HCM Internship Advising Session. Why pursue an internship? Experience, experience, experience Explore job opportunities Networking Apply what you have.

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Presentation on theme: "HCM Internship Advising Session. Why pursue an internship? Experience, experience, experience Explore job opportunities Networking Apply what you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 HCM Internship Advising Session

2 Why pursue an internship? Experience, experience, experience Explore job opportunities Networking Apply what you have learned in classes Enhance communication skills Personal growth

3 Where can I intern? Anywhere!

4 Industries to Explore Clinical setting Hospital, clinic, dental, chiropractic, surgery centers, specialty clinics, long-term care, home care, mental health, pharmacy Managed Care / Insurance Benefits management Medical informatics Medical device Pharmaceutical Government Non-profits Consulting

5 Internship Sites 2011-2012 Essentia Health Neighborhood Clinics, Cancer Center, Patient Safety, Essentia Health Superior, IT St. Luke’s Clinics, Hospitality Community Memorial Hospital, Cloquet StayWell Health, Minneapolis-St. Paul UMD, Human Resources, Employee Wellness Program

6 Internship Sites 2011-2012 Trillium Services YMCA of Duluth Private psychiatric practice Carlton-Cook-Lake-St. Louis Community Health Board Recover Health, Minnetonka Bellin Health, Green Bay, WI Dignity and Grace/Brookside Assisted Living, Bemidji area Blink Optometry Bridges Caring Community, Ada, MN National Rural Health Resource Center Private physical therapy practice

7 More Sites Essentia Institute for Rural Health St. Luke’s Finance Whiteside Foundation MinuteClinic HealthPartners Human Development Center (HDC) Chris Jensen Rehabilitation Center Blue Cross Blue Shield Fairview Corporate Red Brick Health Red Cross Generations Health Care Initiatives

8 What do interns do? Clinical sector experiences Non-clinical experiences

9 Clinical Sector Improving quality and efficiency Implementing new technology (e.g. electronic medical records) Recruiting and retaining health care professionals Ensuring compliance with changing regulations Billing and reimbursement Implementing programs to improve the health of patients and communities

10 Non-clinical Sector Improving quality and efficiency Controlling costs Worksite wellness and health insurance benefits Health information technology Health care marketing Pharmacy benefit management Provider network contracting Medical device and biomedical consulting Health policy

11 Sample Student Projects Research to improve patient satisfaction Programming colonoscopy alerts into the EMR Developing a leadership program for employees Policy development and legal compliance in a new practice Social media programming for corporate wellness Small business worksite wellness development Community health needs assessment per the ACA Community asset mapping and “hot spotting”

12 What are the internship pre-requisites? Mandatory course, becoming a “Group A” requirement for the HCM major Students must be juniors or seniors HCM major or minor There must be overlap between when the credits are taken and when the internship occurs Students must have completed pre-business classes & at least 2 HCM courses before applying for internships

13 What are the internship course requirements? Registration in HCM 4597 (3-credit course) Offered in fall, spring, and summer semesters Minimum of 200 hours completed Completion of pre-registration forms, reports and evaluations Site visit (at internship director’s discretion)

14 What is the process for getting an internship? Before seeking an internship: Do some soul searching: think about what you want to learn, how you want to grow, and where you want to be Fill out the Student Information Form Meet with Prof. Schultz in the semester before you want an internship to get some contacts Review your resume and cover letter During the search: Be proactive in seeking out the internship Follow-up with contacts

15 What is the process for getting an internship? Once you have secured an internship: Fill out the Learning Objectives Form (make sure they are SMART) Fill out the Placement Agreement Form Read the Internship Manual and the Grading Criteria (these are the syllabus) Get approval and permission # for HCM 4597 from Prof Schultz and register Make sure your site supervisor knows what your learning objectives are and what the internship requires

16 What is the process for getting an internship? During the internship: Document your work Complete the first of the 2 reports Participate in a site visit At the end of the internship: Complete the second report Complete your evaluation of the experience Ask your site supervisor to evaluate the experience Share your work

17 Where do I find the forms? On-line: https://lsbe.d.umn.edu/healthcare/internships.php https://lsbe.d.umn.edu/healthcare/internships.php

18 What else can I do to prepare? Enroll in Internship Prep (CNED 3010) for 1 credit the semester before you want to intern Draft resume and generic cover letter Work w/ Career Services Center http://careers.d.umn.edu/cs_handbook/cshandbook_resumewriting.html http://careers.d.umn.edu/cs_handbook/cshandbook_resumeexamples.html Acquire references (for future letters of recommendation) Practice interview skills: Interview Stream http://careers.d.umn.edu/services/practice_interviewing.html#is Volunteer at a health services organizations http://www.1-800-volunteer.org/ Identify areas of interest Identify organizations where you want to intern Contact people at organizations identified. Share internship information with them.

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