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The Science of N.E.A.T. Move a Little to Improve Health Presented by: Janet DeLapp, MS, CDMS, CPE Occupational Ergonomist Solutions Northwest, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science of N.E.A.T. Move a Little to Improve Health Presented by: Janet DeLapp, MS, CDMS, CPE Occupational Ergonomist Solutions Northwest, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Science of N.E.A.T. Move a Little to Improve Health Presented by: Janet DeLapp, MS, CDMS, CPE Occupational Ergonomist Solutions Northwest, Inc. Time: 14 slides 10 minutes

2 What is it?  N on  E xercise  A ctivity  T hermogenesis (Heat Production) It is every activity we do, outside of exercise, to burn calories. In one generation we have decreased this type of activity by 50%. And sadly “diet and exercise” is not fixing the problem.

3 James Levine, MD, PHD  Author of the book “Move a Little, Lose a Lot”  Director of the NEAT Center at the Mayo Clinic  Overfeeding study  16 study participates, who were healthy but did not “work out”  Were fed 1000 extra calories, above their basal metabolic rate, (calories it takes to just stay alive) for 2 months. Note: Most of the presentation’s content was taken from Dr. Levine’s book.

4 Study Results  One person barely gained an ounce  Another person gained 14 pounds (ouch!)  The rest of the participates fell some where in between

5 Why the Difference?  Participants who did not gain weight or gained very little moved more in non-exercise activities  Those that gained weight typically sat for 2.5 hours longer each day  If those that gained weight adopted the same movement patterns as those that did not, they could lose 37 pounds in one year  Just 2.5 hours more movement per day is needed to get this result

6 Why Movement has Decreased  Automobiles v. Walking  Using outside services v. doing it yourself  Less cooking  More drive up windows  Lawn services  Window washer services  Entertainment Changes  More TV, computer, handheld devices  More Appliances  Change in communities  Less sidewalks  Strip malls that are easy to drive up to Can You think for some more?

7 Calories by Activity ActivityKcal/Hour Sitting5 Standing15 Gum chewing20 Walking 1 mph100 Walking 2 mph150 Stair Climbing200 You can burn 3x more calories when standing verses sitting. But standing is not enough, you have to MOVE to really make a difference.

8 Where do the Calories Go?  Basal Metabolic Rate – 60% - can not change this, it is pretty stable  Digesting food – 10% - this does not fluctuate that much either  Movement – 30% - this is where you can make the difference by increasing movement

9 What Happens if we Sit too Long?  Physiology of sitting  Capillaries deliver blood to tissues  They have special cells that assist in blood flow that contain an enzyme that breaks down fat  After sitting 2 hours the enzyme starts to switch off  Sit for long periods of time they can decrease by 50%  Eat a high fat meal and blood fats go up to 180%  Just getting up for a few minutes switches the enzymes back on

10 Benefits of Movement  Standing 3 hours per day adds 3 years to your life  Walking 1 HR/week decreases heart disease by 20%  Increases energy levels  Improves joint mobility  Assists with weight loss/maintenance  Triggers brain growth – you will think clearer  Increases serotonin levels – your will be happier

11 How to add NEAT to your home life  Stand up at least 1x/hour  Walk the dog  Add music while you cook or clean, you will move more  Park further from entrances  Stand to fold laundry  Cook more – eat out less  Feel free to fidget  Play with your kids  Take a dance class or just dance at home  Stand to do a task you now do sitting  Read mail  Eat breakfast  Talking on the phone

12 Adding NEAT to your Work Life  Get Up and Move when:  Talking with co-workers  Talking on the phone  Faxing  Getting a print job  Reading mail  Attending meetings  Walk  To have discussions  To hold a meeting  To problem solve  To take the stairs

13 The Gruve Solution  It is a NEAT activity monitor with an online subscription  It tracks the level of your activities throughout the day  It estimates the number of calories you burn per hour  It lets you know when you have reached your energy expenditure goal  It will vibrant to remind you to move  It will provide you with a recommended calorie intake  It will tell you the time of day you need to move more I am wearing one right now…it just vibrated to let me know that I was standing too long in one place. See you have to move.

14 So, Go Move its Really that Simple Disclaimer: Solutions Northwest, Inc. does not benefit from the sale of any item mentioned in this presentation.

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