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What class and gender would I want to be. In Ancient Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "What class and gender would I want to be. In Ancient Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 What class and gender would I want to be. In Ancient Athens.

2  What I would want to be I would want to be a citizen because citizens get to own land and vote and have freedom. I would have a choice to go to the military or not and I would have rights.

3 This is a pic of ancient Athens This is where my mother and father where born. That red box is where I would prefer live.

4  The reasons The reason why I would want to be a male citizen is because a citizen has rights people now would just have to live in Canada and do some paper work but in ancient Athens time it would be very difficult to become a citizen if your parents weren’t born Athenians.

5  More reasons -life would be pretty easy for a citizen -no slavery, if I was a Metic I could be brought into slavery - If I was a slave In the military I could get captured in a different place -I would have to get sponsors if I was a Metic

6  About my life My daily routines is go to work In the military my job is a weapon smith I make axes, knifes, spears and every Friday catapults. My family also live in a big house three sons it rocks! I only have one type of clothing it’s robes and my medals.

7  Cons of other classes Slave-Can’t own land and would have to serve my owner Metic-can’t own land would have to get sponsers

8  Hope you enjoyed my slide show

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