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ROADMAP FOR THE FUTURE Developing the Maine Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2016 - 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "ROADMAP FOR THE FUTURE Developing the Maine Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2016 - 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROADMAP FOR THE FUTURE Developing the Maine Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2016 - 2020

2 Comprehensive Cancer Control The Maine Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (MCCCP) is funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide leadership for, and coordination of, Maine's statewide comprehensive cancer control efforts. MCCCP Activities 2013 – 2014 Policy & systems interventions to improve cancer screening Youth-oriented prevention activities Enhanced use of cancer surveillance data

3 MCCCP & Cancer Control Plan Maintain, implement, and periodically revise a state-wide Cancer Control Plan based on:  Cancer incidence, stage and mortality data  Relevant behavioral and risk factor data Collaborate with Maine Cancer Consortium and stakeholders on plan implementation:  Ensure membership reflects organizations that will effectively implement Cancer Control Plan activities.  Periodically assess membership composition and cancer plan implementation activities and outcomes

4 Why Have a Plan?  Organized management of cancer prevention and control efforts  Strategic approach to addressing highest-burden cancers  Framework for action to reduce cancer burden  Mobilize individuals, organizations, institutions and communities committed to fighting cancer

5 Cancer Plan Focus  Highest-burden cancers  Evidence- or practice-based public health interventions  Disparities in access to cancer prevention and care  Policy, systems and environmental approaches and interventions to sustain cancer control  Activities that compliment or enhance existing efforts  Activities that align with NCCCP priorities and state and federal public health goals

6 National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Priorities (Established 2010)  Emphasize Primary Prevention of cancer  Support Early Detection and Treatment activities  Address public health needs of cancer survivors  Implement policy, systems, and environmental changes to guide sustainable cancer control  Promote health equity as it relates to cancer control  Demonstrate outcomes through evaluation


8 Plan Development Activity  Focus Area groups  Facilitators  Group instructions & responsibilities  Discussion & development  Recording & reporting  Have fun!

9 Creating a “SMART” plan  Specific  Measureable  Achievable  Realistic  Time-bound

10 Choose your FOCUS AREA  Prevention  Early Detection  Treatment  Rehabilitation & Survivorship  Palliative & End-of-Life Care


12 What’s Next?  Continued feedback collection today  Please share additional thoughts and suggestions  MCC Cancer Plan Development Meetings  May 29, 2014, 10am – 12pm, Portland  June 5, 2014, 12pm – 2pm, Brewer  MCC Teams  Prevention  Early Detection


14 THANK YOU! Jessica Shaffer

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