About the Poll The Washington Poll is a non-partisan, academic survey research project sponsored by the Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity.

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Presentation on theme: "About the Poll The Washington Poll is a non-partisan, academic survey research project sponsored by the Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity."— Presentation transcript:

1 About the Poll The Washington Poll is a non-partisan, academic survey research project sponsored by the Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity & Race (WISER), a research center at the University of Washington in the School of Social Sciences. Dr. Gary Segura, a professor of Political Science is the Director of WISER and a co-principal investigator on this survey with Dr. Matt Barreto, also a professor of Political Science. The survey was administered by telephone, by Pacific Market Research, in Renton, WA, based on a randomly selected list of phone numbers using a list of registered voters. The survey was in the field from October 22 – 28, 2007. A total of 601 registered voters throughout the state of Washington were interviewed, yielding in a 4.0% margin of error. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Additional results and cross-tabulations will be released each day, so please check back for updates. Questions/Comments: info@washingtonpoll.orginfo@washingtonpoll.org

2 Initiative 960: On statewide ballot initiative 960, which would require two-thirds legislative or two- thirds voter approval to increase state taxes, will you vote yes or no on 960? Yes I-960 – Certain 30 % Yes I-960 – could change 8 41% Undecided – lean Yes 3 No I-960 – Certain 28% No I-960 – could change 9 40% Undecided – lean No 3 Undecided/Don’t know 18% The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4%

3 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4% Initiative 960: On statewide ballot initiative 960, which would require two-thirds legislative or two-thirds voter approval to increase state taxes, will you vote yes or no on 960? YesNoUndecided Democrat34%44%22% Republican49%35%16% Independent42%42%15% Puget Sound region39%43%19% Other part of state44%38%18%

4 Referendum 67: On statewide Referendum 67, which will make it unlawful for insurers to unreasonably deny certain coverage claims, will you vote to approve or reject? Approve R-67 – certain 35 % Approve R-67 – could change 9 48% Undecided – lean Approve4 Reject R-67 – certain22 Reject R-67 – could change 5 31% Undecided – lean Reject4 Undecided/Don’t know 21 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4%

5 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4% Referendum 67: On statewide Referendum 67, which will make it unlawful for insurers to unreasonably deny certain coverage claims, will you vote to approve or reject? YesNoUndecided Democrat572320 Republican344620 Independent522721 Puget Sound region512821 Other part of state453421

6 Constitutional Amendment 8206: On Constitutional Amendment 8206, which would require the state legislature to set aside one percent of state revenue each year for a “budget stabilization account” that could not be spent that year, will you vote to approve or reject? Yes on CA-8206 – certain 45 % Yes on CA-8206 – could change 13 61% Undecided – lean Approve 3 No on CA-8206 – certain 10% No on CA-8206 – could change 5 17% Undecided – lean Reject 2 Undecided/Don’t know 22 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4%

7 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4% Amendment 8206: On Constitutional Amendment 8206, which would require the state legislature to set aside one percent of state revenue each year for a “budget stabilization account” that could not be spent that year, will you vote to approve or reject? YesNoUndecided Democrat59%17%24% Republican601921 Independent651520 Puget Sound region601525 Other part of state631918

8 Constitutional Amendment 4204: On Constitutional Amendment 4204, which would allow a simple majority rather than a supermajority to approve school tax levies, will you vote to approve or reject? Approve CA-4204 – certain52% Approve CA4204 – could change 6 59% Undecided – lean Approve 1 Reject CA-4204 – certain27% Reject CA-4204 – could change 3 31% Undecided – lean Reject 1 Undecided/Don’t know 11 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4%

9 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4% Amendment 4204: On Constitutional Amendment 4204, which would allow a simple majority rather than a supermajority to approve school tax levies, will you vote to approve or reject? YesNoUndecided Democrat71%16%13% Republican444511 Independent563410 Puget Sound region642610 Other part of state513712

10 PROP 1: Proposition 1 is the regional roads and transit plan to improve local roads, highways, and the Sound transit rail, and will cost an estimated eighteen billion dollars in higher sales taxes and car-tab fees. Will you vote yes or no? Yes Prop 1 – certain 30% Yes Prop 1 – could change 9 43% Undecided – lean Yes 4 No Prop 1 – certain36% No Prop 1 – could change 6 46% Undecided – lean No 4 Undecided/Don’t know 11% The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4%

11 The Washington Poll Statewide sample = 600 registered voters, +/- 4% PROP 1: Proposition 1 is the regional roads and transit plan to improve local roads, highways, and the Sound transit rail, and will cost an estimated eighteen billion dollars in higher sales taxes and car-tab fees. Will you vote yes or no? YesNoUndecided Democrat56%33%10% Republican29646 Independent394417 King County 474310 Pierce and Snohomish Counties374914

12 Additional Results If you have additional questions, and would like to see any additional, or more specific results, please send us an email and we will try to accommodate your request info@washingtonpoll.org

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