Y2TA Histo Review Most images illegally lifted from JayDoc HistoWeb

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Presentation on theme: "Y2TA Histo Review Most images illegally lifted from JayDoc HistoWeb"— Presentation transcript:

1 Y2TA Histo Review Most images illegally lifted from JayDoc HistoWeb http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/


3 Name that Epithelium

4 Simple Squamous (glomerulus)Simple Cuboidal (thyroid) Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar (trachea) Stratified Squamous (lip)

5 The Bride of Name that Epithelium

6 Transitional (urinary bladder)Stratified Squamous Keratinized (skin) Simple Columnar (gall bladder)Stratified Cuboidal (sweat duct)

7 Here to Pump YOU up

8 Skeletal (longitudinal)Skeletal (cross-section) SmoothCardiac

9 Separated at Birth?

10 Smooth MusclePeripheral Nerve

11 Separated at Birth? Smooth MusclePeripheral Nerve

12 got milk? 12341

13 Hyaline Cartilage Haversian System Epiphyseal plate 1.Resting Zone 2.Proliferative Zone 3.Hypertrophy Zone 4.Ossification Zone 12341

14 What Am I?

15 Veins Artery Nerve Venule Arteriole

16 Blood Cells (no need to guess, just review) Shamelessly stolen from the University of Nebraska Omaha – go Mavericks! PMN & RBCs Eosinophil Basophil Lymphocyte & Platelets SCA Monocyte

17 Guess the Lymphoid Tissue Cardiac

18 Guess the Lymphoid Tissue Peyer’s Patch (ileum)Spleen Lymph NodeCardiac Cortex Medulla

19 Now Breathe

20 Larynx Bronchiole Lung Alveolar Macrophage Type I Pneumocyte Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Vein Type II Pneumocyte

21 Food Goes In…

22 Esophagus (middle 1/3) Stomach (fundus) Gastroesophageal Junction Stomach (pylorus)

23 …Food Comes Out

24 Duodenum Colon Ilium/Jejunum Anorectal Junction

25 Pavlov’s Dog

26 Serous Mucous

27 Pavlov’s Dog Parotid GlandSublingual Gland Submandibular Gland Serous Mucous

28 Accessory GI Organs

29 Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas Bile Duct Hepatic Vein Hepatic Artery Exocrine Islets of Langerhans

30 Name that Hormone!

31 Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas – Islet of Langerhans Zona Glomerulosa Zona Fasciculata Zona Reticularis Medulla

32 Name that Hormone! Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas – Islet of Langerhans Zona Glomerulosa Zona Fasciculata Zona Reticularis Medulla T3, T4 Insulin Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) Glucocorticoids (cortisol) Androgens Epi, NE

33 Wicked Pissah

34 Kidney Cortex Renal Tubules Ureter Urinary Bladder Proximal TubuleDistal Tubules Glomerulus Bowman’s Capsule Macula Densa


36 ♀ Ovary UterusOviduct Vagina Proliferative Secretory Primordial Follicle Primary Follicle Secondary FollicleGraafian Follicle


38 ♂ Seminiferous Tubles Primary Spermatocytes Secondary Spermatocytes Spermatogonia Spermatids Epididymis Stereocilia Ductus Deferens Seminal Vesicle

39 Separated at Birth? The Sequel

40 Ureter Oviduct Ductus Deferens

41 Separated at Birth? The Sequel Ductus Deferens Ureter Oviduct

42 THE END You on Friday Afternoon!

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