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Presentation on theme: "COLLEGE ASSUMPTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS ©Emily B. Kolby M.Ed. (2015)"— Presentation transcript:


2 GROUP ACTIVITY In small groups, develop a representation (pictures, words, etc.) of what you or others assumed and/or expected college to be like before you began classes at Bellevue College. Assign a reporter to share your thoughts with the large group Things to consider: Instructor-student dynamics, homework, time outside of class, social interactions or groups on campus, class schedule, food, etc.

3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - What were some of the key topics or points that came up during the sharing out? - How do we develop these myths about college (whether they turn out to be true or not)? Where does this information come from? - How much do these assumptions drive your view of college during the first few weeks or during the entire quarter? - What questions still exist for you? - What is one thing that you would share with new students about college that they may not know?

4 High School StudentEmployeeCollege Student AttendanceMandatory to graduateMandatory to stay employedMay or may not be monitored Time6 hours in class, 1-2 hours outside of class 8 hours at work each day3 hours in class, 6 hours outside of class ChoicesNoneLittleFlexible, student designs schedule AssignmentsModerate to none outside of class Moderate to no overtimeSubstantial work outside of class HomeworkFrequent & checked, feedback given on progress Feedback if you are not meeting standards Not always checked; feedback on progress depends on instructor. Tests (feedback on performance) FrequentSometimes frequent depending on boss; Annually Few, sporadic or minimal graded assignments Effort, Preparation, Quality of work Not always a high expectation or requirement, get 2 nd chances to make-up or redo work High expectation for each of these areas to be successful Need to put the time and effort in to be successful; student determines their approach to work specifically how and when it is done

5 FINAL THOUGHT: CRITICAL AWARENESS Critical awareness is necessary for critical thinking, for not every presentation (essay, TV ad, statement by a teacher, information in a reference book, etc.) is as it appears to be.

6 MORE CRITICAL AWARENESS… “Practicing critical awareness is about reality-checking the messages and expectations.. From the time we wake up to the time our head hits the pillow at night, we are bombarded with messages and expectations about every aspect of our lives. From magazine ads and TV commercials to moves and music…It’s absolutely overwhelming, and, in my opinion, no one is immune” - Brene Brown, PhD., LMSW

7 GREENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE What are the messages about Community College? Whether direct or indirect?

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