Meteorological and hydrological service of Croatia Adriatic Marine Meteorological Center (AMMC) contribution to WIGOS implementation (updated version)

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Presentation on theme: "Meteorological and hydrological service of Croatia Adriatic Marine Meteorological Center (AMMC) contribution to WIGOS implementation (updated version)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meteorological and hydrological service of Croatia Adriatic Marine Meteorological Center (AMMC) contribution to WIGOS implementation (updated version) WIS/WIGOS Marine Meteorological Center for Adriatic Sea Area by Dijana Klarić, Ivan Čačić, Krešo Pandžić DCPC-AMMC Project Manager RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

2 Adriatic Marine Meteorological Center (AMMC) contribution to WIGOS implementation Outline - Requirements for regional actions at Adriatic Sea - AMMC WIS-DCPC /WIGOS role and main tasks - WIGOS components ( key activity areas ):  Collaboration with the WMO co-sponsored observing systems and international partner organizations and programmes  WIS/WIGOS for marine services  Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval via WIS DCPC portal  Design and planning and optimal evolution of WIGOS component: Standardization, System Interoperability and Data Compatibility RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

3 REPUBLIC OF CROATIA MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Maritime Safety Directorate Safety of Navigation Division REPUBLIC OF CROATIA MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Maritime Safety Directorate Safety of Navigation Division Need for meteorological and oceanographical data and products for regional safety on Adriatic Sea Area for: SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATIONS (SAR) MARITIME OPERATIONAL SERVICES POLLUTION PREVENTION AND COMBATTING SOLAS- Safety of Life at Seas Convention products NON-SOLAS VESSELS  NAUTICAL TOURISM (MEETING THE NEEDS) Dissemination of Meteorological Forecasts and Warnings for the High Seas under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). applies also to ships below 150 gross tonnage on any voyage and to cargo ships less than 500 gross tonnage on international voyages and to fishing vessels SHARING “INTELIGENT “DATA AND EFFECTIVE DISSEMINATION IMPROVING INTEGRATED “picture” APPROACH User requests RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki EC & Croatia March 2013 Croatian Maritime Strategy in the light of Croatia’s forthcoming accession to the EU and for the planning horizon of 2013-2023.

4 Requirements for regional actions at Adriatic Sea Croatia national actions ( from year 2006 - )  National consensus for Sub Regional action on Marine Center by relevant meteo, marine and oceanography services, institutes, Academia and civil and navy authorities, Podstrana, 2006 - scientific and operative cooperation - national partnership for marine services  Feasibility Study for the creation of a Specialised Marine Meteorological Centre for Adriatic Sea, by first JCOMM co-president R.J.Shearman, 2008 - update of DHMZ services for marine purpose (24/7, cosier network, IT) - establish WIS/DCPC entity under JCOMM - update alerting system at high resolution scale: complementary to GMDSS (SOLAS)  National Meteorological and Hydrological Service  Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries  Croatian Hydrographic Institute  Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb  State Directorate on Resque and Protection  Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and infrastructure  Croatian Navy  Plovput d.o.o. Split  Faculty of Maritime Studies, Universitiy of Split  Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka

5 WMO Marine Meteorology & Oceanography: Objective and Scope To enhance the provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services by Members – Producing operational marine/oceanographic forecasting – Providing warning services – Delivering marine climate products To coordinate, develop, and recommend standards and procedures for a fully integrated marine observing, data management and services system, in responding to the evolving needs of all users – Safety at sea and in coastal area as priority – Consider emerging requirements for other applications such as sustainable coastal area management, disaster risk reduction, and climate services for ocean-based economic, commercial and industrial activities – support climate research, detection and prediction of climate variability WMO MMOP RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

6 RA VI WIS/WIGOS Workshop on Enhanced Marine Services for Adriatic Sea Area, 17-18 May 2012, Zagreb, Croatia - WMO secretariat, RA VI office, CBS, WIS, JCOMM, in collaboration with DHMZ - WMO secretariat, RA VI office, CBS, WIS, JCOMM, in collaboration with DHMZ NHMSs: NHMSs:  Bosnia and Herzegovina Herzegovina  Croatia  Italy  Montnegro  Romania - observer  Slovenia Zagreb Initiative agreement ( BIH, CRO, IT, MNE, SLO) Zagreb Initiative agreement ( BIH, CRO, IT, MNE, SLO) to establish an Expert Team,nominated by the WMO PRs of the countries in the sub- region, to conduct the follow-up activities including roadmap and action plan to implement the functionality as described in the Concept Document. to establish an Expert Team,nominated by the WMO PRs of the countries in the sub- region, to conduct the follow-up activities including roadmap and action plan to implement the functionality as described in the Concept Document. accept the offer of Croatia, to implement WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Center accept the offer of Croatia, to implement WIS-DCPC / WIGOS Center Pilot Project for sub-regional cooperation in the provision of marine services Pilot Project for sub-regional cooperation in the provision of marine services (WIGOS component) over Adriatic Sea area as a template for small / inner sea / gulf (WIGOS component) over Adriatic Sea area as a template for small / inner sea / gulf ( e.g. Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Arabian Gulf ) ( e.g. Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Arabian Gulf ) Adriatic Marine Meteorological Center (AMMC)

7 RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki Bringing together National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and their Bringing together National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and their partner organizations as are hydrographic, oceanographic, institutions and Academia partner organizations as are hydrographic, oceanographic, institutions and Academia (e.g. universities) taking into account and respecting each others responsibilities and (e.g. universities) taking into account and respecting each others responsibilities and mandates mandates Inventory and utilization of existing marine meteorological and oceanographic Inventory and utilization of existing marine meteorological and oceanographic infrastructure trough usage of common highly effective DCPC - WIS / WIGOS two way infrastructure trough usage of common highly effective DCPC - WIS / WIGOS two way communication system in order to communication system in order to realize standardized, centralized and comprehensive marine and oceanographic realize standardized, centralized and comprehensive marine and oceanographic information information avoid duplications avoid duplications enforce NMHSs and partner organizations mission and increase their visibility enforce NMHSs and partner organizations mission and increase their visibility WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – Role cont. 1 To enable, enhance, and secure provision of affordable and cost effective joint service (24/7/365) for the users of the marine meteorological and oceanographic information (data and products) for the Adriatic sea area by

8 Processing and quality management of marine meteorological and oceanographic Processing and quality management of marine meteorological and oceanographic observations and products, including discovery metadata via WIS/DCPC System observations and products, including discovery metadata via WIS/DCPC System Initiating WIGOS implementation at marine and oceanographic observations, taking into account the difference in practice and products Initiating WIGOS implementation at marine and oceanographic observations, taking into account the difference in practice and products Contributing in common marine information system for wider user community (e.g. maritime, traffic and risk management authorities, navy, coastal and marine enterprises, media and tourism, public and private enterprises, interdisciplinary research community), Contributing in common marine information system for wider user community (e.g. maritime, traffic and risk management authorities, navy, coastal and marine enterprises, media and tourism, public and private enterprises, interdisciplinary research community), in particular for the in particular for the WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – Role production of operational marine/oceanographic forecasting production of operational marine/oceanographic forecasting provision of warning services according to WMO and JCOMM standards provision of warning services according to WMO and JCOMM standards delivery climate services related to marine atmosphere, coastal and deep sea delivery climate services related to marine atmosphere, coastal and deep sea WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – Role

9 AMMC AMMC scheme and link to WIS WMO WIS -AMMC Members focal points (WIS NC) -Define AMMC plans, legislation issues -Coordinate national Expert Team -Coordinate national Services, Institutes, Academia for Adriatic Sea products (priorities: meteorological, hydro, oceanographic products ) -Coordinate national distribution and retrieval actions toward AMMC DCPC (WIS DAR) -Provide meta data, products to AMMC -AMMC DCPC virtual center -Provide DCPC Portal and functionality (maintenance of network, products, users, archive) -Provided link between AMMC and GISC Offenbach for WIS/WIGOS marine, oceanographic services -Provide operative Adriatic Sea area products to WIS/WIGOS systems - Maintain operative and near-real time Adriatic Sea area products for public and scientific purposes

10 DCPC-AMMC Portal DCPC-AMMC Portal - Installation, tests, adjustment and improvements of Geoportal SW - Installation, tests, adjustment and improvements of Geoportal SW - Jump start WMO trainer - establish ISO 19115 for discovery metadata (WMO and oceanography interoperability) - establish ISO 19115 for discovery metadata (WMO and oceanography interoperability) - Implementation of SW for user access and validation - Test of metadata templates for observations and products according WMO standards ( descriptions, formats, authorization and data access, contacts) -Implementation at DHMZ – 1 phase -SW improvements and adjustments- desired functionality (in progress): - for meta data editors -for WIS synchronization with GISC in pull-push option -for monitoring of DCPC products -User info environment for DCPC partners, internal and external users RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

11 WIS/WIGOS portal: ALADIN meteorological model products

12 DCPC-AMMC as Virtual international center, hosted by DHMZ DCPC-AMMC as Virtual international center, hosted by DHMZ - operative retrieval and distribution of observations and products with WIS/WIGOS responsibility and functionality - operative retrieval and distribution of observations and products with WIS/WIGOS responsibility and functionality Inventory of data and products for Adriatic Sea Area Inventory of data and products for Adriatic Sea Area - permanent Expert Team actions - permanent Expert Team actions Operative Center at National Level for: Operative Center at National Level for: -Catalogue of methods, observations, products - synthesized national measurements for Adriatic Sea Area as part of National WIGOS Implementation Plan (N-WIP) - synthesized national measurements for Adriatic Sea Area as part of National WIGOS Implementation Plan (N-WIP) - ensuring the operative products and procedures for atmospheric and oceanographic analyses and forecasts - ensuring the operative products and procedures for atmospheric and oceanographic analyses and forecasts in particular, for monitor and warning marine-related hazards in particular, for monitor and warning marine-related hazards - “quality monitoring” of national products - Support in sharing of IT and high performance computing resources for operative and efficient daily marine products RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – Tasks

13 Phase 1 (year 2013-2014) - assemble of the Partners data and products Phase 1 (year 2013-2014) - assemble of the Partners data and products trough DHMZ / WMO WEB portal trough DHMZ / WMO WEB portal training of Partners assemble of data and products in the WIS registration of users monitoring of data and products and associated retrieval system (users access) WMO AMMC Expert Team activity WMO AMMC Expert Team activity development of Concept document on the AMMC performance development of Concept document on the AMMC performance cooperation agreements between Partners cooperation agreements between Partners identify gaps of marine related observations, services and systems common applications to EU funds common applications to EU funds links with European projects on meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, ecology identify associated fields and partners in the future (e.g. marine chemistry, biology) Metorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia and transferee of knowledge Metorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia and transferee of knowledge Implementation Implementation AMMC achievements at other areas : Black Sea, Persian Gulf WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – Action Plan RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

14 Observations: meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic networks (WMO, HYCOS, GOOS) - following and updating the Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) for marine services Planning and interactions : -following REGIONAL WIGOS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR RA VI - contribute to JCOM M TT for Integration of Oceanographic services at WIS/WIGOS system - updates from National WIGOS Implementation Plans (N-WIP) - WIGOS tools - Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review tool (OSCAR) - recognizing the gap of observations over Adriatic sea area - Mediterranean and bilateral networks, like MedHYCOS, MOON - SeaDataNet standards and practice - cooperation with quality managements systems ( WMO QMS, EUCOS) - implementation to WIS WIGOS component - integration of observation networks RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

15 Thank you RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki

16 Barriers in Reaching Marine Information Different kind of WEB portals, languages, possibilities Different kind of WEB portals, languages, possibilities Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania Croatia Montenegro WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – needs

17 RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki Different data and products Different data and products Slovenia Croatia Italy Montenegro Barriers in Reaching Marine Information WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – the needs

18 RA VI – 16 11-17 September 2013, Helsinki WIS DCPC / WIGOS AMMC – the needs Barriers in Reaching Marine Information Different operative sub-domains and formats METAREA III Different operative sub-domains and formats METAREA III

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