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Take This Job & Love It! Presenter, Martha N. Bryan Bryan & Bryan Associates

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Presentation on theme: "Take This Job & Love It! Presenter, Martha N. Bryan Bryan & Bryan Associates"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take This Job & Love It! Presenter, Martha N. Bryan Bryan & Bryan Associates

2  Whining, Pity Party – Being Grumpy  Unhappy Camper – Communication Issues  Attendance Problems – Late, Leaves Early  Obnoxious Behaviors And Addictive Behaviors  Waiting For Things To Get Better -- Or Others To Get Better  Holding On To Old Ways -- Defending The Status Quo  Doing Only What Is Required  Not Keeping Promises  Tunnel Vision -- Unable To See The Big Picture  Working “For Others” – Working On Other People’s Goals  “Auto Pilot" Existence -- Just Going Through Life  Unlimited Excuses – Always Overworked / Under Stress  No Energy (Listless) People Who Hate Their Job

3 “Everything can be taken from a person but one thing; the last of the human freedoms - - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ~ Victor Frankel, Auschwitz Prisoner Author Man’s Search for Meaning

4 “Bad attitudes have become mainstream. Irreverence, criticism, and disrespect are at the forefront of our humor, entertainment, media, political discourse, and everyday conversation. These personal attacks and ‘character assassinations’ occur so often, they are no longer shocking or noteworthy. We have become desensitized to such attacks. We do not just disagree with someone’s ideas and actions, we attack their intelligence, ethics, and morals. Managers have moved from guideposts to whipping posts and frequently bear the brunt of employees’ personal feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, outside problems that filter into the workplace, employees’ lack of personal preparation and failure to position themselves for tomorrow’s workplace opportunities as well as stalled careers.” ~ Harry Chambers, Author The Bad Attitude Survival Guide

5 We have experienced an erosion of respect for people, positions, and institutions. Employees are holding you accountable for crimes you never committed and problems you do not have the power to fix. It comfortably distances employees from responsibility. Today’s employees are less fearful of what you might do to them and more resentful of what they perceive you haven’t done for them. We are no longer motivated to avoid loss. Blaming is a comfortable way to distance themselves for any responsibility, affirms their righteousness, and avoids accountability for unresolved issues. Bad attitude employees do not differentiate between a four alarm blazing fire and a burned marshmallow. We have experienced an erosion of respect for people, positions, and institutions. Employees are holding you accountable for crimes you never committed and problems you do not have the power to fix. It comfortably distances employees from responsibility. Today’s employees are less fearful of what you might do to them and more resentful of what they perceive you haven’t done for them. We are no longer motivated to avoid loss. Blaming is a comfortable way to distance themselves for any responsibility, affirms their righteousness, and avoids accountability for unresolved issues. Bad attitude employees do not differentiate between a four alarm blazing fire and a burned marshmallow.

6 Antagonism is fashionable. There is always someone or something to be against. There is no middle ground. We tend to think in absolutes. Every decision they make is wrong. They are always out to get me (us). Everything the boss or company does is wrong. The company will do everything they can to get me. With the advantage of hindsight, elapsed time and observable results, we have become experts at being post-event critical. After-the-fact geniuses -- used by those who are not secure enough to put themselves on the line and take risk. Antagonism is fashionable. There is always someone or something to be against. There is no middle ground. We tend to think in absolutes. Every decision they make is wrong. They are always out to get me (us). Everything the boss or company does is wrong. The company will do everything they can to get me. With the advantage of hindsight, elapsed time and observable results, we have become experts at being post-event critical. After-the-fact geniuses -- used by those who are not secure enough to put themselves on the line and take risk.

7  Clarity and commitment to mission / goals  A passion for excellence  Lifelong growth / development  Creation / management of change  Ability to learn from mistakes, self-correct / move on  Commitment to mastery of a talent or skill  Strong sense of personal awareness / accountability (continued) People Who Love Their Job

8 Habits of People Who Love Their Job (continued)  Both healthy independence & interdependence  Ability to communicate for understanding  Empowerment of self & others  Ability to take care of themselves  Risk, experimentation & growth  Expectation of positive  Ability to be grateful  Ability to experience life to the fullest degree

9 Blocks to Loving Your Work  Having no definition of success  Not knowing what you really want  Unclear goals / purpose  Lack of commitment to goals  Lack of self-discipline / putting off  Working first on what is due first  Doing only what is required / getting sidetracked (Continued) "There are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason." ~Mark Twain "There are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason." ~Mark Twain

10 Blocks to Loving Your Work (Continued)  Excusitis (real creative with excuses)  Unable to work effectively with others  Negative thinking / problem conscious  Thinking something outside self will bring happiness  Lets mistakes defeat them  Tunnel vision  "Auto pilot" existence – too attached to comfort zone  Listlessness (no energy) “Your Life Does Not Get Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change.” ~ Jim Rohn “Your Life Does Not Get Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change.” ~ Jim Rohn

11 Am I The Block? Yes No __________Am I refusing to do anything distasteful? __________Am I hanging around the quicksand crowd? __________Am I putting off? __________Am I waiting around for things to get better? __________Am I whining and complaining? __________Am I talking too much? __________Am I making snap or slow decisions? __________Am I refusing to let others do their job? __________Am I taking on too much? __________Am I giving in to mood swings? __________Am I coping with change? __________Am I making realistic time estimates? __________Am I excited about my life?

12 Are We "Our Own Worst Enemy?"  Why do we get stuck just doing our job?  Why do we sleepwalk through life?  Why do we not pay attention to the "wake - up" calls?  Are we chasing our dreams or just putting in our time?  Are we chasing our dreams or working on other people's goals?  How can we put more joy and excitement into our life? "People are always blaming their circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want. If they don't find them, they make them." ~ George Bernard Shaw

13 “Most of us will go to our grave with our music still in our soul.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson “Most of us will go to our grave with our music still in our soul.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson What Does Success Mean To You?

14 Peace of mind... freedom from fear, guilt, anger Good health & high energy level Caring relationships Commitment to worthy goals & ideas Feeling of fulfillment Peace of mind... freedom from fear, guilt, anger Good health & high energy level Caring relationships Commitment to worthy goals & ideas Feeling of fulfillment Success -- The Pieces

15 Success... Getting to do what you really want to do in -->love -->work -->personal life Doing it well. Being rewarded for it. Feeling good about yourself... in the process of doing it.

16 Getting Clarity About What Is Important... This Will Help Three Choices Personal Mission Retirement Speech Or Obituary

17 Let’s be Honest!  Why do you get up in the morning?  Why do you do the work you do?  Do you work at peak performance levels or do you "just get by”?  If you could have any job in the world, what job would that be?  If you knew you could not fail, what would you do with your life?  In reflecting back on all the jobs you have had throughout your life, which job brought you the most joy and satisfaction?  In reflecting on the job you now have, what part of your job do you especially enjoy?  If you knew you had only one year to live, what would you do differently?  Are you living your life by design or by default?

18 Finding Your Passion Requires... Answering Some Tough Questions  I feel at peace when I am...  I feel happy when I am...  I feel energized when I am...  I feel like a driver when I am...  I feel like I am chasing my dream when I am...  Time flies when I am...  My heart leaps when I am

19 What Is The Difference? How Does A Goal Start? Dream? Wish? Goal?

20 Identify the goal. List the benefits. List the losses. List the obstacles to overcome. List the people who can help. Develop a plan of action. Set a date for accomplishment. Steps To Making Plans

21 Done Correctly, Your Plan Will Entail... Defining Your Mission, Clarifying Your Vision Of What You Would Like, Defining Your Values, Identifying Your Dreams, Then... Developing The Goals And Objectives (The Roadmap) That Will Guide You To Where You Want To Go.

22 You Don’t... make a cake without a recipe, take a trip without a map, You don’t build a house without a blueprint, And, You don’t get the most out of your work and life without a plan of action. You Don’t... make a cake without a recipe, take a trip without a map, You don’t build a house without a blueprint, And, You don’t get the most out of your work and life without a plan of action.

23 Loving Your Work Takes Controlling... Stress ?

24 Stress is... 1. Our internal response to the outside world. 2. Our inability to deal openly and honestly with self and others. 3. Stress is the feeling you experience when you perceive a gap between what you want and what you have. Stress originates... not out there, But... Only in our mind.

25 Our Thinking... * * * * * * * * Makes it so!

26 10 10 10 10 10 Inability to Enjoy Work.... The Cause ________ 26 ©

27 Balanced Life Wheel

28 Spirit Health FinancialCareer Family Social Spirit Health Financial Career FamilySocial Balanced Wheel Unbalanced Wheel

29 The Wheel... The Walk, Talk & Sound When it is Balanced When it is Not Has a purpose-focus Actions are deliberate Good communicator / team player Self -confident / motivated Risk taker Has a sense of control Focuses on their “Circle of Influence” Majors in Majors Purpose / goals are unclear Lack of focus Poor communicator Focuses on blaming / fault finding Negative thinking Feels victimized by others / system Feels powerless in controlling events Majors in Minors

30 Managing Stress Takes a Life In Balance What YouHow You Value Live

31 To Enjoy Your Work, It Takes... Keep You Cool, Calm and Collected  Have "escape routes.“  Remind yourself of your good qualities.  Keep a victory file and or wall.  Talk to yourself.  Choose your thoughts.  Set realistic goals and expectations.  Take care of number one.  Establish quiet time.  Accept change.  Be careful how you describe events. (continued)

32 To Enjoy Your Work, It Takes... Keep You Cool, Calm and Collected  Focus on areas you can control.  Negotiate and re-engineer pressure situations.  Use your body as a warning system.  Have a support system.  Have a reward system.  Balance your life.  Go with the flow.  Learn to say "no.“  Have a positive mental attitude.  Maintain sensible perspective and a sense of humor.  Warm up to your job or find a new one.

33 To Keep Cool, Calm, Collected & Productive... Stay In That “Circle of Influence.” Circle of Circle of Influence Concern

34 Loving Your Work & Life! Loving Your Work & Life!

35 Creating The Job For You  Take 100 % responsibility for you.  Remember... the "someday Isle" is now!  Dream big dreams.  Develop a mission / purpose.  Warm up to your job or find a new one.  Become "self-employed.“ Give up the 40 hour week.  Become a learning machine.  Focus on strengths. (continued)

36 Creating The Job For You (continued)  Master the art of communication.  Lose yourself to serving others.  Surround yourself with winners.  Visualize accomplishing your goals and plans.  Form partnerships with those who can help you reach your goals.  Use no alibis.  Avoid comfort zone ruts. (continued)

37 Creating The Job For You (continued)  Become a risk taker.  Constantly ask yourself, "What am I trying to accomplish?“  Evaluate to find the critical path.  Have a passion for excellence.  Celebrate accomplishments.  Never! Never! Never give up! “The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” ~ Leo Buscaglia “The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” ~ Leo Buscaglia

38 The End... Thank You! * * * * * * See You At The Top! Martha N. Bryan

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