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Mike and Jen’s Plant List

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1 Mike and Jen’s Plant List
Prepared by Cecilia Ashley Greenlife Landscaping Sept. 2009

2 ACER palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ Coral Bark Maple
Deciduous trees, zones 2-10, 12, 14-24 Full sun to Filtered sunlight Regular water; do not overwater Can reach 20 feet. No diseases are of major concern. Use organic tree (ornamental tree) fertilizer as leaves appear in spring and then again before they fall in autumn. Fall colors are striking yellow and then the bark turns a bright red in winter. Can appear twiggy in winter and therefore the winter is a good time to prune out small twigs and to leave the main branches. Leaf scorch can occur during heat waves and if left too dry.

3 ACER palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ Red Japanese Maple
Deciduous trees, zones 2-10, 14-24 Filtered sunlight Regular water Can reach feet if not pruned. No diseases are of major concern. Leaf scorch occurs during periods of high temperatures accompanied by wind. When trees do not get enough water they scorch. Prune root shoots to encourage growth in top. Keep compact by cutting length of branch; cut close to trunk to make tree more airy.

4 CLEMATIS ‘Jackmanii’ Deciduous vine, zones 9-24 Full sun Regular water
Grows to feet tall Flowers in mid-to late summer – prune in early spring. Flowers only on old wood, so only remove small or twisted twigs and leave main 3-4 vines. Don’t let roots dry out. Apply fertilizer (standard plant organic fertilizer) in spring as blooms are developing.

5 HYDRANGEA microphylla ‘Endless Summer’
Deciduous shrub, zones 9-24 Full or partial shade Regular water Grows to 3-6 feet tall and wide Will bloom on both old and new wood. Remove spent flowers to have repeat blooms from spring to fall. Cut emerging spring growth back to half to increase the number of blooms. Keep the soil surface moist, but not soggy. Feed with an acid fertilizer (E.B. Stone or Dr. Earth are organic) before spring growth. Prune to shape after flowering.

6 COLEONEMA pulchellum ‘Sunset Gold’ Golden Breath of Heaven
Evergreen shrub, zones 7-9, 14-24 Full sun or light shade Regular water Grows 2 feet tall, up to 4 feet wide. Needs good drainage. Pink flowers in late winter and spring. To promote compactness and to control size, shear lightly after main bloom is over. For even more filmy look, thin out some interior stems.

7 HEUCHERA x ‘Plum Pudding’ Coral Bells
Evergreen perennial, zones 1-9, 14-24 Part shade to part sun Moderate to regular water Reaches 8” – 2 feet tall Summer flowers are held on think stalks to 3 ft. high and are white to cream colored. Divide clumps every 3 or 4 years in spring. Use young, vigorous rooted divisions, or cut old woody stems to within an inch of the ground and let them regrow. Mealybugs can damage base of plants; treat with insecticidal soap.

8 LAVANDULA angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ English Lavender
Evergreen shrubs, zones 2-24 Full sun Moderate water Reaches 1 ½ - 2 feet tall. Needs well-drained soil and little or no fertilizer. Give good air circulation. Remove faded flowers to promote continued bloom. Prune back after flowering in fall, and then again to shape in spring after new leaves appear. Prune back to 8” in spring every 3 years to control plant size and to promote robust new growth. Attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds. Sucseptible to root rot due to poorly drained soils.

9 PANDOREA jasminoides ‘Rosea’ (Bower Vine)
Evergreen vine, zones 16-24 Partial shade in hottest climates Regular water (don’t let it dry out) Vigorous to feet; keep neat and pruned Protect in frost with Christmas light or sheet; if it freezes, it will come back in spring. Blooms from late spring to early fall. If aphids become a problem, simply find an organic pesticide and spray as needed (or if the problem is minor, just snip off the infested areas).

10 SOLEIRILLIA solierolli (Baby’s tears)
Perennial, zones 4-24 Partial to full shade Regular to ample water To 2-4” high, spreading indefinitely Tiny leaves and stems are easily injured, but aggressive growth repairs damage quickly. Roots easily from pieces. Freezes to dark leaves in hard frost but comes back. Cut back if it creeps into other plants.

11 ROSMARINUS officinals ‘Tuscan Blue’ Rosemary
Evergreen shrub, zones 4-24 Full sun Little to moderate water Can grow to 6-7 feet tall, 2-3 feet wide Base will turn woody if not pruned regularly. Can be pruned any time to keep its shape (make sure to cut among leaves; if cut below leaves, branch will not regrow). Leaves and flowers are edible. Good drainage is essential.

12 BUXUS microphylla japonica Green Beauty Boxwood
Evergreen shrub, zones 4-24 Full sun to full shade Average water Grows to 2-4 feet tall, 3-4 feet wide Deep green color all year round, new leaves light green. Can be pruned into formal shapes or left for a softer look. Hardy to 0 degrees F. Fertilize in spring with an organic general fertilizer. Leaves get bronze tinged in cold weather but green color returns in spring.

13 PELARGONIUM peltatum Ivy Geranium
Perennial, zones 8, Some shade in hottest climates Moderate to regular water To 1 ½ ft tall, trailing 3-5 feet Need good, fast-draining soil, respond well to organic matter. With good soil, need little or no fertilizer. Remove faded flowers regularly to encourage new bloom.

14 PHORMIUM ‘Red Heart’ New Zealand Flax
Evergreen perennial, zones 7-9, Full sun or partial shade Little to moderate water Grows to 3 feet tall, 4-6 ft wide Year-round interest and color. Hardy to 20 degrees F. Cut spent leaves down to base. To trim size, use scissors to cut longest leaves and keep the new growth.

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