BLACK WATER RECYCLING Water Environment and Technology for the City of Yarra.

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Presentation on theme: "BLACK WATER RECYCLING Water Environment and Technology for the City of Yarra."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLACK WATER RECYCLING Water Environment and Technology for the City of Yarra

2 1. Context This policy aims to support the following: City of Yarra’s commitment to sustainable water management (City of Yarra, 2006, p.12) City of Yarra Water Action Plan (2006) and the principles of the Water Sensitive Urban Design guidelines (2007) – Reducing council and community potable water consumption. – Replacing potable water with an alternative source. – Demonstrate positive change within the council to facilitate community action in water conservation.

3 Common methods of potable water reduction Water saving device installation Behavioral & lifestyle change Recycling water This policy focuses on recycling ‘Black’ water by way of sewer mining technology installation as a means of reducing and replacing the reliance on potable water within the city of Yarra.

4 1.1 Background information City of Yarra imports 14.6 GL of potable mains water annually. 10.2 GL of this exits the municipality via the sewerage system 95% of typical sewerage is water, 5% is solids. (City of Yarra,2007 p.22) Sewerage water can be re-used for toilet flushing and irrigation purposes City of Yarra’s high density living – makes re-using ‘black’ water feasible – places stress on recreational areas City of Yarra’s parks and sporting grounds are the council’s highest consumer of potable water (City of Yarra, 2006)

5 1.2 Definitions of Terminology Black Water – water used in the toilet & kitchen. Low quality, high levels of pathogens, requires advanced treatment for re-use. Grey Water – water used in the laundry & bathroom. Varies in quality depending on pathogen levels, requires low to medium levels of treatment for re-use. Composting Toilet – relies on little or no water via natural decomposition of solids. Sewer Mining – process of removing water from sewerage system for treatment and re-use. Potable Water – high quality water piped into a mains supply system from a large scale centralised water supply system.

6 2. Scope 2.1 – COUNCIL RUN FACILITIES– applies to the Richmond, Fitzroy and Collingwood offices and town halls, public toilets, sporting grounds, gymnasiums, public halls and parklands. 2.2 – PUBLIC HOUSING– applies to only one of the public housing towers, located in Collingwood, that has 200 dwellings and approx. 2400 residents. 2.3 – LARGE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS– applies to all NEW developments comprising 10 or more residential dwellings or total floor area of + 100m2 2.4 – PUBLIC TOILETS AND PARKLANDS –applies to public toilets, parklands, golf course and sports ovals, mainly focuses on the installment of the kind of water saving toilet.

7 3. Objectives Overall Objectives: Reduce amount of potable water use compared to 2005, by 50% in council buildings and xx% for community use. Utilise mined sewerage ‘black’ water as an alternative source of water for toilets & irrigation, without compromising sewer function or water quality. Reduce potable water use and maintain sporting grounds & parklands using black and grey water. Keep carbon emissions below xx level, in recognising sewer mining is an energy intensive process.

8 Specific Objectives 3.1 Council Run Facilities : Reduce the amount of potable water used in the council offices & buildings by 60%. Reduce the amount of potable water use in public toilets and maintaining sports grounds & parklands. Promote recycling of black water by way of public education

9 3.2 Public Housing: Reduce residential potable water use in public housing towers. Investigate the feasibility of future sewer mining projects by way of implementing a pilot project. Create public awareness of recycled black water Maintain energy intensive carbon emission levels from sewer mining. Maintain health and safety of residents.

10 3.3 Large Residential Developments: Reduce residential potable water usage. To use an alternative water source within the municipality, by promotion of sewer mining & other water recycling technology for new large residential developments.

11 3.4 Public Toilets and Parklands To make full use of mined sewerage water for reducing potable water usage in public places in the city of Yarra. To use new science technologies to purify sewerage water, such as design a no water toilet or a computer automated water treatment systems to realize the policy. To realize low potable water consumption, even zero consumption To improve people’s awareness of savings water in public places.

12 4. Implementation Programs developed, implemented and monitored by the Water Programs Officer for the City of Yarra. In consultation with the City of Yarra’s - Community Division - Environmental Education Officer - Environmental & Sustainability advisor - City of Yarra Sports Grounds and Building Maintenance Department. - Planning Department - Financial Operating Chief

13 4.a Timeline A staggered approach etc….

14 4.1 Council Run Facilities To be overseen by Water Programs Officer One public toilet that will operate using 100% recycled water to be retrofitted per year. All NEW public toilets to be composting toilets with water sensitive features Install sewer mining technology into three main council office buildings. All existing public toilets to be retrofitted with water sensitive features immediately.

15 4.2 Public Housing Undertake a feasibility study & pilot project installation of sewer mining system into ONE existing public housing tower in Collingwood. - To be overseen by Water Programs Officer. - To be done in consultation with, and obtain relevant approval from: - Department of Human Services - Department of Sustainability & Environment - Department of Treasury - Environment Protection Authority - Melbourne Water - City of Yarra Building & Planning - City of Yarra Environmental Department - Sewer Mining technology consultant

16 Feasibility Study: - C.O.Y Water Programs Officer, DHS, Melb.Water, EPA, DSE, Sewer Mining Consultant Financial Assistance: - DSE (grants), Dept. Treasury, City of Yarra Financial Division. Tendering: - Overseen by C.O.Y Water Programs Officer - Approval from C.O.Y Building & Planning div., DHS, Melb.Water. Residential Health Program : - C.O.Y Health Services & DHS Carbon Emissions Program: - DSE, EPA

17 4.3 Large Residential Developments Revise current amendment ‘C117 Storm Water Management – Water Sensitive Urban Design’ - To include a requirement for water recycling technology to be installed in large residential developments - Collaborate w/ Strategic Planning division. - Revise sections 22.15-2, 22.15-3, 22.15-4

18 Compliance with EPA quality guidelines (insert here) Revise Sustainability Management Plan to emphasise the use of sewer mining black water recycling (Sustainable Building Practices in the ESD guidelines). Prepare a report on the progress of ‘Inkerman Oasis’ in the City of Port Phillip, and the demographics of City of Yarra in order to promote WSUD to developers & residents. - in consultation with Inner Melbourne Action Plan Conduct a feasibility study on purchasing recycled water from private buildings for use in nearby parklands, sporting grounds etc.. Implement further action in line with this policy

19 4.4 Public Toilets and Parklands The process of set up the sewer mining operation is listed: Preliminary exploration, doing some research is the first step in your sewer mining project. We should collect relevant materials about water treatment examples in other countries as a reference. Develop and test the concept. It is a good idea to develop and test your proposed sewer mining concept with Sydney Water before you lodge your formal application to undertake sewer mining. This will allow you to get our feedback on your concept and to check any required variations to the general specifications relating to the particular location of your proposed connection point, before you pay for and lodge a full technical design. Decide whether to go ahead. If you decide to go ahead with sewer mining, you will need to: select a technology supplier and a Water Servicing Coordinator. Obtain approval to install and operate from the local council and formally lodge an application with Sydney Water. Construct and connect to the sewerage sysytem. Commission and operate your sewer mining facility

20 5. Monitoring Monitor water quality (EPA guidelines) Amount of potable water used in total and per sector Public opinion survey on sewer mining

21 5.1 Council Run Facilities Record amount of potable water used in public toilets, council buildings, sports grounds, gymnasiums & parklands per quarter Public opinion survey

22 5.2 Public Housing City of Yarra Water Programs Officer to monitor the feasibility study for a pilot project (EPA, MW, DHS, DSE) City of Yarra Water Programs Officer to monitor and approve tender process (MW, DHS, DSE, EPA) Melb. Water and C.O.Y planning division to monitor the installation of the pilot project. EPA & Melb. Water to monitor recycled black water quality. On a quarterly basis. Melb Water provide potable water consumption data & water export data. EPA & DSE to monitor carbon emissions produced quarterly C.O.Y health services & DHS to monitor resident & public health during the project.

23 5.3 Large Residential Developments Data collected biannually over 10 years. Number of planning applications received Number of water recycling systems installed Amount of potable water used per person WHERE the recycling systems have been installed Quality of recycled water.

24 5.4 Public Toilets and Parklands Information of water treatment systems installed in public toilets and parklands, such as the amount, quality and rates of usage and so on. Getting feedback from the residents and some relevant agency such as Sydney Water in terms of the using experience of public toilets. Hygiene condition of public toielts and parkland.

25 6. Evaluation and Assessment 6.1 Council Run Facilities….. 6.2Public Housing Pilot Project report after 2 years of operation by C.O.Y Water Projects Officer presented to DHS & DSE for further evaluation and recommendation implementation. The report will cover: Comparison of potable water used before & after installation Comparison of total potable water exported before & after installation Comparison of water quality of the recycled water vs. potable water and any health implications. Evaluation of carbon emissions generated directly from the project, in order to determine if the water saved will offset emissions produced. Social effects & attitudes of residents. Results of health monitoring program. Any other factors that may arise.

26 6.3 Large Residential Developments This policy and amendments to evaluated every 2 years by an external consultant Compare water usage per person in buildings WITH recycling systems to those WITHOUT, and with the average water use per person in the municipality. Compare water quality to EPA guidelines.

27 6.4 Public Toilets and Parklands This policy explains the overarching principles, terms and conditions that apply to sewer miners connecting to Sydney Water’s sewerage system, extracting sewage and returning waste to the sewerage system. Compare the amount of potable water consumption since the installment of water treatment systems with the past in the city of Yarra. Compare the quality of water environment between before and after in the city of Yarra.

28 7. References City of Yarra (2006), Water Action Plan City of Yarra (2010), revised Action Plan City of Yarra (2007) Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines 21 st Century Melbourne: a water smart city Draft sustainable Water Strategy – central region, Victorian Government White Paper: Securing Our Water Future Together Our Environment Our Future: Victorian Environment Sustainability Framework Our Water Our Future: the next stage of the governments water plan (2007) Department of Housing Victoria Sustainability Water Projects (2007) Melbourne Water : Water Recycling Melbourne Water Sydney Water Sewer Mining Policy Sydney Water Sewer Mining Brochure ICLEI Sustainable Water Use Plan: City of Yarra

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