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BaslerCast Some Results…. Student Surveys After 32 Episodes… –8 were video podcasts Here is what the students had to say…

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1 BaslerCast Some Results…

2 Student Surveys After 32 Episodes… –8 were video podcasts Here is what the students had to say…






8 Student Comments “Very useful” “I like how when Basler put worksheet work and answers on BaslerCast cause it helped me a lot. Not to cheat or anything but it helped”

9 Student Comments “Only reason I listened to BaslerCast was for quiz hints” “Use the condensed info and diagrams in class to teach instead of just online” “I didn’t use it that much but I feel that it could help others as a supplement to classroom learning”

10 Student Comments “teach more and babble less on the podcast especially the beginning because that was the only part that would load on my computer (usually first half)” “When I used it, it was very helpful and I should have taken the time to use it more often!”

11 Student Comments “told me what to know for the quiz” “the BaslerCast was a great way to teach your students about physics and up coming quizzes, your website is very well done and impressive. I wish more teachers did it. See yer around Bazzdaddy”

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