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© 2005 The Finance Project Module II: Developing a Vision and Results Orientation Oregon 21 st Century Community Learning Center Programs October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2005 The Finance Project Module II: Developing a Vision and Results Orientation Oregon 21 st Century Community Learning Center Programs October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2005 The Finance Project Module II: Developing a Vision and Results Orientation Oregon 21 st Century Community Learning Center Programs October 2011

2 © 2011 The Finance Project Module II: Developing a Vision and Results Orientation  Goals To clearly define what you want to sustain To define the scale and scope of your efforts To identify key measure of progress  Tools: logic model worksheets

3 © 2011 The Finance Project Vision and Results Indicators and Performance Measures Conditions and Causes Strategies and Activities What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Elements of the Logic Model

4 © 2011 The Finance Project Steps for Facilitating Module II 1.Clarify vision and desired results 2.Identify conditions and causes 3.Identify and prioritize strategies and activities 4.Define scale and timeframe 5.Identify measures of progress

5 © 2011 The Finance Project Vision: A community where all children and youth are supported in reaching their full potential through quality after-school programming. Desired Results: Children and youth succeed in school What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Building a Logic Model Vision and Results are your answer to the question, “How would the children, families, and community that we are trying to benefit be changed if we are successful in our work?”

6 © 2011 The Finance Project Desired Result: Children and youth succeed in school Conditions and Causes Lack of parental involvement What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Building a Logic Model Conditions and causes are the factors that you need to affect in order to achieve your results.

7 © 2011 The Finance Project Tips for Completing Step 3  Gather and summarize research on conditions and causes before group meeting  Use existing data sources for demographic info – KidsCount, Census, local agency  Use interviews, focus groups, group meetings to gather perspectives of key stakeholders  A single program will not address all conditions and causes – identify broadly and then focus in on those that are most critical

8 © 2011 The Finance Project 4.Identify and Prioritize Strategies and Activities  Strategies – Broad practice approaches  Activities – The specific services and interventions that the initiative implements.  Involves: Looking critically at current strategies and activities Considering whether there is a need for new strategies and activities Determining which strategies and activities are priorities to sustain

9 © 2011 The Finance Project Results: Children and youth succeed in school Conditions and Causes: Lack of parental involvement Strategy: Enrichment programs Activity: Dance club What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Building the Logic Model Strategies: Broad practice approaches Activities: The specific services you implement

10 © 2011 The Finance Project 4.Define Scale and Timeframe  At what scale do you want to sustain key strategies and activities? Do you want to expand, contract or keep constant: The number of youth you serve The intensity of activity you undertake  Over what timeframe do you want to sustain activities?  Consider: need, capacity, funding status and climate

11 © 2011 The Finance Project Results: Children and youth succeed in school Conditions and Causes: Lack of parental involvement Strategy: Enrichment programs Activity: Dance club What Do You Want to Sustain? How Will You Measure Progress? Building the Logic Model Performance Measures: Measures of Effort (process) Effect (outcome) Performance Measures Effort: Number of Children served Effect: School Attendance rates Grades

12 © 2011 The Finance Project Using your logic model  To inform sustainability planning Basis for estimating and targeting needed resources Helps you to consider a variety of partners Helps you to explain what you do and why in written plan  Communicate what you do and why  Guide data collection and continuous improvement

13 © 2011 The Finance Project Module II: Facilitation Tips  Begin by filling in those pieces of the logic model that your initiative or program already has. Then tailor process based on where the gaps exist.  Balance the need for stakeholders to have input and feel buy-in with the need for the process to be manageable and efficient.  The time and resources needed for this Module will vary considerably from initiative to initiative: tailor, tailor, tailor

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