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Trails ~ Current Situation The competition for trail business is fierce as consumers typically have access to local trails right in their backyards. For.

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2 Trails ~ Current Situation The competition for trail business is fierce as consumers typically have access to local trails right in their backyards. For a tourist to travel for a trail experience, it must be unlike anything they can get at home. It must be unique and different and show them something new and exciting. BC Hughes Trails and Waterways Study Nov 2010

3 Trails ~ Current Situation 1700 km of trails within RTO4 No DG Trails identified in region (more than 3 hours travel) BUT see them as a supporting activity to main DG’s specifically: – Heritage towns – Outdoor themes

4 RTO4 Packaging Key tactic Bundling of experiences = more compelling product Trails form a part in that equation

5 RTO4 Support BC Hughes Study Nov 2010 Waterloo Region Trail Symposium Oct 2011 – Brought together trail groups, municipal council, tourism people > start a dialogue Huron/Perth Counties Trail Symposium Fall 2012 Started dialogue/research on Goderich to Guelph rail trail

6 RTO4 Reality We are not in the bricks and mortar (capital projects ) business BUT We recognize that trail development if done correctly can be a DG and an economic driver Our role: facilitate group efforts, seed funding of process, help engage ec. dev. and local Twps. into better recognition of the $ benefit

7 What Benefit? Immediate: Support to keep people longer Future Facilitate dialogue, ID assets and quantify value of jobs, investment and tourism potential (business proposition) Grow key assets in DG’s which will result in growth in trips with overnight component etc.


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