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WORD STUDY  SPAM”. Online Ethics, Safety, and Privacy Module 6.

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2 Online Ethics, Safety, and Privacy Module 6

3 Ethical Guidelines  Check with teacher before downloading large files  Be sure not to abuse company or school e- mail systems (digital paper trail)  Avoid plagiarism

4 Ethical Guidelines  Do not take home computer-related resources i.e. CD-ROMS  Only use legal file sharing sites  Follow copyright laws  Evaluate information on website (relevant, reliable, recent, verifiable)

5 Use computers for what they are for... WORK!  GAMES  PERSONAL EMAIL  OFFENSIVE MATERIAL ON THE INTERNET

6 BIG BROTHER’S WATCHING...  Hidden software applications watch what you do  Keystrokes  Everything users do while on machine  What emails are sent

7 Copyrights and Wrongs  A copyright protects someone who creates an original work.  Books, plays, sentences  Protection provided by the Copyright Act of 1976

8 How do you copyright an original work?  If you create an original work, it is automatically protected  Registering with Copyright Office in the Library of Congress provides additional protections

9 Want to use copyrighted work?  Obtain permission (authorization) for the copyright holder  Book: letter to publisher  Web: contact webmaster or author of article

10 How long before copyrights expire?  Works created since January 1, 1978: 70 years after the creator’s death  Before then, anywhere from 28 to 67 years from date of creation (with options for renewal)

11 Expired Works  Once a work’s copyright has expired, it’s in the public domain— nobody owns it  Although public domain is free, still cite the source.

12 Is this a fact?  “If it does not say it is copyrighted, it is not copyrighted”

13 Is this a fact?  “ I found it on the Internet, therefore it is okay for me to copy it”

14 Is this a fact?  “It is okay to put copyrighted material on my website, because I do not charge people to look at it”

15 Is this a fact?  “I have changed the material, so it is no longer copyrighted”  Only the owner of the copyright can make derivative works (new works based on the existing material)

16 Is this a fact?  “ I can reprint the material, because it is considered fair use”  Fair use refers to the right to reprint brief excerpts from copyrighted works without permission.

17 Netiquette  Rules of etiquette for online communication media provided by the Internet  Email, chat rooms, newsgroups

18 E-mail  most widely used Internet convenience  Changed how people live, work, and socialize

19 Make a good impression  Be clear and concise  Keep responses in context  Proper spelling, capitalization, and grammar

20 Do not send large attachments... ... Unless recipient is expecting it  Takes time to download

21 When forwarding...  Trim off unnecessary information  Delete e-mail addresses for prior forwarded names

22 Watch what you type!  Don’t say anything about someone you wouldn’t want them to hear.  Even after deleted, message is still there for a while

23 Chain letters...  Never send or forward chain letters  Often fraudulent

24 Do Not “Spam”  Junk e-mail  Billion dollar problem  Clogs email systems  Wastes time

25 Do not SHOUT  Avoid using capital letters  All caps considered to be rude

26 Chat Rooms  Can be useful communication tools  Can also be a ball of confusion

27 Choose wisely  Some have questionable people  Do some research first

28 Behave like you are face-to-face  Words can be misinterpreted

29 Treat others like....  You would treat them in person  Don’t threaten, harass, or abuse any participants

30 Take turns with the conversation  Allow people to finish their thoughts  Don’t interrupt

31 Be aware of “lurkers”  People who are reading, but not taking part in conversation

32 Newsgroups  Join one with rules for participation  Stay on topic  Do not flame (aggressive or insulting letter)  Know your facts  Do not hide behind a screen name

33 Staying Safe Online  Always evaluate to whom you are sending information and why you are sending it.  Beware of identity theft (someone taking your personal information)

34 Internet Scams  Phishing: scam in which an identity thief sends you an e-mail pretending to represent a company  Posing as a foreigner asking for money  Identify theft protection and credit repair  “You won a prize!”

35 Precautions  Know to whom you are giving information  Why are you giving information  Never give out SSN, DOB, or mother’s maiden name without adult consent  Never give personal info to someone met in a chat room  Never give your password to anyone


37  Go to  LOG IN Username: shelbyc, password: shelbyc  Follow these breadcrumbs: Technology & Engineering, Digital Citizenship, Digital Etiquette, TAKE GRADED QUIZ After the Tech Check Questions...

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