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Each Year, nationwide, 1.2 million students fail to graduate from high school!

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Presentation on theme: "Each Year, nationwide, 1.2 million students fail to graduate from high school!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Each Year, nationwide, 1.2 million students fail to graduate from high school!

2 One high school student drops out every eleven seconds!

3 70% of students graduate from HS, but African American and Hispanic students have less than a 55% chance of finishing high school with a regular diploma!

4 28% of students with disabilities left school by dropping out!

5 One in three students with disabilities do not graduate on time with a regular diploma!

6 Dropouts are less likely to have a driver’s license or checking account, and they are much less likely to be registered to vote!

7 One in three dropouts with disabilities have spent a night in jail!

8 What Can You Do About It?

9 Look At Your District Performance Secondary Transition Graduation/Dropout Post-School Outcomes

10 Graduation Graduation Youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma.

11 Graduation Data Results School year State Target All students Special Education Students 2006-07> 72% Available soon 2005-06> 69%82%71% 2004-0582%63%

12 State Targets FYY Measurable and Rigorous Target 2005 (2005-2006) Grad. Rate for SWD will increase to 69%. 2006 (2006-2007) Grad. Rate for SWD will increase to 72%. 2007 (2007-2008) Grad. Rate for SWD will increase to 75%. 2008 (2007-2008) Grad. Rate for SWD will increase to 78%. 2009 (2009-2010) Grad. Rate for SWD will increase to 81%. 2010 (2010-2011) Grad. Rate for SWD will increase to 84%.

13 Drop Out Youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.

14 Drop Out Data Results School year State Target All students Special Education Students 2006-07 Less than 5.4% Available soon 2005-06 Less than 5.5% 4.1%4.3% 2004-054.2%4.3%

15 State Targets FYY Measurable and Rigorous Target 2005 (2005-2006) Drop Out rate for SWD will decrease to 5.5%. 2006 (2006-2007) Drop Out rate for SWD will decrease to 5.4%. 2007 (2007-2008) Drop Out rate for SWD will decrease to 4.9%. 2008 (2007-2008) Drop Out rate for SWD will decrease to 4.6%. 2009 (2009-2010) Drop Out rate for SWD will decrease to 4.3%. 2010 (2010-2011) Drop Out rate for SWD will decrease to 4.1%.

16 Transition Services Youth with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post- secondary goals.

17 Results of Analysis for Transition Services Preliminary data Number of files reviewed that met all 3 standards Percentage of files reviewed that met all 3 standards 2006-07502/ 560 90.7% 2005-06454 / 499 91.0%

18 Post School Outcomes Youth who had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school and who have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school.

19 Results of Pilot Collection for Indicator 14 Preliminary Data Exit Interviews Follow-up interviews Potential interviews 4000400 Completed interviews 100080 Number of districts submitting data 667

20 How Can I Analyze My Data? Step 1: Look at the students who graduate and those who drop out: Primary Disability Federal Placement Age Ethnicity

21 Step 2: Compare graduation and dropout data with: Regular Education Data Trend data -- Look for Patterns—Multiyear Data Base Similar Size Districts Districts in Your ESD National Data Compare the schools and programs in your district

22 Step 3: Check compliance and “effective practices” for transition services. Do I have: measurable postsecondary goals based upon age- appropriate transition assessments? measurable, annual IEP goals that will assist the student in progressing toward his/her post-secondary goal? annual goals which include academic & functional goals? transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals? the course of study needed to assist the child in reaching post-secondary goals?

23 Step 4: Check compliance and “effective practices” for post-secondary outcomes. POST-SECONDARY GOALS: appropriate and measurable based upon age-appropriate transition assessments results of those assessments in the present levels related to training, education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills

24 What other factors can influence my district success? Improvement activities Academic supports Behavioral supports Extra-curricular Activities Recreation Activities Exit methods

25 Influences on Grad/Drop Out and Transition Success Academic Achievement Assessment Results Suspension or Expulsion No connection to school community Behavior Problems Lack of Adult Mentors Functional Performance Goals for the Future Appropriate Peer Relationships

26 What Do Kids Say Matters? 1.Help with identifying future plans. 2.Class work connected to their lives. 3.Positive interactions with adults. 4.They want to enjoy school. 5.Engagement.

27 Strategies for Success Start early—at least middle school Make connections to at-risk students Provide professional development for staff Incorporate Early literacy education Create a sense of place and belong Research employment needs of community Enhance vocational education Consider alternative schools

28 More Strategies for Success Review District Policies and Procedures Foster Ongoing Collaboration With Other Agencies Encourage Self Advocacy Teach Goal Setting and Self Determination Provide Full Access to Learning Opportunities Consider Family vs School Expectations Provide Career Preparatory Experiences Support Youth Development and Youth Leadership Encourage Connecting Activities

29 Post Secondary Outcome Graduation Transition ServicesAnnual Goals

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