HUD Continuum of Care 2013 Project Application Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "HUD Continuum of Care 2013 Project Application Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 HUD Continuum of Care 2013 Project Application Workshop

2 If you choose to proceed with declaring your intent to participate in this year’s application, your LOI must be received by 5:00 p.m. PST December 18, 2013 (email is preferred) to: Denise Marchant at Renewals must also submit a LOI. One LOI is required for each application.

3 The Kings/Tulare CoC has an Annual Renewal Demand of $1,014,944. Total funds available: $TBD Renewal Amount: $1,014,944 Bonus:$TBD *5% off the ARD is $964,197; The tiers are financial thresholds. Tier 1 is equal to the CoC’s FY 2013 ARD approved in the Registration process, less 5 percent. Tier 2 is the amount remaining in FY 2013 ARD plus the approved amounts for CoC planning and UFA costs.

4  Application is for Two-Years  Rank renewals & can reallocate funding  Renewals only 1-Year and 5% reduction  Rental Assistance vs. leasing  RA needs to be administered by local gov’t or PHA  Addition of Rapid Re-Housing  25% standard match  Focus on PSH for 100% CH  Exhibit 1 = CoC Application  Exhibit 2 = Project Application

5 *HUD definitions: Chronically Homeless Person – “An unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition or a family with at least one adult member who has a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more OR has had at least four (4) episodes of homelessness in the past three (3) years.” To be considered homeless, persons must have been sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation and/or in an emergency homeless shelter during that time.

6  Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless (CH)—at least one application should be for PSH for CH  Projects serving Veterans  Partnerships with schools  Homeless households with children

7  The 2013 application process is on E-Snaps  You must complete the SF-424 form in order to access the application  Enter your organization as an applicant by selecting “applicant”  Click on the folder icon next to your applicant name to access the SF-424  Complete all forms in advance and upload

8 Click orange folder icon to review SF424. Click red person icon to add a user for access.

9 When in the SF 424, only complete bold items (gray areas will auto-fill) Items needed include: EIN # DUNS Funding Opportunity # is FR-5600-N-41 Funding NOT subject to executive order ( compliance screen) If you want multiple users to enter data on the Project Application, you must add them on the SF424 applicant contact list Congressional District-CA-21 for Tulare County and CA-20 for Kings County

10  All HUD forms can be found at: /hud2.cfm  Every applicant must complete the SF‐424. Even if you created an SF‐424 in 2012 and you do not wish to edit it, you will still need to complete the SF‐424 through e‐snaps in order to access Project Application (review 2013 data and submit)


12 Applicants must have a completed code of conduct on file, or attach it to the SF 424 SAMPLE CODE OF CONDUCT [Put on company letterhead] Code of Conduct for HUD Grant Programs YOUR AGENCY prohibits the solicitation and acceptance of gifts or gratuities by officers, employees and agents for their personal benefit. a. Violation of this code will be subject to disciplinary action which could include immediate termination. b. This code of conduct is included in the YOUR AGENCY’S Personnel Manual and well as the YOUR AGENCY Board of Trustees By-Laws. c. This code is applicable to all HUD Grant Programs and all other YOUR AGENCY programs and transactions. Signature:__________________________ Date:__________________ Executive Director

13  Complete all forms and attachments and save as PDF documents; upload to application Optional attachments into e‐snaps, not required: – Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Applicants (SF‐424 Supp) – Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF‐LLL) – Certificate of Drug Free Workplace HUD 50070 - Applicant Disclosure HUD 2880

14 The SF424 can be edited at any time by taking the following steps: 1.Go to the submission summary page 2.Select "edit" at the bottom of the page 3.Go to where you want to add or change information and change it. 4.Select "save" 5.Go back to the submission summary page and select "complete"

15  Once you hit the “complete” button on the “submission summary” page, select “Back to Applicant List”  Select “Funding Opportunity Registration” and click the magnifying glass icon next to “Project Application FY2013”; for renewals it will be “Renewal Project Application FY2013”


17  Click “projects” on left menu bar  Set funding opportunity drop down to Project Application FY2013  Click folder + icon to add a new project  Once this is complete, the application will be accessible in the “Submissions” screen


19  CoC Number and Name: CA-513  Complete the 3,000 character project description in word prior to completing the Project Application; copy and paste into application (NO spell check in application)  Review the “Instructions” and “Q&A Guide”  Remember that, at any time, you can select the “Export to PDF” button from the left menu bar to review what you have entered so far.

20  Once your Project Application is complete, you will submit it to your CoC lead who will review and rank it with the CoC application.  Applications must be in the system and submitted to the CoC lead by January 2, 2013.  All applicants should send an e-mail to the CoC lead notifying them that the application is in the system, with a PDF of the application attached. Contact info:

21  Q: Once it is submitted to the CoC lead who will review and rank it with the CoC Application, can the applicant go back and make changes after that?  A: Yes. The CoC lead can, after reviewing the Project Application, send it back to the applicant for amendment. After changes are made, the applicant will re-submit it to the CoC Lead.

22 Letter of Intent Received by: 5:00 p.m. (PST) Wednesday December 18, 2013 Initial Project Application Due 5:00pm PST January 2, 2014 Rating & Ranking Interviews* January 14, 2014 Time TBD Final Project Application Due 5:00pm PSTJanuary 24, 2014 CoC Combined Application Due January 31, 2014 *Interviews at the Housing Authority on Cypress, Visalia

23  Leverage will gain points for the K/T combined CoC Application; Only documented in Project Application  Applicants must bring documentation of leverage to Rating & Ranking Interview  Must have leverage documented, and contain:  Organization providing leverage  Type of contribution (cash, child care, services, etc.)  Value of contribution  Name of project and sponsor  Date contribution available  Ex: Signed letters, MOU, etc.

24 Review Handout  Match documentation will be reviewed at Rating & Ranking

25 ***New applications only Goal for 2013 is 75% Housing Funding ( leasing + acquisition + rental assistance+ operations) (leasing + acquisition + rental assistance + operations + supportive services) = Housing %  The CoC is reviewing this requirement and may provide additional direction

26 Prepare, if funded, to participate in the HUD- mandated Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), administered by the Kings United Way. HUD funded agencies are responsible for the technological and financial responsibilities of participation in HMIS. To request more information about HMIS contact Machael Smith at: Applicants should include HMIS as a line item in their 2013 grant application.

27  HUD offers a Permanent Supportive Housing bonus of 15% for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) projects.  CoCs may use project funds to serve homeless and disabled individuals and/or families, and/or chronically homeless individuals. While CoCs are no longer required to use bonus funds for projects that will exclusively serve 100 percent chronically homeless individuals, CoCs are encouraged to use bonus funds for this population whenever possible, as creating new beds for the chronically homeless remains a HUD priority.  As creating new permanent housing beds for disabled veterans is a HUD priority, HUD strongly encourages CoCs to use at least a portion of available bonus funds to create a project that will serve disabled veterans.

28 E-Snaps HUD Forms (for SF424) NOFA Homeless Resource Exchange Online Training (Exhibit I and 2)

29 Betsy McGovern-Garcia, Consultant E-mail: Phone: (559) 308-9444 HMIS Questions: Machael Smith, HMIS Consultant

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