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FY 2013-14. Performance Enrollment & Academic Performance GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates Transitioning to Postsecondary.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 2013-14. Performance Enrollment & Academic Performance GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates Transitioning to Postsecondary."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 2013-14

2 Performance Enrollment & Academic Performance GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates Transitioning to Postsecondary

3 Enrollment Enrolled in Adult Education with 12+ hours of attendance. Academic Performance Percent of clients that are eligible to demonstrate NRS level completion. Both determine Program’s Performance Category

4 Performance Category Enrollment Goal Academic Performance Excellence85% and above54% and above Proficient65-84%48-53% Needs ImprovementBelow 65%Below 48% Programs are placed annually in a Performance Category as illustrated. The lowest performance area determines a program’s Performance Category.

5 Excellence or Proficient GED ® Graduates Goal GED ® Graduates Transitioning to Postsecondary Must be in Excellence or Proficient to be eligible for performance funding.

6 Performance CategoryPerformance Percentage Excellence6% Proficient2% Programs in Excellence or Proficient as defined in above may also earn performance funding for GED ® graduates and transitions of GED ® graduates to postsecondary education.

7 GED Goal 100% and above 80-99%Below80% Performance Percentage 2%1%0% GED ® goal set by Council on Postsecondary Education

8 Transitions of GED Graduates 28% and above 24 - 27%Below 24% Performance Percentage 2%1%0% Using GED ® graduates from two years ago transitioning to postsecondary over a two year period. Goal set by Council on Postsecondary Education.

9 Performance Category Performance Percentage Excellence 6% to 10% Proficient 2% to 6%

10  Performance Percentages are multiplied by the program’s core services funding.  KYAE caps the amount of statewide performance funding.  Programs Receiving 10% performance funding will be awarded funds available without the cap.  All other programs eligible for performance funding will be awarded funds (may be capped if over allotted funds).  Performance funding is contingent upon available funding.

11  KYAE expects all funded programs to meet enrollment goals and academic performance at the minimum of the Proficient performance category.  During the statewide RFP competition to be held every four years, past performance of current providers as well as other eligible applicants will be a major factor in determining whether a proposal is approvable.  A current program in Needs Improvement, especially for more than one year, significantly decreases its ability to demonstrate past effectiveness during the statewide RFP competition.

12  In the years between the statewide RFP competition, KYAE will annually review performance.  Performance of 40 percent or less of the county enrollment goal or 30 percent or less of academic performance is unacceptable. This level of performance constitutes failure to meet the terms of the adult education contract and may result in the fiscal agent forfeiting adult education grant funding.

13 FY 2014-15 Draft

14 Reduction in State Enrollment Goal 50,000 40,000

15 Performance Enrollment, Academic Performance, GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates GED ® Graduates Transitioning to Postsecondary

16 Enrollment Enrolled in Adult Education with 12+ hours of attendance. Academic Performance Percent of clients that are eligible to demonstrate NRS level completion. All determine Program’s Performance Category GED ® Goal GED ® Graduates

17 Performance Category Enrollment Goal Academic Performance GED Goal Excellence 100% and above 54% and above 80% and above Proficient80-99%48-53%60-79% Needs Improvement Below 80%Below 48%Below 60% Programs are placed annually in a Performance Category as illustrated. The lowest performance area determines a program’s Performance Category.

18 Performance CategoryPerformance Percentage Excellence6% Proficient3% Programs in Excellence or Proficient as defined in above may also earn performance funding for transitions of GED ® graduates to postsecondary education.

19 Transitions of GED Graduates 28% and above 24 - 27%Below 24% Performance Percentage 2%1%0% GED ® graduates from two years ago transitioning to postsecondary over a two year period. Goal set by Council on Postsecondary Education.

20 Performance Category Performance Percentage Excellence 6% to 8% Proficient 3% to 5%


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