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Dry to Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign Rondônia September-November 2002 DRYtoWET/LBA Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in the Amazon.

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Presentation on theme: "Dry to Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign Rondônia September-November 2002 DRYtoWET/LBA Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in the Amazon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dry to Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign Rondônia September-November 2002 DRYtoWET/LBA Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in the Amazon during the DRY-TO-WET Transition Season/LBA RaCCI/LBA Proposal to FAPESP by USP, INPE, CTA, UNESP Coordination: Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias IAG/USP Smoke, Clouds, and Climate: Aerosols From Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate SMOCC A Shared-Cost RTD proposal in response to the EU 5th Framework Programme Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development 1999 - 2001 Coordination Max Plank Institute for Chemistry

2 Topics RACCISMOCC 1.Soil, vegetation and surface atmosphere interaction – Antonio Ocimar Manzi 2.Effect of aerosol in the radiative transfer in the atmosphere – Artemio Plana-Fattori 3.Planetary boundary layer evolution in the transition from the dry to the wet season – Gilberto Fernando Fisch 4.Spatial and temporal evolution of convection and associated thermodynamics – Luís Augusto Toledo Machado 5.The effect of aerosol on cloud dynamics and microphysics – Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias 6.Air mass evolution and large scale precipitation in the transition season- José Marengo Orsini – CPTEC/INPE 7.Atmospheric teleconnections in the transition season – Tércio Ambrizzi – IAG/USP 8.Modeling the integrated system – Pedro Leite da Silva Dias – IAG/USP Sampling of biomass burning and background aerosol and field measurements of aerosol and supporting parameters in the Amazon Basin (WP1: partners 1, 3, 5, and 6). Characterise the aerosols produced by biomass burning, with particular attention to the organic fraction (WP2: partners 2, 1, 3, 5, and 8). Determine the link between the aerosol chemical/physical properties and the aerosol hygroscopic and cloud-nucleating properties (WP3: partners 6, 2, and 1). Model the effect of biomass burning aerosol on cloud microphysics at the individual cloud and regional level (WP4: partners 3, 4, and 7). Investigate the effect of smoke aerosols on climate dynamics and large-scale climate effects (WP5: partners 7 and 3). Use satellite data to detect, validate and quantify the effect of smoke aerosol on cloud properties (WP6: partners 4 and 7). * also in SMOCC * number 3 is USP including IF and IAG

3 Local impacts Global impacts  q, c

4 Global climate seasonal prediction Regional Seasonal Climate Prediction Vegetation Dynamics Surface-soil- vegetation model LH, SH, CO2 flux LAI, greenness fraction, cover fraction T,RH, rain, radiation Initial and lateral boundary conditions T,RH, rain, radiation Coupled Regional Atmosphere- Vegetation Dynamics Models

5 1998 1999 2000 Numbers indicate pentads from July. 1, arrow at ~ 1 week of October From TRMM satellite (prepared by Dr. Nelson Ferreira)



8 Radiosonde sites

9 Proposed sites:  Radiosonde Guajará Mirim, Porto Velho, Vilhena, Alta Floresta 00, 06,12,18 UTC ABRACOS and Rebio Jaru 00, 06, 12, 15, 18, 21 UTC  Sodar, lidar ABRACOS  Tethered balloons Abracos and Rebio Jaru  Tethered balloons profiler ABRACOS  Pirgeometer, nefelometer, MFRSR ABRACOS  Flux towers+AWS+radiation: ABRACOS, Rebio Jaru  Aerosol + atmos. chemistry - ABRACOS, Rebio Jaru  Raingages 40 (relocated from TRMM earlier sites)  Radar (Hydrix 3 cm)  Airplanes INPE (atmos chemistry) FUNCEME (aerosol, microphysics)


11 SALLJ Experiment Proposal Argentina/USA/Brazil/B olivia/Paraguay Two Phases: Nov 2002 and Jan/Feb 2003 Coordinated with the DRYtoWET/LBA (Sept- Oct 2002)

12 FAPESP - if approved will cover 27 days of radiosonde operations SMOCC – approved will cover 10 days of radiosonde operations Instituto do Milênio/MCT - approved will cover 10 days of radiosonde operations NASA Hydrometeorology - TOGA radar? Another 20 days of radiosonde operations? LIDAR? LBA Ecology Airborne Campaign - October 2001 around Rondônia area PBL Profiles of CO2 (daytime and nighttime) – is anybody planning this? Flux aircraft: INPE Bandeirantes may not be ready by then... Issues:

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