Suzanne D'Anna1 Joints or Articulations. Suzanne D'Anna2 Structural Classification l Based on: - presence or absence of a joint cavity between bones -

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1 Suzanne D'Anna1 Joints or Articulations

2 Suzanne D'Anna2 Structural Classification l Based on: - presence or absence of a joint cavity between bones - type of connective tissue that bonds bones together l Types: - fibrous - cartilaginous - synovial

3 Suzanne D'Anna3 Fibrous l no joint cavity l bones are held together by heavy fibrous connective tissue l Example: - distal articulation between tibia and fibula

4 Suzanne D'Anna4 Cartilaginous l no joint cavity l bones held together by cartilage l Example: - pubic symphysis

5 Suzanne D'Anna5 Synovial l contains a joint cavity l bones united by articular capsule l accessory ligaments frequently present l Examples: - fingers, toes, knees

6 Suzanne D'Anna6 Functional Classification l based on degree of movement permitted l Types: - synarthrosis - immovable joint - amphiarthrosis - slightly movable joint - diarthrosis - freely movable joint

7 Suzanne D'Anna7 Synarthrosis (immovable joint) l Types: - sutures - unite bones of skull - gomphosis - type of joint in which a cone-shaped peg fits into a socket - synchondrosis - cartilaginous joint held together by hyaline cartilage l Example of gomphoisis: - tooth l Example of synchondrosis: - joint between true ribs and sternum

8 Suzanne D'Anna8 Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable) l Types: - Syndesmosis - fibrous joint where there is fibrous connective tissue forming a ligament - Symphysis - cartilaginous joint with connecting material a disc of fibrocartilage l Example of syndesmosis: - distal articulation between tibia and fibula l Example of syndesmosis: - pubic symphysis, intervetebral joints

9 Suzanne D'Anna9 Diarthrosis (freely movable) l synovial cavity - separates articulating surfaces l articular cartilage - hyaline type cartilage, covers bone surfaces at joint l articular capsule - sleeve-like structure that encloses cavity, unites articulating bones l many contain discs (menisci) and bursae (sacs of synovial fluid at friction points)

10 Suzanne D'Anna10 Diarthrosis (cont.) l Types: - ball-and-socket - ellipsoidal - gliding - hinge - pivot - saddle

11 Suzanne D'Anna11 Ball-and-Socket l ball-like surface fits into a cup-like depression l between femur and acetabulum of hipbone l only examples are shoulder and hip

12 Suzanne D'Anna12 l oval-shaped condyle fits into an elliptical cavity l between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of carpus Ellipsoidal

13 Suzanne D'Anna13 Gliding l articulating surfaces usually flat l between navicular and second and third cuneiforms of the tarsus l between carpals l clavicle glides on sternum and scapula

14 Suzanne D'Anna14 Hinge l spool-like surface fits into a concave surface l between trochlea of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna l knee, elbow, ankle, interphalangeal joints, between occipital bone and atlas

15 Suzanne D'Anna15 Pivot l rounded, pointed, or concave surface fits into a ring-shaped structure l between head of radius and radial notch of ulna l first cervical vertebra (atlas) rotates around second cervical vertebra (axis) when you turn your head side to side

16 Suzanne D'Anna16 Saddle l articular surface of one bone fits into a saddle-shaped surface of another l joint between trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb

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