Loading Gels. The Gel Box Electrode Lid Tray to hold gel Connect to power supply.

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Presentation on theme: "Loading Gels. The Gel Box Electrode Lid Tray to hold gel Connect to power supply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loading Gels

2 The Gel Box Electrode Lid Tray to hold gel Connect to power supply

3 Gel Tray Gel is slippery, flexible, and fragile -Gel tray holds the gel in place -Little divots in box hold tray in place

4 Gel Comb Used when making gel Forms wells in gel Needs to be removed before loading gel.

5 Power Supply Controls the voltage being ran through the gel Controls how long the gel is ran

6 Set Up Gel Box Remember DNA runs to the RED or the positive electrode. Wells need to be on the side of the negative electrode (aka the black one) Place the gel inside the gel box

7 Setting up the Box Gently remove the comb from the gel. Pour the buffer over the top of the gel to the fill line.

8 Obtain the Sample Adjust your pipette to the correct measurement Place a tip on the pipette Draw Sample into the tip

9 Load the Gel Steady the pipette tip over the well – It sometimes help to use your other hand. Lower the tip under the surface of the buffer, directly over the well Be careful not to puncture the well Depress the plunger slowly, to second stop- releasing the sample into the well

10 Removing the Pipette Make sure to keep the plunger down Carefully remove the tip from the gel box Eject the tip in your waste container.

11 Walk Me Through The Steps 1.Set up the box 2.Obtain the Sample 3.Load the Well 4.Remove the Pipette

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