the ‘picture plane” Synthetic Cubism—1912 Collage Armory Show—1913

31 31 Futurism [ 1914 ] Dynamism / Speed / Movement Progress war as cultural cleansing

32 32 Dada [ 1917 ] Post-WWI nonsensical view of life chance Ready-made photomontage

33 33 Surrealism [ 1930s ] Sigmund Freud / Subconscious fantasy / dreams Naturalistic Surrealism Biomorphic Surrealism Automatism

34 34 Suprematism [ 1915 ] Nonobjective “Pure feeling” —supreme reality through pure feeling

35 35 Constructivism [ 1920s ]

36 36 de Stijl [ 1917 ] “pure plastic art”—universal reality Primary colors Primary values

37 37 The Bauhaus [ 1920s ] Anticipate 20 th century needs Strong basic design Embrace industry and mass-production Artist = Craftsman

38 38 Modernist Architecture [20 th century] International Style [1930s] Prairie Style [early-20 th century]

39 39 Depression Era art [ 1930s ]

40 40 Regionalism [ 1930s ] Nostalgic view of mid-Western American heritage during the Great Depression Establish an American identity

41 41 Mexican muralists [ 1930s]

42 42 Post WW II Expressionism [1945 – 1950s] Imagery Expressionism

43 43 Abstract Expressionism [1950s] Modernist Formalism Gestural Abstraction [Action painting] process Chromatic Abstraction

44 44 Post-Painterly Abstraction [1960s] Color field painting Hard-edge painting

45 45 Minimalism [1960s]

46 46 Site-Specific Art [1960s] Earth art / Land art / Environmental art

47 47 Performance Art [1960s] John Cage Happenings

48 48 Conceptual Art [1960s] Art as idea

49 49 Pop Art [1960s] Popular culture / mass media

50 50 Post-Modernism [1970’s - now] Post-Modern Architecture Deconstructivist Architecture Neo-Expressionism [1980s] Post-Modern Critique Issues of Race Issues of Gender Critique of Commodity Culture Critique of Art

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