Who Lived Here? Lambeth Census investigation. Dalyell Road Lansdowne Trinity Gardens This is an old map of Stockwell and Brixton (1918)

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Presentation on theme: "Who Lived Here? Lambeth Census investigation. Dalyell Road Lansdowne Trinity Gardens This is an old map of Stockwell and Brixton (1918)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Lived Here? Lambeth Census investigation

2 Dalyell Road Lansdowne Trinity Gardens This is an old map of Stockwell and Brixton (1918)

3 What is a census? Every 10 years in Britain a census is carried out. The last one was in 2011. This is a count of everyone in Britain – their ages, occupations and place of birth. We can find out who was living in every house by studying census records. Here are three different records: Lansdowne Road (1901 Census) Dalyell Road (1891 Census) Trinity Gardens (1871 census)

4 You can record information on a tally sheet Census Year Name of Road House number People TallyTotal Men Women Children Family members Servants Visitors Lodgers

5 You can record information on a tally sheet Census Year Name of Road House number Occupations TallyTotal

6 You can record information on a tally sheet Census Year Name of Road House number Place of Birth TallyTotal

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