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Rutherford County Schools Department of School Health Services

2 New Info for All Teachers
RCS has started an initiative to identify students with a concussion that may have happened during the school day, from after schools sports or during any activity.

3 Facts A concussion is a brain injury All concussions are serious
Concussions can occur without a Loss Of Consciousness

4 Facts Can occur in any sport
Recognition and proper care when they first occur can help prevent further brain injury

5 What is a concussion? Brain injury that changes how the cells in the brain normally work Caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull

6 Concussion (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury)
Sometimes difficult to diagnose Computed Tomography (CT) Scans appear normal Often detected by those who knew the person prior to injury Symptoms include changes in memory, mood and personality Approximately 75% of all brain injuries are Mild Most people fully recover

7 Reported by Student Headache/pressure in head Nausea/vomiting
Balance problems/dizziness Vision changes Sensitivity to light/noise Inability to stay focused in class Does not appear engaged in class when usually is an active participant

8 What Can You as the Teacher Do to Help?
Be aware that symptoms may not show until the student has to focus during the class day, especially if the injury happened over the weekend. So your observation is very important. Send the student to the school nurse if he/she has any of the symptoms that may signal a concussion; especially not staying focused in class if they are generally an active participant or stay engaged during the class.

9 If you are interested in more information about concussions please contact your school nurse or go to the RCS homepage and view the Concussion PowerPoint at the Health Services site. Thank your for your attention and now on to the newly revised Bloodborne Pathogen presentation

10 What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?
Bloodborne Pathogens are germs (microorganisms) that are present in human blood and can infect people and cause disease.

11 How are these GERMS spread?
They are spread by contaminated blood or body fluids (urine, vomit, mucous, semen, etc.) that enter the body of another. Transmission is most likely to occur through: An accidental cutting of skin by a sharp object, such as broken glass that is contaminated Contact between broken or damaged skin and infected body fluids Contact between mucous membranes and infected body fluids

12 What is Broken Skin? Open sores Cuts Abrasions Acne
Any sort of damaged or broken skin such as sunburn blisters or by scratching mosquito bites

13 How Else Can it be Spread?
Through mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth Unprotected sex with an infected person Sharing needles with an infected person

14 How is it NOT Spread? Through touching an infected person
Coughing or sneezing Using the same equipment, materials, toilets, water fountains, or showers as an infected person

15 What Can I Do to Protect Myself?
Use UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS (treat everyone as if they are infected!) You have gloves available for your use Ask your school nurse or the custodian for more gloves if you are out Be sure to wash your hands after taking off the gloves Appropriate Housekeeping Measures Proper disposal of contaminated waste Bandages that are NOT dripping blood can be disposed of in a regular garbage can MRSA contaminated bandages are highly contagious Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Using gloves and/or goggles when appropriate

16 Females of Childbearing Age
Some illnesses can be passed on to the “baby” and cause it harm. Sometimes the risk factor is based on the gestational age of the baby Or it may be harmful during the entire pregnancy or only during childbirth. For example: H1N1 flu puts a pregnant women at risk any time during their pregnancy for severe complications that may even be life-threatening.

17 Females of Childbearing Age
Some kids are contagious before they have symptoms that identify their disease, such as Fifth’s Disease. These kids are no longer contagious once their rash is manifested, but you have already been exposed. Universal Precautions remains an important safeguard, but doesn’t prevent respiratory (droplet) transmission of germs. Keeping a clean work environment is helpful in germ control by cleaning contaminated surfaces with the proper cleaning solution.

18 Females of Childbearing Age
You need to check with your OB-GYN to determine risk factors if you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant. The doctor is the expert who knows what is harmful to the baby. Remember to always wear gloves and wash your hands frequently when dealing with children with a fever, cold or flu symptoms, general feelings of malaise, a rash, when changing a diaper, or when exposed to blood or body fluids, i.e vomit, urine, etc.

19 What Could Happen at Work to Put Me At Risk?
If you don’t put your gloves on before dealing with a child that is vomiting If you are a First Responder and don’t put your gloves or eye protection on If there is bleeding and you don’t put your gloves on If you are changing a diaper and don’t wear your gloves What else can you think of that may put you at risk?

20 Complete Your Hepatitis B Series if You Are Designated “At Risk”
School secretaries and/or Para Professionals /Educational Assistants, if they are designated as the persons who deals with injuries in the normal performance of their duties; CDC teachers and paraprofessionals working with developmentally disabled/severely disabled students; Bus attendants who work with developmentally disabled students; First Responder team members; School Nurses. Custodians

21 NEW starting 2011-2012 Hepatitis B Update
For those people deemed “at risk” that receive the 3 shot Hepatitis B series, a blood draw will be done one to two months after you receive the third shot in the series to make sure you acquired immunities to Hepatitis B. This will be done at either the Blackman Elementary or Stewarts Creek clinic site. If you did not form the antibodies needed to protect you from Hepatitis B you will need to repeat the 3 shot series.

22 Response Involving Blood or Body Fluids
Wear appropriate gloves or goggles Carefully cover the spill with an absorbent material, i.e. paper towel, to prevent splashing Disinfect with proper solution (*custodian will have the proper equipment) Wait 10 minutes to ensure adequate decontamination, and then carefully wipe up the spilled material * Disinfect all mops and cleaning tools after the job is done * Dispose of all contaminated materials appropriately * Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after the clean up is complete

23 Waste Disposal Do NOT pick broken glass up directly with your hands. Instead use items such as a brush and dustpan to pick it up Sterilize broken glass that is visibly contaminated with blood with an approved disinfectant before cleaning it up Dispose of decontaminated glass in an appropriate sharps container. Sharps containers should be leak-proof on sides and bottom, and appropriately labeled Dispose of uncontaminated broken glass in a closable, puncture resistant container

24 What if I Have an Exposure….
That results in a cut by a potentially contaminated needle or other sharp object? A splash of blood or other potentially infectious materials to the eyes, mouth, or mucous membranes? Blood or other potentially infectious materials contacting broken skin? Early treatment can significantly reduce the chance of disease transmission!

25 When an Employee Has a Possible Exposure:
Clean the area immediately preferably with soap and water or use alcohol based hand rub For eyes flush with running water Inform the Principal and/or your supervisor as soon as possible Complete the First Report of Injury Form Complete the Panel of Physicians Form You will be seen by the Workman’s Comp physician that you selected on the Panel of Physicians Form

26 If You Have Any Questions
Please contact your school nurse She is always available to answer your questions

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