 Mechanical  Electrical  Safety/Security  Video surveillance  Fire safety  Access control  Enhanced Programming  Roofing/Structural/Site Work.

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Presentation on theme: " Mechanical  Electrical  Safety/Security  Video surveillance  Fire safety  Access control  Enhanced Programming  Roofing/Structural/Site Work."— Presentation transcript:

1  Mechanical  Electrical  Safety/Security  Video surveillance  Fire safety  Access control  Enhanced Programming  Roofing/Structural/Site Work

2  Mechanical  New boiler system  HVAC system and integrated temperature controls  Electrical  New high-efficiency lighting systems  Occupancy sensors  Safety/Security  Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities  Intruder prevention door hardware  Exterior door security  Video surveillance  Administrative offices relocated to control access  Enhanced Programming  Additional classrooms  Music room  Roofing/Structural/Site Work  New energy efficient roofing  Storm water upgrades

3  Electrical  Occupancy sensors  Safety/Security  Intruder prevention door hardware  Exterior door security  Video surveillance

4  Mechanical  New boiler system  HVAC system and integrated temperature controls  Electrical  New high-efficiency lighting systems  Occupancy sensors  Safety/Security  Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities  Intruder prevention door hardware  Exterior door security  Video surveillance  Administrative offices relocated to control access  Enhanced Programming  Additional classrooms  Roofing/Structural/Site Work  New energy efficient roofing  Storm water upgrades

5  New 50,000+ square foot building  Improve safety and security  Off street drop off/pick up  Remain at current site  Architecture to remain consistent with neighborhood

6  Mechanical  HVAC system and integrated temperature controls  Electrical  New high-efficiency lighting systems  Occupancy sensors  Safety/Security  Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities  Intruder prevention door hardware  Exterior door security  Video surveillance  Administrative office relocated to control access  Enhanced Programming  Additional classrooms  Music room  Roofing/Structural/Site Work  New energy efficient roofing  Storm water upgrades  Gym floor mud jacking

7  Mechanical  Boiler replacement  HVAC integrated temperature controls  Electrical  New high-efficiency lighting systems  Occupancy sensors  Safety/Security  Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities  Exterior door security  Video surveillance  Administrative office relocated to control access  Enhanced Programming  Renovation of counseling area  Roofing/Structural/Site Work  Additional parking  Upgrade stairway railing

8  Mechanical  HVAC integrated temperature controls  Electrical  New high-efficiency lighting systems  Occupancy sensors  Safety/Security  Fire system upgrades with auto 911 capabilities  Exterior door security  Enhance video surveillance  Enhanced Programming  New library  Roofing/Structural/Site Work  Storm water upgrades

9  Enhanced Programming  Additional classrooms  Performing Arts Auditorium  Events Stadium

10  Passage of the bond proposal will provide the funds necessary for facilities; therefore, allowing operating funds to be used towards curricular expenses.  Provide an environment that is conducive to learning…basic needs of education (lighting, safety and security, heating/cooling, appropriate space, technology capabilities).  Research indicates students involved in co-curricular activities achieve at higher levels and stay in school.  District has comprehensive measures in place improve student achievement and graduation rate.

11  District-wide pre school  Summer school for PK-12 grade students  After school tutoring at all building sites  Local assessment program utilized to monitor student progress throughout the year  Utilize an Academic Watch document to monitor students at-risk of academic failure  Alternative Education Center expanded to serve sixth grade  Social worker  Utilize parent liaisons  Show Me Scholars academic mentoring program for students in 8-12 grade  Provide 7-12 academic intervention classes (PAS, ACE)  Partner with United Way Education Solutions Team  Partner with Big Brothers/Big Sisters  High quality professional development activities  GED Options Program

12  pre-paid debt  low interest rates  positive bidding climate

13  Bidding climate  Favorable interest rates  Creation of jobs  Stimulate local economy

14  The issue has been studied internally and with our professional team.  The dollar amount generated by asking the voters to shift a portion of the debt service tax rate to the operating levy is minimal as compared to the increased cost of postponing facility projects.

15  Over the last ten years the district has taken advantage of a favorable lending environment and refinanced debt. Refinancing allowed for aggressive prepayment of debt.  Prepayment has placed the district in a position to propose a no tax rate increase bond issue.

16  Energy efficiency  New roofs  Deferred maintenance

17  Multipurpose  Friday football  Band competitions  Track  Student participation  Cost savings  School and community pride  Generate revenue

18  Enhanced curriculum  Choir  Orchestra  Concert band  Theatre productions  Speech/Debate  Assemblies  Guest speakers  Award presentations

19  Focus on future generations  Cost comparison  Seismic standards  ADA  Mechanical, plumbing, electrical systems  Asbestos

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