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by Nathan 1. Birds Hatching How They Hatch Care of Young 2. Birds of Prey Weapons Body.

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2 by Nathan

3 1. Birds Hatching How They Hatch Care of Young 2. Birds of Prey Weapons Body

4 I am going to tell you about birds and how they hatch. Every bird makes nest and lay eggs. Inside the egg is golden yolk surrounded by white. After only two days the chick is beginning to form. In the egg there is a air space.

5 Birds cut a circle at 3 o clock. First they lay the egg. Then they push out of the egg. Emperor penguins hatch belly.

6 Parent whoppers teach their chick to drink and eat but that is only in the wild. Emperor penguins hatch their chick by their belly and hold them by the tip of their toes. The first days of baby blue tits the eyes are not fully formed. Just when the duckling is hatched it can see, swim and walk.

7 I’m going to tell you about birds of prey. Vultures can clean an antelopes bones in 20 minutes. An owl sleeps in the day and hunts for small animals at night. A barn owl swallows a rat whole.

8 Shrikes catch food with their beak and they spear them with thorns. Birds of prey have needle sharp claws for killing its prey.

9 Most fish eaters use their beaks to catch their quarry. The wings of the bird of prey are strong. They can fly with a dead duck. A bar n owl catches small animals with its claws and carries them off with the beak. Birds of prey use their tail for steering. The pointed wings of a peregrine falcon helps it fly faster then other birds. The nostril is at the top of the beak. Birds of prey have bare legs.

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